Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1234: A Steady Operation

Chapter 1234: A Steady Operation

When he saw the enormous black figure gliding down, the blond man finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After watching TV and reading the news for three days, he knew all about Batman.

Although he was an old fossil who had never played with smartphones before, he still watched TV and read the news often.

Even so, he was still quite vigilant. He was poised to fight or defend at any time, and was a lot more cautious than a certain agent with a receding hairline.

Luke was very curious. This stance! This aura! It seemed he was far more unusual than Luke had thought!

“Alfred, did you find any information on him?” he couldn’t help but ask his butler.

Alfred was very helpful as he reported the new findings. “Master, I’ve found a 92% match in the database.”

As Alfred spoke, he projected the information for Luke.

Luke was stumped for a moment, before he observed the handsome blond carefully. This… was a joke, right? Hm, wait.

He looked at the projected information again: Steve Rodgers, born 4 July 1918, known as America’s first superhero, codename Captain America…

The answer caught Luke so off guard that even his calm cracked a little.

For the sake of his character setting, however, he resisted the urge to do something dumb, and continued looking coolly at the other man. “How should I address you?”

The handsome blond said, “h.e.l.lo, Mr. Batman. You can call me Steve.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. From the other party’s test data on the screen and Luke’s Mental Communication, the man remained as calm as still water. He knew that it was more than just a 92% match.

The name, physique, combat awareness, combat ability, and appearance all pointed to one truth.

The handsome blond in front of Luke was one of the three Marvel heavyweights and the heart and soul of the Avengers.

Countless thoughts flashed through Luke’s mind, but in the end, he simply said, “You can call me Bruce.”

Using his cape as cover for his inventory, he threw out a revolver and a box of bullets. “Ordinary attacks are useless on these ‘undead.’ You can only kill them with these special bullets.”

With that, he rose into the air once more.

Luke could only afford to spend ten seconds on Captain America.

As the old saying went, you couldn’t fool a super wily old fox with just a few words. Anyone who thought otherwise was an idiot.

Besides, he was using his Batman alias.

If he stood around on the street to chat with a handsome man instead of saving people in a crisis, those who didn’t know might think that Batman really did lean a particular way and had his eye on someone.

Steve caught the revolver and the enchanted bullets reflexively, only to see that Luke had already flown ten meters into the air. He couldn’t help but shout, “Wait, this gun…”

Luke was in the middle of speeding up and had no time to waste. He simply said, “It’s yours.” The enormous shadow flew in an arc toward the east.

Steve choked on his words and was only stumped for a few seconds before he gathered his wits. He lowered his head and quickly examined the revolver and the bullets.

Although he was still a little bewildered, his commitment to saving people wasn’t any weaker than Luke’s.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the gun, he stuffed the bullets into the pocket of his leather jacket and zipped it up so that they wouldn’t fall out. In a few steps, he reached his Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

He hit the gas pedal the moment he got on, and the motorcycle immediately sped in the direction of cries for help.

At that moment, he couldn’t help but mock himself. He was out of date! The threshold for doing good deeds now was so high. Not only did a person have to learn how to fly, they also had to equip themself with special weapons.

It wasn’t that he was jealous that Batman and a certain tyc.o.o.n were rich; it was just that being able to fly was too convenient, and he would be able to save even more people that way.

However, his motorcycle had also seen battle, and wasn’t bad at all! Unwilling to admit defeat, a certain old man shot forward on his motorcycle.

In the sky, Luke simply turned his head and smiled at the figure who was charging toward the next battlefield. Putting the matter aside, he sped off to the next location.

Right at that moment, Luke’s expression changed.

With his keen senses, he suddenly sensed something was wrong. At the same time, Alfred sent him a warning. “Master, there’s a high-energy reaction in the southwest. There’s an anomaly with the air flow.”

Before Alfred could finish speaking, Luke turned around, and his expression hardened.

In the southwest, huge vortexes that looked like tornadoes had suddenly appeared.

But these vortexes didn’t appear in the clouds in the sky. Instead, they were scattered in a large ring on the ground and centered around a central point. It looked like a s.p.a.ce-time portal from a science fiction movie.

Lightning flashed incessantly in the vortexes, and they looked especially eye-catching in the dark.

What the h.e.l.l was that? Luke had barely cursed in his heart, when he remembered that the old man and the blonde had gone southwest just now.

He immediately had his clone send a message to Selina to continue cleaning up the remaining ghosts in New York and not to head southwest toward Staten Island.

He took out the pager which the old man had given him and quickly pressed a b.u.t.ton.

A few seconds later, the call connected, and the old man’s voice rang out in the background. “Batman? I’m a little busy right now…”

“What’s going on with Staten Island?” Luke interrupted him.

The other party didn’t immediately reply, but there was a lot of noise, and the occasional loud curse.

His clone also sent a message to Phil, telling him not to head in the direction of Staten Island.

Although he didn’t know what this strange meteorological phenomenon was, Phil and the others were ordinary people; they might die if they went.

He had even stopped Selina; naturally, he didn’t want Phil and the others to go.

On this side, Luke didn’t hurry the old man. Instead, he and his clone stopped chasing the undeads in the two districts. At the same time, he activated his jets and charged toward Staten Island.

He was better at surviving than Selina and Phil.

Besides, unless it was absolutely necessary, he absolutely wouldn’t enter the area surrounded by the vortexes.

Clone, go! Even if things didn’t look good, Luke was as steady as ever.

At that moment, Scapegoat King Big Dipper canceled stealth mode and charged straight toward the center of the vortexes on Staten Island.

Batman, on the other hand, deliberately slowed down and turned into a reserve player.

This was also to prevent Luke and his clone from falling into a trap at the same time.

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