Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1087: He’s Surrounded, He Broke Out

Chapter 1087: He’s Surrounded, He Broke Out

Luke didn’t know how much anxiety he was causing Santino; he was currently on a killing spree.

Compared with the covert “missing” hitmen, shooting was undoubtedly a simpler and more efficient method of killing, and was what he was best at.

In his hands, the might of the AUG was on full display.

A constant stream of hitmen flocked to him, but the moment they faced each other, he would always shoot first or hide in the dark.

Each time, just as they were about to surround him, Luke would break out and jump out.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luke disappeared again, and the bullets only left holes in the wall.

The hitmen chased him again, but they were no longer as fearless.

They advanced cautiously.

A bunch of these bold and reckless. .h.i.tmen were already dead. They had all been killed because they attacked too quickly.

Now, four or five killers were being very cautious as they did their best to advance under cover.

Luke, on the other hand, didn’t hang around as he circled over to the other side.

The battle had only been going on for ten minutes, but he had already killed more than twenty people. It was enough to alarm the police.

From the drones, seven to eight patrol cars were swiftly approaching.

On the police comms, twenty ESU people had gathered and were about to set off. They would arrive in ten minutes at most.

Luke had no choice but to take the hitmen down in one go. At the end of an alley, he swung out the AUG in his right hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heads of two hitmen who had been about to carefully turn a corner exploded, and their bodies disappeared.

The view from above was blocked by all sorts of junk, so the hitmen’s drones couldn’t see what was happening.

The fewer bodies there were, the better. That way, when Luke went to work the next day, he wouldn’t get this case and have to investigate himself.

As he repeatedly lured the hitmen in and ambushed them, they gradually formed a semi-circle.

The hitmen didn’t notice.

They had intelligence support, but it wasn’t really comprehensive. Also, they didn’t sense the danger here.

If a hitman who had been killed in Swamp Park a month ago was resurrected and saw this, he would be absolutely horrified.

More than thirty hitmen were lured out to form a curved firing line.

If they were scattered like sesame seeds on a round biscuit, Luke wouldn’t be able to clean the hitmen up quickly, but this semi-circle was one curved line.

As long as he followed this arc, these people were like gra.s.shoppers on a string, and Luke would eat them all up.

Now, all he needed was a suitable location.

The hitmen also suddenly realized that Boogeyman John had run into a location that was too perfect for them to surround him.

The rundown factory was about 30 to 40 meters wide, with only a few piles of abandoned machinery that could act as cover.

After John Wick entered the factory, there was limited s.p.a.ce for him to move around.

Several snipers had the back covered, and most people started to surround the factory.

Right at that moment, gunshots rang out.

The sound of the two guns was m.u.f.fled and heavy.

It was the snipers at the back of the factory who had opened fire.

“We found him.”

“He’s trying to break out. We forced him back inside.”

“Be careful. He’s slippery; it’s hard to lock onto him.”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

“He’s breaking out again. Tell them to hurry up,” one of the snipers shouted into his comms after firing.

He wasn’t alone, and was part of a four-man team. His other three partners were in the group of hitmen that had been “forced” into coming here.

Ten seconds later, more than thirty people emerged from the shadows, but they were very careful and didn’t dare be careless.

After John appeared, they confirmed that more than ten hitmen had died from his counterattack during the 10-minute chase.

They were practically all kill shots; he didn’t even give them a chance to retreat with injuries.

If they wanted to live and obtain the bounty, they had to do their best not to be targeted first.

To put it another way, they didn’t need to be stronger than the Boogeyman; they just needed to be stronger than their comrades and make fewer mistakes.

That way, the Boogeyman would naturally choose to kill the most rash person.

Now, n.o.body arrogantly wanted the entire bounty for themselves.

Most of the people who wanted to monopolize it had died right in front of their eyes.

The thirty killers tightened their formation and advanced. Their usually steady hearts pounded.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

Two different types of gunfire suddenly rang out in the factory.

A series of bullets broke the windows of the factories at an angle.

The hitmen reacted in unison. They ducked and bent low as they ran for the nearest cover.


There was a loud bang, and dust suddenly exploded in a cloud in the factory.

All the hitmen sweated. Was he crazy? Why was he using a stun grenade inside the factory?

Wait! The hitmen with quick reflexes suddenly realized something, and their expressions changed. “He’s out!”

Boom! Boom!

Another two explosions rang out 10 meters away from the hitmen.

The explosions m.u.f.fled all other noise, including their warning. Most people could only hear the three ma.s.sive explosions.

The truth was that Luke had already no longer been in the factory even before the earliest gunshots, but had been lurking on the left.

He had left the AUG in the factory and rigged it up so that it was fixed in place and could be fired remotely.

That was how it was able to fire at the same time as the MP5.

Gunfire burst out from the factory, and Luke opened fire at the same time.

Under the cover of gunfire, two silencer pistols were undetectable.

The four hitmen on the very left were shot in the thigh and b.u.t.t.

With their backs to Luke or crouched as they were, they were in the most conspicuous positions, and their bulletproof gear probably didn’t extend to their legs.

As the four gripped their behinds in pain, Luke was like a ghost as he flitted through a stretch of shadow and swiftly charged at the hitmen.

The sniper at the back noticed his movements and immediately warned, “He’s on your…”


That was when the first stun grenade had been thrown out, drowning out his shout.

In his black suit, Luke looked like a special effect from a movie as he instantly appeared on the left side of the hitmen’s line formation.

His hands moved at a normal speed and the two guns swung in short arcs as he fired.

Almost every time he swung his arms around, he fired two or three bullets, and a similar number of hitmen collapsed around him.

From a spectator’s perspective, he was charging forward rapidly as his body flashed left and right in an irregular pattern.

As he moved forward, he swung the guns around smoothly on both sides.

There was no end to the gunshots, but the tempo was irregular.

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