Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1023: War and Betrayal

Chapter 1023: War and Betrayal

But Sif immediately appeared on the other side and shouted, “Loki, it’s not too late to stop now. Go back and apologize to the queen.”

Luke was stunned. Did they think that the scheming little brother was a three-year-old kid? He had the upper hand now; how could they negotiate with him?

However, he immediately understood when he saw the surveillance feed.

Sif and the Warriors Three weren’t that stupid. In just two sentences, the other two people were in position to form a semi-circle around the Destroyer.

They were using their words to adjust their formation so that they could counterattack!

Luke’s eyes lit up.

This wasn’t a movie, and the four of them weren’t just extras; they were the most powerful “generals” under Thor.

In ancient Chinese terms, they were the commanders who served as His Highness the Crown Prince’s personal guards, and the strongest when it came to external combat.

In their hundreds or thousands of years of life, if they weren’t fighting a war, they were preparing for one.

How could people like that be as weak as they were depicted in the movies!

Of course, the Destroyer was even more terrifying than in the movies.

Regardless of speed, agility, defense, and long-range damage output, they were all explosive.

Apart from the G.o.d of Thunder and the Hulk, these almost cheat-like existences among the Avengers, no one else could last more than a few rounds against it.

Even the current Tony in Mark 2 would probably be broken in a few seconds.

Thinking quickly, Luke stopped the car.

The second car which was controlled by Little Snail also stopped, and Luke started surveying the situation from the bushes on both sides.

He wouldn’t have many opportunities to attack, and now was not the best time. He needed to be patient and wait for the right opportunity.

On the other side, the Destroyer’s face was suddenly covered in armor. From a blob of yellow light to two blobs of yellow light that looked like eyes, it looked down at the people opposite it.

An androgynous voice sounded from the head of the Destroyer. “No; you betrayed Asgard and defied His Majesty’s order.”

The man with the rapier spoke up. “His Majesty isn’t dead at all, but you told Thor he was dead. You’re trying to usurp the throne.”

The voice sounded shocked. “Really? How did you know?”

Without waiting for a reply, it immediately understood. “That’s right, you violated my first order and also disobeyed my father Odin’s last order, and secretly came for Thor. This was my father’s way of training him, but you destroyed it. You still dare to say that you are a loyal warrior of Asgard? Hehe, a group of brainless fools!”

Sifu and the other three had ugly expressions on their faces. Even though they knew that there was something wrong with what the other party said, in terms of order, they had seriously violated the rules.

In the past, even if the sky collapsed, Thor would be there to hold it up. There had been no problem with committing a misdeed of this degree.

But now that Thor had been exiled, they realized that the problem was… really big.

Even if the Destroyer killed all four of them in Midgard today, when Odin woke up, he couldn’t say that Loki had done wrong, because they had chosen the road to death themselves.

In a palace drama, there was no right or wrong. In the end, it still depended on who held power. That was what determined the fate of many people.

Still, they were Thor’s sworn friends.

They had already been prepared to go against orders and come to Midgard. They just hadn’t expected Loki to exaggerate it to that extent.

“Loki, is that really what you think?” Thor shouted, suddenly stepping out from behind a concrete block.

Shocked, all four of his friends tried to lunge at him.

Thor raised his hand, signaling for hem not to move, and continued, “We grew up together, fought together, and faced so many things together. Are you really lying to me? What happened to Father? Answer me!”

The Destroyer was silent for a moment.

“Father’s still alive,” Loki suddenly said. “But he doesn’t want to see you either. He was so angry at your stupidity that he fell into a coma. No one knows when he will awaken, and you know what that means. It’s all your fault! You did this to Father.”

Thor’s mood had just relaxed because Odin wasn’t dead, when the rest of the words slammed hard into him.

Could it really be his fault? He couldn’t help but question himself.

“So, you deserve it!” Loki said coldly.

With those words, the mask of the Destroyer, which had been silent, suddenly opened again. A huge yellow light instantly glowed, and was about to attack Thor.

Volstagg swung the great axe in his hand and slammed it into its face.


The big axe flew far away, as the light beam brushed past a dazed Thor.

Loki, who was controlling the Destroyer, could no longer hold back his anger. “Volstagg! You traitor!”

The big-bearded man was even more direct. He raised his hand and made the universal hand gesture.

Light lit up the Destroyer’s face again. “I hereby declare the death penalty for you!”

In the split second that Loki was distracted by Volstagg, a figure suddenly leaped up from the side and shot straight for the Destroyer’s head like a cannonball.

The Destroyer reacted quickly and waved its hand almost subconsciously.

The tall figure’s reaction was even faster. She twisted in the air and brushed past the giant metal hand. The double-headed spear in her hand suddenly lengthened to five meters, and she stabbed it down with all her strength.


Amidst the unpleasant sound of metal being twisted and broken, the spear pierced through the back of the Destroyer’s head and tore all the way down its entire body and crotch to the ground.

The light in the Destroyer’s face faded, and its body stopped moving.

Volstagg cheered, and Thor smiled in surprise at Sif, who was on the Destroyer’s back, spear in both hands. “Well done.”

For the moment, it seemed like the five friends had won.

Luke narrowed his eyes.

This Destroyer wasn’t an ordinary android. It was a magic item created by Odin. How could it be so easy to deal with?

He swiftly controlled the pickup truck behind him and drove it forward more than a hundred meters, before stopping it outside the cement maze.

Little Snail’s voice came through the headset. “Locked onto the target’s head. We can attack at any time.”

Luke locked onto the target and waited for the order to attack.

If the Destroyer wasn’t that weak, it would be his turn to step forward and perform a small test.

Without any hesitation, the Warriors Three rushed forward with their weapons.

Indeed, it was all lies in the movie.

As elite Asgardian warriors at the level of generals, how could Sif and the Warriors Three think that they had destroyed the Destroyer with just one blow?

Taking advantage of Sif’s successful attack and the fact that the Destroyer was down at the moment, the Warriors Three finally launched a counterattack together.

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