Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1110: The Competent Mr. Wick Wants to Take a Break

Chapter 1110: The Competent Mr. Wick Wants to Take a Break

The old man had cleaned up places with more bodies many times before.

But there were very few cases in which they had all been killed by one person.

As for cases in which the dead was one of the twelve members of the High Table, those could be counted on one hand.

The dead people here were the core of the Fraternity, which used combat force and to sit at the High Table.

This was the first time in the old man’s life that he had ever encountered something like this.

It was also the reason why he had been so courteous earlier.

Someone who could level the Fraternity’s headquarters on his own was, to a certain extent, an existence on the same level as the twelve members.

One person couldn’t compare with a group, but this man was able to kill most people who opposed him — including the twelve members and their direct subordinates.

Hitmens were p.a.w.ns for the High Table, but when this p.a.w.n was more powerful than the player, few people were willing to fight him.

n.o.body was stupid. Only an idiot would take action when there was nothing to gain.

Besides, Boogeyman John was best at ambushes and How many people at the High Table could avoid being by him?

The old man didn’t know what the High Table would do to John in the future, but before it made an announcement, John was an existence to be feared.

As they cleaned up, they split up and checked the ident.i.ties of the bodies.

The preliminary sorting was soon done, and an a.s.sistant walked over with a shocked but excited expression. He said in a low voice, “Boss, we’ve checked: Except for Sloan, the other 18 elite are all dead.17 had their heads blown up, and only the Butcher had knife wounds and was nailed to the ground.”

The old man took a deep breath, and waved at his a.s.sistant to get back to work.

After the a.s.sistant left, he took out his phone and made a call. He said in a low voice, “Winston, I need to tell you a big piece of news. It’s about Mr. Wick…”

A moment later, at the Continental Hotel, Winston put down his phone and rubbed his forehead. He murmured, “Calm down. I need to calm down. Let me think, let me think…”

He had always admired John Wick, and knew that this guy was very capable.

But this time… Aren’t you a little too capable? If you’re so awesome, why didn’t you say so earlier? Would that idiot Santino still dare provoke you?! Winston couldn’t help but fall into a deep stupor.

It wasn’t that the news wasn’t valuable, but it was still useless.

John had cleaned up the core of the Fraternity on his own; Winston had never heard of anything like it in all his years.

One of the twelve members of the High Table, and the one with an extremely powerful fighting force, had been killed, just like that?

Although the member who represented the Fraternity at the High Table was still alive, Sloan and the dozen or so elite were all dead.

Sloan, in particular, hadn’t taken part in many years, but Winston knew some of the rumors.

The High Table member was only the Fraternity’s “head,” while the “body” that represented its power was Sloan and the elite

If only the Fraternity’s head was left, what use was it?

Even if this person used his own armed forces to make up for the lack, it still wouldn’t compare with Sloan.

After reestablis.h.i.+ng itself, the Fraternity would at most have a baby’s body and a big head; it would be significantly weakened for a long time.

Recalling the Tarasov family, which had lost at least 30% of its forces, and the fact that both Camorra heirs were dead, Winston couldn’t help but sigh. “The High Table won’t stay calm after this!”

Following that phone call, the news that all the core members of the Fraternity were dead spread quickly.

Phones rang one after another in the night. The bosses were dumbfounded by the news and immediately considered what benefits they could gain.

Boogeyman John wasn’t a big problem. At most, this person had a bad temper and would kill anyone who p.i.s.sed him off.

But most of those who had p.i.s.sed him off were dead, and everyone else had yet to provoke him.

The real benefits lay in the three parties, namely, Tarasov, Camorra and the Fraternity.

Who asked them to p.i.s.s off the Boogeyman? Their strength had now dropped significantly.

Compared with the lone and tough Boogeyman, who offered no advantages, these three organizations had the most that was worth coveting.

The special Fraternity, from their strong to top fighters, had been completely wiped out in one night; it was like a fat sheep ripe for the taking.

How could they call themselves bigshots if they didn’t cut off several pieces of meat for themselves?

For a moment, it looked like something bigger than ever was going to happen at the High Table.

On the other side, Luke, who had triggered the chaos, had returned home.

After speaking with Selina, Luke went to the bas.e.m.e.nt. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the b.u.t.ton to modify the system’s interface.

Was it too heartbreaking to give up the Loom of Fate for 500,000 credit points? Hehe, that was impossible.

After his recent efforts, he had earned more than 100,000 experience and credit points.

Experience and credit points could always be earned.

However, there were very few instances when the system’s functions could be upgraded.

It was clear that only items with magical attributes could catch the system’s attention. Naturally, Luke couldn’t let these go.

After he pressed the b.u.t.ton, the system fell silent.

Luke sensed that it was still there, but he couldn’t use any of its functions.

After testing his inventory and the system interface, and finding that they were indeed unavailable, he didn’t dwell on it.

After tonight, whatever happened next, he would rest for a few days.

News of the Fraternity being completely annihilated was intimidating enough.

Even if the twelve members decided to deal with him, it wouldn’t be so soon.

Three prominent members had suffered heavy losses; it was unlikely that the others would be in a hurry to rush out and get themselves killed.

Most likely, it would still follow the plan which Luke and Gianna had cooked up beforehand, which was that the Blood Oath with Santino was never completed.

With this excuse, it was possible that Gianna, this “resurrected” Camorra heir, would be urged to take revenge for her younger brother, or the High Table would directly issue an excommunication and kill order.

Of course, none of this would get past Gianna.

Luke wasn’t in a hurry, and neither was Gianna.

The longer this dragged on, the firmer her position as family head would be.

Luke had killed a large number of Camorra’s men, but they had either been those old coots who relied on their seniority and didn’t listen to orders, or men who worked for Santino.

Only these people had died, as well as their close bodyguards; the Camorra’s real forces hadn’t been used at all.

Besides, these “losses” weren’t a loss to Gianna. Instead, they would significantly increase her control over the Camorra.

After a few months of adjustment, she would only get stronger.

As his accomplice, Gianna would share pertinent information with him.

With one of the twelve members as his eyes and ears, Luke wasn’t afraid of whatever the High Table planned.

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