Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1029: Noisy Wind, and a Hot Man Appears

Chapter 1029: Noisy Wind, and a Hot Man Appears

The next moment, the Destroyer flew toward Luke.

As Luke ran, he yelled, “Thor, Jane is going to die if you don’t wake up.”

The Destroyer subconsciously stopped and turned to look at Thor, only to see that the silly brother was still stiff in the woman’s arms, and showed no signs of coming back to life.

However, Loki hesitated. That idiot wouldn’t really get up again, would he? Perhaps he shouldn’t have held back at the end of the fight?

“Thor, your brother wants to kill your father and mother!” Luke shouted as he ran.

Loki: …How dare you slander me?

With a thought, the Destroyer flew toward Luke again, and the cannon lit up.


Luke suddenly moved sideways, and the cannon brushed past him.

Looking at Thor, who still hadn’t moved, Luke sighed in his heart. Forget it, let’s do it for real! Otherwise, he would be pushed around for the whole night.

But the Destroyer was closing in on him as he ran.

As if the long black Barrett was in his way, Luke swung it onto his back with his right hand.

Loki: “He… he?”


It was the legendary “ambush and snipe”, and Luke was using the Barrett to do it.

Luke didn’t let go of the Barrett. Instead, he pulled the trigger.

A special armor-piercing bullet curved strangely and hit the Destroyer in the face.

As he fired, Luke picked up speed and hightailed it out of there.


A white light exploded in the Destroyer’s face, and instantly turned into a large ball of blue light which spread out in all directions.


A large part of the ground within a ten-meter radius disappeared in the wake of the blue light.

The Destroyer’s huge body suddenly stopped and collapsed, as though its limbs were weak. It fell into the huge pit that had just appeared.

Luke didn’t even turn around to check the outcome of the attack. He kept running toward the couple in the concrete maze.

If Thor didn’t “come back to life,” don’t blame Luke for kissing Dr. Jane on the spot to make His Royal Highness jealous.

I don’t believe that you can still tolerate it then! The detective was mulling over this suicidal notion, when he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The wind was blowing!

There was always wind in the Texan wilderness at night.

However, the wind at this moment brought with it an indescribable sense of oppression, as if something was about to appear.

In just a few breaths, the wind grew stronger and stronger. In the blink of an eye, it changed from a light breeze to a strong wind, and then to a gale. Sand and dust also rose.

Everyone’s clothes fluttered in the wind as they looked around.

The four Asgardian companions, however, had surprised and expectant expressions as they looked at Thor’s “body.”

Luke, on the other hand, reacted differently. He looked behind the hill where Mjölnir was.

On his, the image from the drone started to flash, and Little Snail warned, “An extremely strong electromagnetic interference is occurring at the location of the Mjölnir hammer.”

One of the s.h.i.+ELD researchers in the pit with the Mjölnir hammer began to shout, “It’s moving! The hammer is shaking! The instruments are detecting strong electromagnetic interference…”

At that moment, the Destroyer, which had fallen into a pit, stood up with some difficulty. The yellow light in its eyes flickered a few times before it finally stomped and jumped out of the pit.

For the first time tonight, it was severely damaged and had temporarily lost the ability to fly. It could only jump.

Standing outside the crater, the eyes on its mask were like damaged light bulbs, flickering with yellow light.

Loki gritted his teeth. “I didn’t know you had weapons from an intergalactic civilization.”

The bullet which Luke had shot at the Destroyer wasn’t just an ordinary bullet, but a piece of the Predators’ technology.

After obtaining the ability to a.s.semble and disa.s.semble items in his storage s.p.a.ce, he had done more in-depth research on the energy storage system of the Predator’s shoulder cannon and the super bomb.

After some verification, he invented a super low-quality knock-off experimental version and added it to some of his best weapons.

That special sniper rifle bullet was one of them.

The special bullet was the equivalent of turning the energy storage system of the shoulder cannon into an energy bullet which would directly detonate.

But the small amount of energy stored in the special bullet wasn’t enough to seriously injure the Destroyer.

However, Luke had used Elementary Annihilation with his sniper rifle.

The attack power of this bullet was probably countless times more powerful, and it completely pierced the transparent protective layer over the Destroyer’s face.

The huge energy inside the special bullet entered this gap to cause unknown damage inside the Destroyer.

Even Loki now didn’t know the extent of the damage to the Destroyer. He only felt that his control over it had loosened. It was as if the Destroyer was now mechanically crippled, pausing at every order given.

“That d.a.m.ned little flea!” Loki looked around angrily, trying to find that human.

I won’t look down on you anymore! I’ll stomp you to death! While Loki was thinking this, he suddenly felt that something wasn’t right.

Eh? This wind… was a little noisy!

Crack! A flash suddenly streaked across the sky behind the hill.

Loki, who was far away in Asgard, trembled reflexively.

This scene was too familiar. It made him remember his fear of his idiot brother’s dominance.

“You must be joking!” he muttered.

The Destroyer saw a certain idiot, who was originally lying on the ground, suddenly raise his hand.

Rumble! A series of thunderclaps echoed in the wilderness.

The Destroyer could even see an object wrapped in blazing lightning charge into the sky from behind the hill. It stopped in an instant, turned, and charged down again.

Loki gulped. “Mjölnir!”

Everything happened in less than five seconds as the object wrapped in lightning dropped steadily into Thor’s hand, like a cat returning to its nest.


The sound and light effects were all on full blast. There was no exclusive BGM, but right now, the wind, lightning, and thunder were the best BGM.

Before Dr. Jane could react, she was blown away by a blast of wind and fell into the gra.s.s.

Fortunately, this could only be considered an aftershock. Apart from cutting a sorry figure after falling into the pile of gra.s.s, she didn’t suffer any injuries.

She didn’t care about anything else. As she got up, her eyes immediately found the man.

Countless tiny electric arcs wrapped around Thor’s body and made him float upward.

Mjölnir, which was still raised high, shot out countless dazzling electric arcs. Fish-scale armor appeared out of thin air and started wrapping around Thor’s four limbs. Finally, a dazzling bright red cloak fluttered behind him.

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