Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1205: Bad Luck Halo and the Many Faces of Victoria’s Secret

Chapter 1205: Bad Luck Halo and the Many Faces of Victoria’s Secret

The next night, Luke and Selina went out in rare formal attire.

Although neither of them was the type to follow the fas.h.i.+on trend, they weren’t like the unconventional main characters in online novels who would insist on wearing flip-flops and shorts amidst a group of formally dressed guests.

Luke firmly believed that this sort of behavior which tortured yourself as well as others could not be condoned, nor should both parties suffer for it.

Luke took out the invitation card at the door, then walked in with Selina on his arm.

Naturally, the name on the invitation card was his, and he could bring a plus one.

If he hadn’t come, it would’ve been awkward for Selina to come alone.

That was why he immediately understood when Selina asked if he was coming.

It wasn’t that Sheerah looked down on Selina or couldn’t give her another invitation card, but that she knew that they were on the same page.

Sheerah had naturally only given Luke one invitation card because she wanted him to watch her performance.

If she gave them one each, Luke might be too lazy to come.

Claire had inadvertently mentioned several times that her brother wasn’t interested in fas.h.i.+on at all.

And Sheerah could see for herself that Luke’s daily wear was very ordinary.

The reason he was attractive was purely because he had a good foundation; his temperament, figure and face were all above average.

People with such stats would glow even in shorts and a tank top, while ordinary men would look sloppy and slovenly.

To be honest, Sheerah never thought that anyone could be so laidback. The songs he gave her were so popular, but he never asked her for show tickets.

After the earthquake concert, she had planned to give him some tickets.

That was the first time Claire, who had been her a.s.sistant then, mentioned that her brother had never watched a concert. She said it would be meaningless and a waste to give the tickets away.

Sheerah didn’t believe her, and sent him tickets several times.

But Luke never came.

He didn’t even give the tickets to anyone else; it was as if he had never received them.

That was close to the truth: Luke had only heard Little Snail mention that Sheerah had sent him tickets, before he gave an “oh” and tossed the matter to the back of his mind.

He had no time to attend a concert.

Not including how long the concert itself was, it would take at least an hour to go back and forth.

Also, he had dubious luck.

When Sheerah had taken the lead in the California earthquake charity show last time, a few terrorists had emerged to make big news.

For Sheerah, who was transforming herself in her thirties, this was a very precarious time.

If something big happened, she would have to apologize to the entire country, even if it wasn’t her fault.

At best, it would delay the resurgence of her career for several years; at worst, this setback could cause her to lose everything.

That was why Luke rarely visited “friendly” territory. The “friend” he visited more often was probably a certain tyc.o.o.n, and in the end…

However, coming to this small-scale venue tonight should be alright.

Besides, this was a Victoria’s Secret event, and Sheerah was just a guest performer. If anything happened, it would be Victoria’s Secret who would take responsibility.

The effects of his bad luck shouldn’t be that exaggerated.

Sure enough, things went smoothly, from Sheerah appearing to perform “Chandelier,” to when she took off her makeup and slipped over to Luke and Selina with Claire to watch the show together.

When the press conference was basically over and the designers brought the supermodels out for the curtain call, Sheerah was called away by a staff member.

Luke, who had good hearing, heard the staff say that Sheerah and all her a.s.sistants had to go backstage, and that there was something they needed their help with.

He said casually, “Call me if there’s anything.”

Sheerah hugged him and said goodbye. She then left with Claire and the employee.

Less than five minutes later, Luke’s phone rang.

He took it out and frowned deeply. Was he really s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g other people over with his bad luck? No way, right? Look at how carefree Tony was. Apart from a hole in his chest, he was fine

Matt might have been knocked out several times, but he hadn’t suffered any major injuries.

Even those half-grown kids in Clinton were now moving bricks… no, they were moving construction materials now. It might be a little tiring, but it paid much better than doing odd jobs. They were clearly on their way to becoming blue-collar workers.

So what was going on with Sheerah?

A little uncertain, he and Selina put on their badges and had the staff take them backstage.

As soon as they arrived, Claire, who had been responsible for keeping an eye out, waved her hand.

She didn’t call out rashly. Her action was a little conspicuous, but didn’t draw much attention.

Luke nodded inwardly. Sheerah had groomed his sister well. Claire was lively, but she had brains at least.

If she called out, everybody would notice Luke and Selina.

For someone like Luke who was used to opening fire stealthily and keeping quiet, it was a very uncomfortable feeling.

As he approached the crowd, he quickly scanned them.

He didn’t know what had happened yet, but Sheerah knew very well that Luke was worth 5,000 an hour on a private a.s.signment.

It was impossible for her to call him over for a small matter; it was most likely a big case.

He made a note of the people here who looked nervous, scared, or alarmed, or who were pretending to be calm.

This sort of att.i.tude wasn’t strange when a case happened.

But looking at it from another perspective, those who were indifferent or smiled as they watched the show could be ruled out.

Because they were certain that this matter had nothing to do with them.

There were too many people like this in the fas.h.i.+on circle.

Luke could even tell that many of them were feigning worry when in fact, they didn’t care about what was happening at all; some were even gloating.

In just a dozen steps, he had eliminated 70% of the 30 or so of the people who were present.

Most of the people present were supermodels.

The staff members hadn’t said anything, but practically all the super cuties had expressions that said, “Can you hurry up and get this over with? I still have to rush to the next venue.”

At that moment, the glamorous supermodels backstage were much more “homely”.

Most of them had thick coats on to avoid catching colds, but in the emergency situation, they hadn’t had time to put on pants and their legs were bare.

Some were wearing high heels and some were moving around in slippers, while some still had makeup on and some were still unhurriedly removing it.

There was a lot of flesh on display, but they didn’t have the same soul-stirring beauty as on stage.

Compared with the glamorous faces on the runway, these supermodels looked more like housewives at that moment.

Of course, that wasn’t all.

With his Sharp Nose, Luke could tell that many of them had been smoking tonight, and two had even gotten high on drugs.

There was even more shady behavior that he didn’t want to care about. It was a little nauseating.

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