Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1055: Aren’t We Meeting Again Now?

Chapter 1055: Aren’t We Meeting Again Now?

However, this Puncher whom Gray Rabbit had found clearly had better luck.

There were more than thirty wads of cash in the safe, as well as a few gold bars and some jewelry; it was at least several hundred thousand dollars all up.

Luke tossed them into his backpack. “We’ll split it later.”

Frank didn’t even bother to watch him pack up everything. “I’m not interested,” he said casually. “You can keep it for yourself.”

Luke said indifferently, “I’m not short of money, but rules are rules. If we work together, we should split the spoils.”

As Frank walked out, he said, “Then you could have not opened the safe. It’ll save you more trouble.”

Luke said, “It’s also good to make people think that it was a robbery, in case the police or the FBI target us.”

Frank was silent for a moment. “Are you afraid of them?”

Luke followed him out. “I’m not afraid, but they’re not my enemy. They maintain law and order in society. Most of them aren’t bad people. I don’t have to provoke them.”

Frank: “…Whatever.”

As Luke moved past the leader’s body, he put it away with a thought as he said, “I don’t want to learn from you. You took out a grenade launcher just now. What were you going to do? Do you want to set off fireworks in Manhattan?”

Frank was silent for a moment before he admitted helplessly, “I was going to blow up the motorcycles outside and lure the Dogs of h.e.l.l out.”

Luke: …Lunatic!

He didn’t mind Frank dealing with the gangsters, but if this went on, the case would eventually fall into Dustin’s hands.

Could Luke catch Frank and throw him in jail?

However, Luke didn’t want to say anything. After all, Frank wasn’t quite right in the head.

PTSD wasn’t something he could run away from.

He had been a soldier for many years and carried out countless secret missions. He was probably suffering from post-war PTSD.

Fortunately, Robert had retired early and moved to a peaceful environment. Catherine had also been by his side for many years to straighten him out, which was why he didn’t exhibit many abnormalities. However, they could never keep a dog at home, or Robert wouldn’t be able to sleep.

Frank’s situation was much more serious.

If he had been able to continue living with his wife and children after returning to society, and undergone the necessary psychiatric treatment, there was at least the possibility that he would be able to live a normal life.

But the gang war ruined everything and instantly destroyed the thing he cherished most.

This fellow had yet to turn into a madman who willfully slaughtered the innocent, but it could be said that he had a rigid moral bottom line.

Frank was originally a leader who was calm in his thinking and decisive in his actions, but he hadn’t investigated the original case, and had just gone after the three gangs.

That was because he was afraid to see everything that had happened in the past. He was so afraid that he had never returned home.

The home filled with memories was now empty. That would drive him mad.

Without an external force, he might continue running until he completely collapsed.

Or he could come back to his senses, regroup, and get his revenge on all the murderers.

Now, Luke, this external force, had finally appeared.

They walked out of the bar, and Luke followed Frank to the street where his car was parked. When Frank got into the car, Luke said, “Don’t do anything for the next two days. Reyes will definitely want to catch you after tonight.”

Frank didn’t acknowledge the words, but asked, “What else?”

Luke tossed a black plastic bag into the pa.s.senger seat. “The cash is yours; the rest is mine.”

Frank looked at the bag but said nothing. “Let me know if you have any news. As soon as possible.”

Luke: “Okay.”

Frank stepped on the gas and sped away.

Luke returned to the roof of the apartment building, picked up Lawyer Matt, who was still asleep, and sent him back to his place.

Without Lawyer Matt, this nuisance, he turned on his fake phone and looked at the tracking device on Grote. He couldn’t help but curl his lip. “Yo, you can really run. You’re already in New Jersey.”

As he spoke, his figure turned transparent. The jetpack on his back activated, and he shot into the sky.

Driving a car he had just stolen, Grote headed south to the Lincoln Tunnel first before he turned toward New Jersey.

He didn’t stop. He kept running west. He wanted to get away from New York.

He didn’t dare stay in New York any longer. That lunatic Punisher would definitely kill him.

Even though he had just escaped a disaster, he knew that if the Punisher saw him again, he would still beat him to death without hesitation.

After confessing that he had killed the old woman, he no longer had any value to the Punisher.

It was Puncher who had stopped the Punisher this time, but from the name, it was clear that they were in cahoots. He might not be so lucky next time.

Thinking that, Grote drove past Weehawken and entered the spa.r.s.ely populated western district.

Suddenly, a streak of fire raced over his head from behind and dropped down.

Grote instinctively slammed on the brakes.


The car came to a sudden stop. The hood of the car was mostly caved in, and a person wearing a gray hoodie was standing on it.

Grote’s face turned pale. “Pun- Puncher!”

He could already see the mask which completely covered the face. He was absolutely sure that this was that accomplice of the Punisher.

Luke jumped down lightly from the front of the car and walked over to the driver’s seat. He punched through the window and grabbed Grote.

Horrified, Grote pleaded, “Wait, wait a minute. You just said you would let me go.”

Luke tilted his head, as if he was thinking of something.

Grote’s heart began to burn. What if this person was just like that Red, a good person? He would be able to live.

Suddenly, he heard a deep laugh, and his heart turned cold.

Luke chuckled and said, “I told you not to let me see you again. Aren’t we meeting again now?”

Grote finally understood. F*ck you! You were messing with me!

A moment later, Grote and his stolen car disappeared from the road.

Luke looked up at the sky. “Why, it’s already so late. I can still make supper if I hurry back.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a scooter appeared in front of him.

The scooter puttered home.

The night sky was as dark as ink, but there was one less sc.u.m, and the world was a slightly better place for it.

The next day, Luke and Selina went to the lab in Na.s.sau County.

Luke hadn’t been in the lab long enough to officially start work when Jenny called. “You in the lab?”

Luke smiled. “Oh, are you spying on me?”

Jenny snorted. “I saw your car drive past the office window. Must I pretend that I don’t recognize your car?”

Luke pursed his lips. Jenny’s office was on the 18th floor, and she could tell that the car on the road was his?

However, he still said, “I’m sorry, my mistake. Did you need something?”

Jenny sighed helplessly. “Although you’ve already gone through the company’s important doc.u.ments, don’t you care about the fact that the stock acquisition plan is complete?”

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