Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1049: Suspicion, Who Is the Enemy?

Chapter 1049: Suspicion, Who Is the Enemy?

Luke hadn’t investigated who had engaged in that three-way battle in the park.

A lot of the information in the police case file had been tampered with. Not only was there very little information, it also wasn’t detailed.

Rubbing his chin, Luke said, “Your enemies are the Mexican cartel, the Irish gang, and the Dogs of h.e.l.l. The seller who gathered these three parties together in the park is also an enemy. The police…”

Luke actually wasn’t certain on this point.

It was definitely a huge mistake on the police’s part for implicating Frank’s family.

But it would be an exaggeration to say that the police were Frank’s enemy.

The police definitely didn’t want to implicate civilians. If that happened, not only wouldn’t they get any credit, there would also be a lot of trouble.

In a normal situation, the head of the operation wouldn’t order their subordinates to act recklessly and disregard the lives of civilians. If they were caught, they might even lose their job.

The important thing was that the person who planned this operation had to be someone important, like Dustin or a branch chief that had been given the go-ahead.

Even the Major Crimes Division of a regular branch wasn’t qualified to oversee such a major operation.

As the thoughts flashed through Luke’s head, he handed Frank a phone. “You can contact me with this. Delete the info after you’ve memorized it. Destroy the phone too.”

Frank took the phone and said nothing.

Pondering for a few seconds, Luke said, “I just wanted to find you, so I didn’t look further into what happened back then. Take a break for a couple of days. I’ll go and see who in the police department was responsible for the case. This person must know more, which might be useful.”

Frank said nothing and continued to listen.

Luke paid it no mind. “If you go out and about, it’s best to hide your face. Someone saw your face at the hospital, and it’s possible that the police will come looking for you.”

Frank remained silent.

Luke asked, “Where should I drop you off?”

Frank: “At the intersection up ahead.”

Of course, it was a careless comment.

Luke had no intention of going to Frank’s place, either. The man might not necessarily believe him completely.

After Frank got out of the car, Luke drove off and gave a huge sigh of relief.

Now that he had found Frank, who wasn’t planning on disappearing any time soon, it wasn’t a huge problem.

The truth was that if he wasn’t helping Robert return a favor, he could stop worrying about Frank now.

As long as Frank was alive, he was even more terrifying than Robert when it came to combat ability.

It wasn’t difficult for a person like this to seek revenge.

The only thing Luke could do was keep the matter under wraps and make sure that a pile of corpses wasn’t left behind every time.

So what if dozens of gang members died? As long as they died quietly and no one saw them, they were just missing.

It had no impact on social order, and NYPD had no time to pursue the matter.

When his revenge was complete, Frank could go wherever he wanted, and Luke could provide him with cash to live a comfortable life.

Of course, Frank might not need it.

The firearms and ammo he was using were worth at least a hundred thousand dollars.

Frank didn’t have a job, and he hadn’t used his credit card all this time. It was clear where this money came from.

When Luke got home, Selina had washed up and was watching TV in the living room.

When she saw that he was back, she took a second look. “You found Frank?”

Luke grinned. “I found him. He’s fine.”

Selina also smiled. “Then you can relax.”

Robert had never asked Luke for help before. It would be very unlucky if something went wrong the first time.

After was.h.i.+ng up, Luke sat down and told her what happened.

Selina picked up the tablet and said, “I investigated it before, but I didn’t have enough information to verify anything. Now, it’s useful.”

Luke nodded. “Tell me about it.”

Selina tapped on the tablet, and it projected the content. “Although many details of the case were erased, the detectives who handled the case did mention that they belonged to the Organized Crime Control Bureau. The Narcotics Division, however, doesn’t have the authority to undertake such a huge operation, nor do they have the ability to tamper with so much information.”

Luke nodded slightly.

Narcotics wasn’t weak, but they weren’t qualified or capable enough to plan an operation to capture nearly a hundred gangsters.

Selina said, “And based on what happened over the past few days, I’ve found a suspect — Samantha Reyes. When this case happened over a year ago, she was still NYPD’s Bureau Chief, and the OCCB was under her authority. Not long after this case, she was transferred and became the District Attorney.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “It was her?”

Selina said, “Given her position, it’s impossible for anyone to bypa.s.s her authority over the OCCB. So, she must know something.”

Luke rubbed his chin and said, “This D.A. is very interested in Grote’s case. She personally came to take over just a few hours after getting the news.”

Selina said, “Then there really are too many coincidences. We can look into her.”

Luke nodded. “Go get some rest. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

He could get Little Snail to look for information first.

Anyway, now that he’d found Frank, things were less urgent.

The next day was 10 January.

Jessica woke up from a sound sleep and stretched. She felt lazy and comfortable.

She went to the bathroom in a daze, and was sitting on the toilet when her eyes suddenly opened wide and she exclaimed, “Wait, last night… Kilgrave is dead?”

She paused for a moment, then scratched her head. “What happened?”

In the past, whenever she thought of that person, her entire body would tense up. Now, however, she realized that she seemed to be too calm. Those memories were faded and hazy, as if they belonged to another person.

Although she still felt disgust from the bottom of her heart, it felt like she was watching a TV drama.

She sat there in a daze for a long while before she collected her thoughts.

Although the memories no longer made her feel extremely uncomfortable, she felt that it was better not to dwell on them.

She took a quick shower and walked out refreshed. She sat on the sofa and felt a little hungry.

There wasn’t any food in the fridge. She casually glanced around and saw… two bags of snacks and a lollipop on the coffee table in front of her.

She picked them up and looked at the Chinese words on the packaging. Images of last night on the fire escape came to mind.

It seemed that a certain person had given her the two bags of snacks last night? She subconsciously picked up the opened bag of squid, and stuffed one into her mouth.

Yep, it still didn’t taste good nor bad.

She finished the bag of squid in a few bites and threw it aside. She opened the other bag, picked out a chip and stuffed it into her mouth.

After a couple of chews, she couldn’t help but huff. “What the h.e.l.l is this? Why is it so spicy? Are these vodka chips?!”

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