Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1046: Treatment, Wrapping Up, and Three Test Subjects

Chapter 1046: Treatment, Wrapping Up, and Three Test Subjects

Looking at her, Luke didn’t say anything, but silently made a decision: If she went too far later, he would have to stop her.

“Okay, I’m going to open the freezer now,” he said. “Come back here.” He walked over to the freezer, found the corresponding number, and pulled it out. He beckoned to Jessica again.

When Jessica was two meters away, he motioned for her to stay put, then opened the zipper on the bag Kilgrave was in.

The zipper opened down to the lower abdomen, revealing the obvious Y-shaped incision. It was a standard feature of an autopsy, enough to prove the guy was dead.

But Jessica was stunned.

Kilgrave’s face appeared every night in her nightmares, leaving her to rely on alcohol to numb herself until she pa.s.sed out drunk.

That nightmare-like experience from long ago resurfaced in her mind again. Countless memories flooded her mind in an increasing wave. In the end, there was only the shocked and confused face of a black woman in her twenties and an order next to her ear. “Kill her.”

The next moment, the woman was sent flying by a punch, and collapsed more than ten meters away.

Jessica pulled back her fist, her face blank.

“Jessica! Let’s go!” Kilgrave shouted from nearby.

However, she didn’t obey this order. She only stared blankly at the dead woman on the ground.

Luke silently retreated behind her and watched as Jessica was lost in her reverie.

Suddenly, she shouted loudly, “No!” At the same time, she punched the freezer.

Bang! Bang!

Luke’s mouth twitched as he looked at the freezer drawer that had been knocked askew. ‘I knew this would happen.’

Sigh, Molly was still the best. The body didn’t move even when she hit it.

The person in front of him wasn’t just a superhuman, she was a superhuman with ma.s.sive strength and who liked to fight.

However, he didn’t plan to stop her.

Since he had chosen her as a test subject, any property damage that happened during this period could be considered a research cost.

In this day and age, it didn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to do research.

It was just a small sum of money.

Jessica began to cry, getting louder and louder until she was finally bawling.

Luke remained calm.

Crying was actually a very good way to vent. Although excessive crying was harmful to the body, the person in front of him was someone who gargled with vodka every day. Crying out loud would be beneficial to her body and mind.

Jessica cried for several minutes, then suddenly stepped forward to punch the body.

Luke quickly took a step forward, and Jessica’s body tilted. At the same time, he aimed his charged taser at her.

Jessica instantly convulsed and fell.

Luke put the taser away and grabbed her. He sighed helplessly.

Her punch had been aimed at Kilgrave’s head.

Given how the door of the metal freezer was now askew from Jessica’s punch, Kilgrave’s head would definitely have shattered.

Money wouldn’t be enough to deal with the aftermath, and it would be very troublesome. Luke didn’t want to clean up after her.

But Jessica’s condition right now was perfect. Luke helped place her in a chair, and began to use his various abilities to treat her.

Half an hour later, he looked at Jessica, who had fallen asleep in the chair, and murmured, “This should do it. Let’s see whether the treatment works in a few days.”

As he spoke, he took out his phone and gave his uncle in Las Vegas, Gilbert Greyson, a call.

After he explained the situation and specially confirmed that no damage had been done to the evidence, Old Greyson told him to wait for a call.

A few minutes later, Luke’s phone rang.

The person on the other end said, “Luke Coulson?”

Luke said, “Yes. You are?”

“Mac Taylor, from New York’s forensics center. Gil called me. I need to confirm your situation there.” Mac Taylor got straight to the point.

Luke repeated what he had said to Old Greyson.

After hearing the details, Mac heaved a sigh of relief. “You’re a detective, how can you do something like this?”

Luke didn’t get angry, and just said, “If this can help the victim escape the nightmare, even just a little, this can be considered one last value which the body has. After all, the living are more important than the dead.”

Mac was silent for a moment, before he said, “Wait there a minute. I’ll get someone to check on the situation. If what you said is true, you can leave.”

Luke said, “Yes, thank you. I’ll take responsibility for everything, including bringing someone in to take a look at the body.”

Mac was stumped.

He had thought that Old Greyson’s nephew wanted him to keep everything under wraps.

It seemed that this wasn’t the other party’s intent.

This indeed wasn’t Luke’s intent.

They were only here to look at the body. Kilgrave was HQ’s case to begin with. If there was an accident, he would just pay for any property damage.

He didn’t need Mac to do much. He just didn’t want to be questioned here tonight and have to write a bunch of reports later.

This was just an accident.

No one said anything; going by standard procedure was more annoying.

It wasn’t a problem to ask Old Greyson for help. He was a top forensic expert in America, and most of the forensic scientists he knew were big names in the circle.

After getting Luke’s answer, the uneasiness in Mac’s heart disappeared.

He didn’t want to bend the rules for anyone, but he couldn’t refuse Old Greyson’s request.

Luke had only looked for him to save himself some trouble, which was something Mac could help with.

Not long after, the night supervisor of the forensics center came and briefly checked the situation. After noting down Luke’s ident.i.ty and phone number, he left.

Luke carried the sleeping Jessica out and put her in the backseat of his car, before he drove to her office.

He took the key from her and opened the door. He couldn’t help but shake his head. He didn’t know if it was because this woman was really lazy or because of her poor mental state that she didn’t tidy up the place.

The office looked the same as the last time he came.

There was a lot of trash and empty bottles, and a blanket on the couch.

It seemed that as long as a person was single, they didn’t pay attention to the details, including the person he was carrying. Mocking her inwardly, Luke set Jessica down on the couch and covered her with the blanket.

Squatting in front of the sofa, he muttered to himself for a moment, before finally whispering softly in her ear.

At the same time, he finally activated Elementary Pheromone Control to maximize the hypnotic effect.

The entire process only took 30 seconds.

Even if today’s treatment was done, the entire treatment would have to continue for a period of time.

It could be a week or two, or even a month.

Luke didn’t have that much time, and there was no way he would carelessly use Elementary Pheromone Control to treat a mental illness. Jessica could be considered his main test subject.

Stacy, of the trio of supergirls, was test subject no. 2.

Lastly, Kilgrave’s victim, Molly, could be considered test subject no. 3.

For the time being, Luke planned to treat them and gain experience in using his abilities.

He wouldn’t waste a lot of time this way, and could learn to combine his various abilities together.

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