Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1160: Say Something, and a Lock On Sentinel Services

Chapter 1160: Say Something, and a Lock On Sentinel Services

Mindy chuckled. “They don’t have any proof. The surveillance camera there was broken, and I jabbed her under the table. Except for a slightly worse smell, they weren’t hurt at all.”

Luke was amused. “That’s good.”

Mindy had been waiting to be lectured, so found it odd. “That’s it?”

Luke asked, “What do you mean?”

Mindy asked, “Don’t you want to say something?”

Pondering for a few seconds, Luke nodded. “Well done.”

Mindy: …

The little girl was in a good mood after that. She even went back with Luke and played with Gold Nugget for an hour before she returned home alone.

Luke had planned to take her home, but she waved her little fists and said, “See these? They’re the size of sandbags. Punching a hoodlum isn’t a problem.”

Luke simply let her have her way.

She had already fought Nikki and the others twice in front of him, so he no longer had to pretend that he didn’t know how strong she was.

Watching Gold Nugget escort Mindy downstairs, Selina raised an eyebrow at Luke. “Don’t tell me she’s your long lost sister?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Dream on. Do you think you’ll always be correct just because you got it right once? I’m not Dustin.”

Selina burst out laughing.

Last time, she had been talking nonsense when she casually said that Justin Hammer was Dustin’s long lost brother. In the end, she had been partly right. She had mocked Luke several times after that when they got home.

It was very rare to catch him making a mistake.

Actually, in some sense, Mindy could be considered Selina’s “sister.”

After all, they were the only teammates acknowledged by the system.

After laughing for a moment, she stopped and asked, “How’s the investigation coming along?”

Luke shook his head. “I found a few more sh.e.l.l companies that were registered decades ago. Without a paper trail, it’ll be hard to continue investigating them.”

Selina asked, “Does that mean there’s no other way to locate the Hand?”

Luke chuckled. “No; as long as we spend some money, someone will help us uncover these things. It’ll just take a while. After all, they aren’t computer files, and they can only be discovered bit by bit. Don’t worry; they won’t be able to escape.”

It was troublesome looking for a paper trail, but it was also very easy to slip up when destroying them; some files might have slipped through the cracks.

So, Luke wasn’t in a hurry.

A few days later, the multifaceted system sent a message.

It had locked onto the Sentinel Services’ base.

As Luke had expected, it was a secret research base.

The first base was near D.C.. It was the one that Lorna and the others had broken into. After that, it moved to Alkali Lake in British Columbia, Canada.

Since then, for security reasons, the apprehension team and the base had been split into two systems.

Last time, the baldie had only been responsible for handing the prisoners over to people from the base, and he didn’t know where the new base was.

The multifaceted system’s surveillance in other countries was far more limited.

t.i.tanium phones were mostly sold in the United States, and Canada was large and had a smaller population. In the end, Alkali Lake was the posited spot based on vehicle movements.

That was also why Luke hadn’t found the base all this time. However, this location was very favorable for his clean-up operation.

Until now, his biggest concern had still been the authorities.

Sentinel Services had moved their research base into the Canadian wilderness, which was equivalent to setting up an enclosed area.

Even if they had reinforcements, it would be hard for them to hurry over.

Luke began to methodically plan out his operation, and adjusted his schedule so that Selina could cover for him for a day or two.

Before he left, he went to look for Carol and Lorna.

He used the alias of the mercenary from before. When he appeared in front of the two girls, they were able to face him calmly.

Luke couldn’t help but smile when Carol gave him a cup of coffee.

It was a very professional action. Back in Houston, Carol had worked as a waitress. It seemed she would be able to adapt to a peaceful life after this.

Luke took out two doc.u.ments from his bag. “Sign this. You can report to the company tomorrow.”

Carol signed the doc.u.ment without looking at it.

Lorna, on the other hand, flipped through the doc.u.ment from beginning to end. Although it was very quick, she did read everything.

Only then did she look up at him. “Black and White Mask Records? What can we do there? Sing? Dance?”

Luke said, “For now, doing odd jobs is more suitable for you while you’re hiding. A janitor is a good position.”

Lorna’s eyes widened. “What?”

Luke shrugged. “Start at nine in the morning and leave at three in the afternoon. Is there anything to be unhappy about?”

Lorna was stunned. “That’s not in the contract, right?”

Luke said, “Does the contract have to be that detailed?”

Carol was already secretly pulling on Lorna’s clothes.

She felt that as long as they could live like normal people, it wasn’t unacceptable to be janitors.

Also, Luke said that it was only for the time being, which was clearly to give them time to adapt and complete the transformation from hiding to leading a normal life.

Lorna glared at Carol angrily and didn’t say anything.

She was actually only 16, and had started roaming on her own before she even finished high school. She didn’t really understand the contract, and was just pretending to be mature.

Putting their signed contracts back into his bag, Luke gestured at Carol to follow him.

Lorna wanted to follow them, but she wasn’t thick-skinned enough, and she was a little proud. She could only watch them leave.

As Luke and Carol went downstairs, Luke gave her two wads of cash. “My employer asked me to give you a relocation fee. You’ll only get your salary in a week. Don’t starve to death before then.”

Carol was about to refuse, but after hearing the last sentence, she accepted the money with a bitter smile.

It was all 20-dollar bills, and there was actually only about 4,000 dollars in there.

She would pay Luke back when she had more money in the future.

“I’m going to look for that research inst.i.tute. Is there anyone in particular you’re looking for?” he asked casually.

Carol jerked to a stop. “So soon?”

Luke said, “It can’t be helped. I was paid.”

Carol was lost for words. A moment later, she shook her head. “There’s no one in particular. Just do your best.”

She had always been doubtful when it came to this mysterious mercenary.

It wasn’t that she was suspicious of him conspiring against them, but that she didn’t put much stock in his words that he would completely destroy Sentinel Services.

She felt that it wasn’t something a single person could do.

Among their seven or eight companions in the beginning, all of whom had superpowers, she and Lorna were the only ones left.

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