Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1179: Little Girl Skips Cla.s.s, and Avocado Stalker

Chapter 1179: Little Girl Skips Cla.s.s, and Avocado Stalker

When the great era arrived, super villains who opposed superheroes, and even super aliens, would pop up like mushrooms after the rain.

His experience and credit revenue would also usher in a new period of rapid increase.

So, it would be strange if he wasn’t anxious.

More than 500,000 credit points meant that he already had half of his target of a million.

A million credit points meant another upgrade to the inventory.

What he cared about most wasn’t how much he could stuff inside after leveling up, but whether or not s.p.a.ce 2 would expand as well.

s.p.a.ce 2, which was one cubic meter in size, was too small to contain many living things.

If everything went as he expected, this s.p.a.ce that could store living things would be very useful in the future.

For example, a “portable prison” might be possible.

It was drizzling today.

It basically rained three days in New York in March, which was already a lot more than in Los Angeles.

Fortunately for Luke, it was Selina and not him who liked sunbathing. He had liked rainy days a lot in his previous life, provided that he didn’t have to be out and about.

Since he had to investigate a homicide today, however, he had no choice but to drive out in the rain and talk to residents who might have leads.

Close to noon, when he and Selina came out of a bookstore, they saw a small figure sneaking around not far away.

His expression instantly turned helpless. “What is she doing here?”

Selina followed his gaze and smiled. “Is she skipping cla.s.s again?”

Luke sighed. “The question is, when doesn’t she skip cla.s.s? That way, I can give you a very simple and clear answer.”

Selina asked, “So? Are you going to rush over and drag her back to school?”

Luke said, “It’s noon. I’ll call Damon and tell him that his daughter is having lunch with us.”

After Luke made the call, they walked over.

Luke grabbed a ponytail. “What’s your excuse this time?”

Mindy froze and slowly turned around. She looked at Luke, who was pulling a long face, and at Selina, who waved at her with a smile. She smiled awkwardly. “I… I just want to buy a comic.”

Luke said, “I just came out of the bookstore.”

Mindy: “…I haven’t gone in yet.”

Luke shook his head. “Alright, I’m not Damon. Save it for your father. Since we’re here, have lunch with us.”

Mindy nodded, but immediately shook her head.

Luke said, “What? You’re having so much fun that you don’t even want to eat? Didn’t I tell you to eat less fast food and eat more vegetables, or even you will get a beer belly?”

Mindy felt wronged, but she had been caught skipping cla.s.s, so she could only swallow her anger and draw closer. “There’s a pervert over there! He’s been stalking that pretty lady. Maybe he’s waiting for her to enter an alley later… Hehehe, you know.”

There was a dark look on Luke’s face as he flicked her forehead. He then turned to look in the direction she pointed out, and was stunned. This guy looked familiar.

With his current Mental Strength, he just needed to look at a person he already had some impression of, and the related memories would surface.

Pondering for two seconds, he then rubbed Mindy’s head with a strange expression. “You’ve never had a boyfriend, right?”

Mindy: “Huh?”

Selina: “Huh?”

Luke said, “I know him. That pretty lady you’re talking about is probably his girlfriend. They have slightly more… ‘special’ interests, understand?”

Both Mindy and Selina shook their heads. They really didn’t.

Speechless, Luke looked into the distance, then said a moment later, “They like to give each other little surprises and act out some movie scenes, like stalking or abduction. Got it?”

Selina was enlightened, but Mindy was still confused.

When she looked at Selina’s face, however, she knew that she had misunderstood.

But her pride made her retort in a low voice, “That guy is as ugly as an avocado. There’s no way his girlfriend would like him unless she has unusual taste.”

She paused for a moment, before she said hesitantly, “Or is he very rich? But that face… It would still be hard for a woman to accept it, right?”

Luke was stunned. “Avocado? It’s not that bad, right?”

At that moment, the man subconsciously looked around, and their eyes met.

After a brief silence, both of them looked away, as if they didn’t know each other.

Luke took Mindy’s hand and said, “Let’s go have lunch. You have cla.s.s in the afternoon.”

Mindy was full of despair

That night, Wade stood in a dark corner and let the cold rain fall on him as he stared blankly at a balcony on the third floor.

Vanessa quit her job and was now unemployed.

Wade couldn’t help but comfort himself, even though it carried a trace of bitterness: She hadn’t forgotten him! It was a good thing he had left all his money to her.

Thinking about how she had stuck up missing posters of him during the day, and even asked pa.s.sers-by about it, Luke felt a sense of happiness, followed by even greater despair.

How could he see her in his current state? If they were together and she woke up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, she wouldn’t need to anymore after she saw his face; she would have to change the sheets the next day.

If this was before, this actually wouldn’t be a bad roleplay, but he wasn’t interested in playing right now.

Suddenly, a voice rang out behind him. “Yo, you spent all five million?”

Wade froze, and he turned around. “You…”

Even the unperturbed Luke couldn’t help but step back slightly to distance himself from Wade’s face. “Wow, wow, wait, what is with your face? Even Quasimodo crawling out of his grave would look better than you.”

Thinking about his plight, Wade had nothing to say.

For a moment, he didn’t even have the energy to ramble on as usual. He stood there with his head down, like a primary school student being punished by a teacher.

Luke shook his head helplessly. He was glad that he had come in the mask, or this guy might have fought him.

“You’re not going to find your girlfriend? Did she really cheat you out of all five million and kick you out?” He couldn’t help but taunt Wade.

Wade was angry. “Nonsense. Vanessa loves only me. I left her the money.”

Luke was surprised. “You gave her five million?”

This money-grubber was actually so generous. Was this true love?

Wade nodded, then shook his head. “There’s only 453,700 left; she spent over 400,000 in a month to treat me.”

Luke was surprised. “And?”

Wade had the urge to pour his heart out, and he said, “Then, I had to leave. Otherwise, she would have nothing left after spending all that money.”

Luke couldn’t help but look up at the balcony on the third floor. It was the home of Wade’s girlfriend, Vanessa Carlysle. Wade had been living off her.

He then looked at Wade again, who looked like a stray dog… Alright, that was an insult to a stray dog.

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