Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1247: A Fool Has a Fool’s Luck

Chapter 1247: A Fool Has a Fool’s Luck

More importantly, teammates’ abilities were open to Luke, which meant that he could refresh them at any time.

In this regard, acquiring teammates was a lot better than the three ways for obtaining abilities, i.e. defeating, killing, or obtaining a person’s grat.i.tude.

That was because the abilities gained through these three methods were limited the moment Luke obtained them.

Naturally, the people who were killed couldn’t improve their abilities. The people who were grateful to him were scattered everywhere, and it was hard to stay in frequent contact with them. Also, their abilities might not improve as quickly as Luke himself practicing them.

Defeating someone was more troublesome than obtaining grat.i.tude. Luke had to defeat them again before he could refresh their abilities.

That was impossible to use often on a genius like Tony, whose abilities were improving day by day.

Tony wasn’t stupid. Batman had already pulled him into two or three small bets. Even if Luke switched to a different gambling method in the future, this guy would inevitably become suspicious.

Because of this, Luke would have to show his face and keep in touch with Tony more often.

Of course, he absolutely wouldn’t do it at Tony’s place.

Jarvis had multiple support equipment, and might discover the Thousand Faces System. Luke did not want to be found out.

After completing the Thousand Faces System, Luke put it in his inventory. Elsewhere, his clone immediately took it out and put it on.

Then, he had Alfred do a step-by-step inspection. It wasn’t just a physical inspection, but one which used all sorts of detectors. In the end, any problems found were within acceptable range.

The system could fool most equipment, and where it couldn’t, it could block or interfere with tem.

It wasn’t like his clone would let someone else do a complete inspection. If Tony noticed the interference, he would only think it was normal.

Only an idiot would go meet with Tony without any protection.

Ever since the trouble with Uncle Obadiah, Tony had become more and more paranoid.

Apart from the first wife, Pepper, and Happy, the head of the bodyguards, there weren’t many people he could trust completely.

Tony had secretly investigated most of the people in important positions in Stark Industries several times. Jarvis took note of any suspicious people and investigated them.

Luke didn’t know the details of the investigation, but the multifaceted system had found traces on the phones and online networks of several important people in Stark Industries.

If it were anyone else, they would at most suspect tampering.

But Luke, who had completely cloned the tyc.o.o.n’s abilities, could pick out the tyc.o.o.n’s style if he looked closely.

He didn’t think that Tony was being excessive. Most people who had been tricked by the people they trusted the most would react in a similar way.

Humans were naturally paranoid.

Serious paranoia was a common trait among the rich and powerful.

As for the poor, the cost of paranoia was too high.

When even just living was a problem, the poor would selectively forget the danger for their own protection.

Luke was even better at being paranoid.

So far, he had never revealed his full strength or trump cards to anyone.

He didn’t doubt Robert, Catherine and Selina, but he was wary of the superhumans in this world.

The safest was if he was the only one to know his secrets. At the very least, the chances of them being exposed would be low.

In this regard, he was worse than Tony.

It was just that he had a better mentality than Tony. He was just a minor detective, and the pressure was now all on his clone, freeing him completely.

As Luke pondered this, he completed debugging the Thousand Faces System.

He then opened the door to dark room no. 2 in the seaside villa. Looking at John Wick, who had been moved here a while ago, he walked in with a smile. “Are you ready to enjoy your new life?”

John put down the book and touched the square head of the dog lying next to him. “Are you sure?”

He stared at Luke’s fake face suspiciously. Since he was about to leave, why did Luke reveal his face? He didn’t recognize the face, but there was no need for him to see it, right?

For a moment, he had a bad feeling.

It felt like one of those movies he watched as a kid; the moment the villain said that he would let a person go, a gunshot rang out behind him.

If the director liked this character, he would give him a chance to say something along the lines of “You lied to me,” or “Why?”

If he was just an extra, there would at most be a close-up of his back or his eyes, still wide open.

John wasn’t ready. When he fell later, should he raise his head and recite the cla.s.sic lines?

Sensing his emotions, Luke couldn’t help but be amused. “Alright, I’m just sending you to a place where n.o.body knows you. From now on, don’t let anyone know that you have anything to do with Boogeyman John, and you can live happily until you die of old age.”

John sighed, his heart still heavy.

He wasn’t a kid, and wouldn’t trust anyone so easily. He slowly stood up, but just as he was about to say something, he felt a pain in his arm.

Looking at the familiar needle, he couldn’t help but murmur, “You… should’ve done that right away.”

You made me listen to so much nonsense, but the result is the same! This king of hitmen was full of resentment, but he couldn’t help but fall back into his chair.

Luke shrugged and put the tranquilizer gun away. “I didn’t tell you to stand up.”

As he spoke, he crouched down and touched the dog’s square head. “Square head, haha! But you’ll definitely be happy in the future.”

Back then, because the young heir of the Tarasov family killed John’s dog, the king of hitmen sent the father and son to meet G.o.d.

To be able to stay by the side of a dog-lover like this, and now that John had been explicitly told not to get back into his previous line of work, it would be hard for one person and one dog to not be happy together in the future.

The dog grinned gently and licked Luke’s hand.

Luke avoided the tongue. He was used to Dollar licking his hand, but he was about to send these two off, and he didn’t want to go and wash his hands again.

He also injected the dog with one third of the sedative dosage.

After the dumb dog pa.s.sed out, Luke threw it and its owner into s.p.a.ce 2 and drove out.

Half a day later, John woke up.

His heart jolted, and he abruptly sat up and looked around before he relaxed.

It was an ordinary room with an open window. The sunlight shone through the curtains, creating flickering spots of light.

The faint sounds of people outside suggested that this was a very ordinary neighborhood.

But his face suddenly changed. He rolled off the bed and looked at it warily, before his expression turned complicated.

A woman was sleeping with her back to him.

John frowned and stared at the woman’s back for a moment, before he was roused by a familiar whine at his feet.

The silly face with the square head appeared at his feet, shaking its head and tail as it begged to be petted.

John relaxed.

The dog had come with him. If Luke had really wanted to kill him, he didn’t need to send the dog along.

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