Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1213: Dad Will Always Be Your Dad

Chapter 1213: Dad Will Always Be Your Dad

Tony’s eyes lit up. “Really? Tell me about it, I could use a laugh.”

Aren’t you worried about your new combat trainer beating you senseless? Sneering inwardly, Luke didn’t mince his words. “Your little secretary can deal with you as easily as Bastet dealt with her. Are you sure you want to p.i.s.s off Bastet?”

From the tyc.o.o.n’s expression, it was clear what he was thinking.

It was probably along the lines of, “I can’t beat Batman, but I should be able to handle Black Cat, right?”

But if this guy really p.i.s.sed off Selina, she might use her complete form and pummel the tyc.o.o.n into the ground. She might even feed him fart medicine or something to clear his bowels.

Huh? No! Luke’s heart trembled. He made a note to tell Selina that she absolutely couldn’t use those “special weapons” on the tyc.o.o.n.

Even the tyc.o.o.n’s father had never done anything like that to him. If this arrogant guy was turned into a “farting bigshot,” he would bear a grudge to death.

As they chatted, Luke entered the lab.

There was an old sandbox model on the enormous workbench. Luke’s gaze simply swept over it before he stopped paying attention to it. He asked, “How’s the research on Life 1 coming along?”

Tony perked up. “I made some progress. But, can you tell me where you got this?”

After a brief silence, Luke replied, “Someone sold it to me.”

Tony was suspicious. “You said last time that a friend of yours gave it to you.”

Luke chuckled. “We’re business a.s.sociates.”

Tony: “…Fine. You better buy more and stock up. It’s definitely valuable. If it’s just about money, I can give you anything up to ten billion.”

Luke asked, “That much?”

Tony shrugged. “I can only take out this much in a short period of time if I don’t want to draw attention. Do you need it?”

“No, that guy isn’t interested in money.” Luke shook his head. “So, you want more Life 1?”

Tony nodded decisively. “Of course. From my current research results, it’s already beyond the scope of a normal drug. If you have to cla.s.sify it, I would call it ‘magic’ rather than science.”

Luke didn’t continue the topic. “Does it work on your chest injury?”

Tony’s face changed. He hesitated for a moment, then looked away awkwardly. “…I haven’t tested it yet.”

Luke asked, “You still have concerns? Hm, and it’s not about Life 1?”

Tony laughed dryly. “No; I just want to confirm again whether or not there are any side effects.”

Luke shook his head. “Stop hedging. You actually know there won’t be any side effects. What you’re really afraid of is yourself, that you’ll die just like this. That’s nothing to be embarra.s.sed about. I’m also afraid of death.”

Tony turned his head. “Are you afraid of death? Hehe, that’s really comforting.”

Luke said, “Yes, I’m scared. That’s why I like to cripple the bad guys first.”

Tony said, “That’s… a good reason.”

Sensing the tyc.o.o.n’s emotions, Luke didn’t say anything else and simply said, “Let me tell you something else. If you’re still worried about Life 1, I have an even simpler solution. It’s enough to make sure you don’t die, but you’ll need a doctor to take out the shrapnel in your chest.”

Tony was surprised. “How?”

Luke said, “A healing superpower.”

Tony’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding?”

Luke shook his head. “No. If you decide to go with this method, you’ll need to find a doctor with sealed lips.”

Tony confirmed that Batman wasn’t joking.

He frowned.

He was certain that Life 1 would prevent him from dying if anything happened during the operation.

What was really hard to overcome was his own fear.

The brink between life and death was terrifying.

Not everyone could view life and death lightly.

Hooligans could grit their teeth and risk their lives for thousands of dollars, but once they became gang bigshots, they might not have the courage to risk death, much less Tony, who stood at the top of the world and had a lot of interesting things to do while he lived; everything would be over if he died.

The stakes were too high. Even if there was a very low chance of failure, he didn’t dare make the decision randomly.

After a brief silence, he took a deep breath and shook his head. “No need. I’ll do it myself.”

Luke didn’t say any more.

Although he didn’t want Tony to die, he wasn’t his father, and couldn’t take care of the tyc.o.o.n like a child. So, he changed the topic and told him about his arrangement for Ivan.

Tony frowned. “Are you sure this guy won’t do anything stupid?”

He then added, “I’m not worried that he’ll attack me, but that he’ll drag civilians into it.”

Luke nodded. “Then he’ll die.”

Tony’s eyes flickered. “You’ll kill him?”

Luke chuckled. “Do you think I’m the only one who can kill him?”

After a brief silence, Tony nodded. “Then it doesn’t matter. But if he comes looking for trouble again, I won’t hold back.”

Luke said, “Do what you want.”

After that, he looked at the reactor in Tony’s chest again. “If you don’t want to die, you should make a decision sooner rather than later.”

Without waiting for the tyc.o.o.n’s reply, Luke walked into the elevator and turned invisible again. The elevator doors closed.

Tony watched as the elevator swiftly descended to the bottom floor. He took a deep breath and got onto the platform for the robotic arms to take off the armor.

Rubbing the reactor in his chest for a moment, he looked at the old sandbox model on the workbench and finally shook his head. “At the very least, let me see where the future is headed before I make a decision.”

Walking over to the old sandbox, he said, “Jarvis, establish a digital model. I want a manipulatable projection.”

Jarvis did as he was told. “Yes, sir.”

Tony snapped his fingers and waved his hand, and the model rotated so that it was right side up.

Observing the model, he leaned back and rubbed his beard. “What does it look like? It looks like an atom. Hm, this should be the nucleus…”

Jarvis asked, “What do you want to do, sir?”

Tony said, “I want to discover… No, I want to rediscover a new element.”

Then, intermittent commands rang out in the lab.

“Remove the pathways…

“Remove the landscaping, trees, parking lots, and exits…

“Using the globe as the nucleus, structure the protons and neutrons…”

A long time later, Tony looked at the blue digital model in front of him. He was a little annoyed, amazed, and even more impressed. “You’ve been dead for more than ten years, and you still want to teach me?”

A smile gradually appeared on his face. He put his hands together, and the model which filled half the room was compressed into a small ball of light.

Jarvis said, “Congratulations, sir. A new element has been discovered. It should be able to replace the palladium that is currently being used.”

Looking at the blue ball of light, Tony took a deep breath. “Thanks, Dad.”

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