Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1189: Ivan Lacks Integrity, and Batman Saves America Once More

Chapter 1189: Ivan Lacks Integrity, and Batman Saves America Once More

“Did Tony ask you to come?” Selina asked casually.

Natasha was lost for words.

There were a lot of ways to answer that; he had and hadn’t, but the meaning behind this retort was clear

If Natasha didn’t say anything, why should Selina? Just because she had a well-developed chest?

But looking at the other party’s outfit, which was also very tight, Natasha felt that she didn’t have much of an advantage in that aspect.

Not to mention that the other party’s legs were longer than her own; Natasha’s own legs stopped at the other party’s calves. That was illogical.

How could a woman have such a well-developed chest and such long legs? Not only that, she was also especially good at fighting. Natasha wasn’t confident she could beat her.

Why are you a superhero? Wouldn’t it be better for you to be a supermodel? The young female agent couldn’t help but roast the other party in her heart.

It was a good thing Selina didn’t know what she was thinking, or she would’ve laughed out loud.

This suit could change a person’s build, and the biggest function was an increase in height.

She was now over 7 cm taller than she actually was, and was close to 1.85 meters in height.

4 cm had been added to the calf, and 3 cm had been added to the helmet to create a “visual error.”

In the end, Luke’s simplest form-changing method hit a certain young female agent hard in the heart, and reminded her of her greatest shortcoming.

But this female agent wasn’t someone who would be discouraged so easily.

As she followed Selina in, she asked questions every now and then.

In the end, she was very depressed.

Selina barely gave her a response. She simply took down the security guards who charged at her as she moved forward.

That was the safety rule which Luke had set.

They only needed to react in their movements, like moving forward, retreating, and dodging, and not reply to all questions.

The suit’s smart system flashed red every now and then to remind Selina not to answer certain questions.

If she had to rely solely on herself, she might accidentally allow Natasha, this young veteran agent, to pick out some information.

Even if It wouldn’t be a problem if of information were leaked, as the saying went, an ant hole may cause the collapse of a great dike.

A person approached by a veteran agent like Natasha would sometimes feel embarra.s.sed about not wanting to answer her questions.

Hence, they may as well stay silent from the beginning.

Thanks to Selina, the two girls reached the lab in less than three minutes.

This was what Natasha had asked the two security guards about earlier, and could be considered her contribution to this operation. In the end, however, this room was empty.

Natasha bent over the table and looked at the data on it. She quickly said, “This is the program Ivan is using to control Rhodes’s armor and the Iron Soldiers.”

Selina didn’t say anything since she really didn’t understand.

Natasha reached for the keyboard under the table. After feeling around, she bent her head in surprise, only to see that there was nothing.

Only then did she realize that there wasn’t even a computer mouse.

“WTF?” Even someone as calm as she was couldn’t help but curse.

This Ivan really lacked integrity.

Not only had he run, he even took the keyboard and mouse with him.

Left with no choice, she could only search the room quickly. She couldn’t help but curse again. “d.a.m.n it. Was that the only set here?… Is this guy crazy… Is Hammer Industries poor? They don’t even have extra keyboards?”

She quickly stood up.

There really weren’t any spare keyboards in the room, and she planned to search the room next door.

She didn’t believe that Ivan had so much time on his hands that he would dismantle all the keyboards in the warehouse.

In fact, he really didn’t wasn’t that idle, and there really was a keyboard next door.

But when Natasha turned around to look at Selina, who hadn’t moved at all, she noticed something unusual.

It seemed that… there was a black metal line stretching out from her hand to the back of the main computer?

Sensing her gaze, Selina nodded at her and said, “I’ve canceled the control program. It’s fine now.”

Natasha was lost for words. Couldn’t you have given me a heads-up first?

Actually, Selina had relied completely on the armor’s smart program.

It was the smart program that had cracked and modified the control program, not her.

If Natasha could do it, Selina wouldn’t have done anything, but who would have thought that Ivan that b*stard would outright take away the computer’s external accessories.

Selina suddenly realized that she had learned another trick.

In the future, she could take away some things, like the bad guys’ steering wheel, keyholes, toilet paper, and so on, and the sit back and enjoy the show.

After Selina completed her mission, Iron Patriot was finally free, and Rhodes immediately stopped firing a cannon at Tony’s s.h.i.+eld.

The Iron Soldiers also stopped, but Luke and Tony destroyed them without hesitation.

Who the h.e.l.l knew if Ivan had other tricks up his sleeve?

Going back to the main hall, Luke and Tony ran into Pepper, who had come out of hiding.

She quickly went over with a glad expression. “Thank G.o.d all of you are fine.”

Tony’s face immediately fell. Why “all of you”? Can anything happen to that Charcoal Head?

At that moment, the hidden self-destruct command for the Iron Soldiers whose heads Luke had blown up was activated, and they exploded on the spot.

With a series of loud bangs, the gla.s.s in the main exhibition hall was smashed into pieces and scattered everywhere.

An Iron Soldier which hadn’t been badly damaged also exploded not far away from the three people in the exhibition hall.

Almost the moment the explosion happened, Luke sensed something wasn’t right. His figure flashed as he stood between Pepper and the Iron Soldier.

His cape instantly unfurled and hardened to cover Pepper.


At the same time, Pepper felt everything suddenly go dark.

Two seconds later, the darkness around her faded again, and the gloomy New York sky came into view.

She was at a loss. “W- What happened?”

In the end, Tony’s reaction speed couldn’t compare with Luke’s extraordinary senses, and Jarvis’s current performance wasn’t as good as what it would be like in the future.

When the explosion happened, the tyc.o.o.n was naturally slower, and Luke saved the damsel in distress.

Looking at Pepper, who appeared from under the cloak, the tyc.o.o.n was thankful, but also felt vexed.

She had almost been killed. How careless of him.

He was about to say something, when Luke suddenly turned around and exclaimed, “He actually still dares to show up?”

Tony turned his head and his face darkened. “Let me fight him one-on-one this time. Watch me beat him up until he calls me dad.”

Luke was lost for words. Ivan said it was your dad who killed his; even if he self-destructs on the spot, he’ll never call you dad, alright?

Despite his ridicule, Luke was too lazy to talk nonsense. He simply picked Pepper up and said, “I’ll take her further away, in case Ivan catches and uses her to threaten you.”

Seeing Luke run off with his woman, Tony couldn’t help but curse.

But what could he do?

By saying that, Charcoal Head naturally knew about his relations.h.i.+p with Pepper; it was impossible for Batman to try and steal her away.

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