Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1207: Tracking, Hoodlums and a Girl

Chapter 1207: Tracking, Hoodlums and a Girl

But as long as his luck wasn’t too bad, it wouldn’t be hard to crack this case.

Luke raised his head and chuckled. There were surveillance cameras everywhere.

This car had appeared on the street with so many surveillance cameras and picked up the little thief. The driver probably didn’t expect to be tracked up to here at all.

As long as someone tracked the car, the necklace and the suspect wouldn’t be able to escape.

Luke took out his phone and called Elizabeth.

In just a few words, he told her the time and place. As long as she checked the surveillance footage for this area, there was a high chance she would find something.

Thinking that, he checked in with Selina, put his phone away, and returned the way he came.

Now that they had a lead, and Selina had asked all the questions she needed to, there was no need to keep the supermodels and staff back.

Selina told Sheerah in private that Luke had found something, and told her not to be hung up on the case.

Sheerah truly had nothing to do with this.

From beginning to end, it was the Givenchy staff who had been safeguarding the necklace. Sheerah had only worn it when she performed one song on stage. When she came down from the stage, she took the necklace off and returned it to the other party; she had been monitored the entire time.

She hadn’t left immediately because she didn’t want to cause gossip.

Also, when she had come over earlier, Luke had said that she could look for him if something came up, which was why she thought she could ask him to look into it.

It was naturally beneficial if a detective could crack a case as “valuable” as this; it would make it easier for them to get a promotion and a pay rise.

She didn’t know much about Luke’s work, however. After all, she was a celebrity.

Sheerah had a pretty good relations.h.i.+p with Luke, and naturally wouldn’t use personal connections to investigate him – that was not what friends did.

In any case, it was fine if Luke couldn’t solve this case.

The theft was on Givenchy’s own head, and NYPD certainly didn’t have to take the blame for it, though they contributed a lot in the investigation; this was a cla.s.sic example of a case with low risk and high returns.

Selina let Sheerah and Claire go first and didn’t waste their time.

Then, she had the others leave their contacts in case of a possible follow-up investigation; hopefully, everyone would cooperate.

The supermodels weren’t in the mood, and left as soon as they were done listening.

What follow-up investigation? Go to h.e.l.l! After today, they wouldn’t cooperate so nicely with the police.

Luke had been following the thief’s winding escape route.

Going back didn’t have to be that troublesome, and he directly took a shortcut.

But after walking over 100 meters, his ears twitched, and he turned into a small side alley.

He heard a burst of laughter deep inside the alley.

Elementary Sound Wave enabled him to capture the indistinct and scattered sounds in the rain.

“I hate opportunistic predators like you the most. You have no morals at all,” he muttered as he sped up.

But he wasn’t wearing the Batman suit right now, and couldn’t just knock them out and be done with it.

As he moved, Luke’s expression turned strange, and he picked up his pace.

A moment ago, a girl had been surrounded by five hoodlums in the depths of the alley. One of them had already grabbed one of her hands and was trying to pull her other hand away from her chest.

The other four hoodlums were all jeering. They didn’t rush forward to help, and the guns and daggers in their hands indicated that they were just enjoying the thrill of a cat playing with a mouse.

There was indeed no pressure for five grown men to deal with a 16- or 17-year-old girl.

The hoodlum who had taken action said, “Don’t be nervous, relax. We’re the best at examining bodies.”

The girl was terrified, but she didn’t give up. “No! Don’t even think about it!”

The hoodlum continued smiling. “It’s fine. Leave everything to me, baby.”

As he spoke, he deliberately pressed against the girl.

The girl’s expression turned even uglier as she trembled.

It wasn’t purely fear, but she was doing her best to fend off the hoodlum.

“Wow, you’re really strong, ba… uh.” The hoodlum who was enjoying himself suddenly froze, and he slowly lowered his head.

At the same time, he let go of the girl’s hand and slowly stepped back.

His companions hadn’t realized that something was wrong, and started shouting. “Hey, Farby, if you can’t do it, we’ll have a go first.”

But they were soon stunned.

When Farby pulled away from the girl, a white light appeared between them.

At first glance, it looked like a flashlight had suddenly been turned on between them.

Farby finally took two steps away from the girl.

Only then did his companions realize that the white light wasn’t from the glare of a taser, like they had thought.

The girl was holding a glowing, translucent white crystal that was about 10cm long.

The white crystal was like a double-bladed sword, and one end was already stained with blood which flowed down to the girl’s hand.

The hoodlums looked at Farby and saw a bleeding wound in his stomach.


“What the h.e.l.l is that?”

“She used that to stab Farby.”

“B*tch, what did you do?”

The four hoodlums couldn’t help but cry out in alarm.

It was also at that moment that Luke arrived and stared at everything in astonishment.

The people in the alley, on the other hand, were too panicked by this unexpected incident to notice him.

Thinking quickly, he ducked out of sight behind a dumpster. He took out of his inventory a portable combat suit which looked like a super thick laptop and activated it.

Several seconds later, he was wearing the suit. After he was done, he activated the stealth function and turned into a warped, transparent shadow.

Surprised and terrified, the hooligans felt the back of their heads explode with pain, and they pa.s.sed out.

Then, the girl, who was also panicking, felt a slight pain in her neck. The air in front of her seemed to s.h.i.+mmer, and after a dazed moment, she finally pa.s.sed out.

Luke caught her and put her into s.p.a.ce 2.

Then, he crouched down to examine the gangster who had been stabbed, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The man’s injury wasn’t serious, and no important organs had been punctured. He had mainly been scared silly by the pain and blood.

Thinking for a moment, Luke took out a syringe with light red liquid in it. Making a quick adjustment, he injected it into the wound.

There was less than 2mm of light red Life 1 in the syringe. Luke put the syringe away and sighed.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he was afraid of leaving evidence behind that might prompt an investigation, he would’ve put these guys in the ICU tonight, to say nothing of using Life 1.

But he had come here with his real ident.i.ty.

Because of the first safety rule, he had to keep these five guys alive for a few days.

As long as Farby didn’t have a stomach injury, n.o.body would believe anything the five hoodlums said.

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