Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1259: I Want to Fight with Fists, You Actually Fight with Technology

Chapter 1259: I Want to Fight with Fists, You Actually Fight with Technology

Just then, the axe which Francis had thrown to the side flew back at Luke at an even faster speed.

It was Angel who had caught the axe and thrown it back. Then, she grabbed a thick steel pipe next to her and swung it.

The metal pipe whistled through the air.

Luke suddenly stopped and retreated. He deflected the spinning axe with the dagger in his left hand and the steel pipe with the dagger in his right hand.


There was a loud metallic clash, and Luke took several light steps back.

The steel pipe slowed down and didn’t even touch his clothes.

Angel, who had suddenly launched the attack, was shocked. She had already loosened her grip on the long steel pipe. Pus.h.i.+ng off of her feet, she kicked up dust and left deep footprints behind.

She yelled and pushed forward with her fists, aiming for Luke’s upper torso.

Luke smiled again. Putting the daggers back at his waist, he opened his hands and met her fists.


With a dull roar, a shock wave exploded from their fists and palms, blowing up the sand around them in a rapidly expanding circle.

Angel, who had always looked indifferent, was finally surprised, as if she had seen a ghost.

She had an extraordinary physique and immense strength. It was normal for her to punch out with one or two tons of strength.

The explosion just now would have sent a regular car flying seven to eight meters.

She knew that V was good at shooting. His fight with Francis also demonstrated that he was very flexible and strong.

However, V didn’t retreat at all when he took her attack head-on. This was simply a joke.

However, Angel wasn’t a brute who relied purely on her physical strength to survive. She wasn’t stupid enough to keep fighting Luke with her bare hands.

She had rich combat experience, and instinctively kicked at Luke’s ankle.

No matter who the enemy was, their combat ability would be greatly reduced after they lost a leg.

Luke made a light sound of surprise. His right hand moved to suddenly push her left fist to the side. He then darted forward to close the distance between them and avoid the kick.

He followed up with his left hand and pressed a palm to her chest.

The moment his palm was about to land, it suddenly burst with “chi” that hit the other party.


Luke was shocked. His left palm felt like it had hit a rubber wall, and was about to rebound.

As the thought flashed through his mind, he didn’t forget to raise his left knee to block the incoming kick.

Angela groaned and ignored the pain in her leg and chest. She grabbed Luke’s leg with her right hand.

Luke cursed inwardly and hurriedly dropped his leg. At the same time, he pulled his left palm back, as if he was going to attack again.

Angela felt her chest tighten, and she grabbed at Luke’s own chest with her right hand.


Her fingernails screeched over the breastplate of V’s outfit, but she couldn’t find anything to grip onto at all.

Before she could react, Luke pushed with his left hand again.


This time, Angela was. .h.i.t so hard that she was knocked into the air for a while. She finally couldn’t help but cry out in pain. “Ah!”

But at the same time, she locked Luke’s right hand with her own and pulled hard. Borrowing the force, she straightened her back and raised her legs, aiming for his neck.

An arm bar!

Luke immediately understood Angel’s intention, but the corners of his mouth curled up even more.

Apart from Frank D’Amico, she was the second person to dare use a joint technique on this suit.

The V suit was indeed very thin. To maintain agility, it had been made with soft materials.

So, Luke had always called it a battle “outfit” because it didn’t look as hard as the Iron Man or Batman suit at first glance.

In fact, however, most of the force from Angel’s first punch had been absorbed by the support exoskeleton in his suit, and Luke was only using one third of his strength.

She had been fooled earlier as well when she couldn’t find anything like a lapel to grab onto, and had met the composite material of the breastplate instead.

Now, she was falling for it a third time.

Angela moved quickly, and the drawbacks of having an ordinary brain became clear.

She didn’t understand at all that Luke was no ordinary opponent in this outfit. She had miscalculated three times in a row because he was too fast.

Luke simply raised his left hand to block her from closing her legs.

She exerted more strength, but still couldn’t close her legs.

Luke’s left hand didn’t move at all, as if it were made of metal.

But he was also very surprised.

The suit’s A.I. program, Victoria (Roman G.o.ddess of victory), had already called the police. However, the suit had already suffered 12% damage, and the damage was increasing.

Angela’s strength exceeded his expectations.

Although the 12% damage to the suit was due to her first explosive punch, it was unbelievable that she could exacerbate the damage to the exoskeleton suit with her legs.

Who would dare be her boyfriend?

Luke couldn’t help but recall how a tough girl in his previous life had crushed a watermelon between her thighs in two seconds.

The watermelon had exploded, and red pulp and juice had splattered everywhere.

Would Angel’s boyfriend end up like that watermelon if she pressed too hard when she was too happy?

Someone like Iron Hide Creech might just barely live!

The thought flashed through Luke’s head before he erased what shouldn’t be imagined from his mind.

He refocused, and was about to use his strength to subdue Angela, when he suddenly jerked and looked at Francis in astonishment.

At that moment, he felt several strange fluctuations from four different directions which converged to cover this area.

Francis didn’t take the opportunity to escape when Luke and Angela were fighting. He simply put away the smile on his face and looked coldly at the battlefield. He even drew his military knife from his leg, ready to attack at any moment.

Now that he was ready, he lunged forward decisively and stabbed at Luke’s thigh.

Almost at the same time, Luke sighed gloomily. “I was just going to play around with you, but you actually brought technology into it.”

Francis’s heart jolted at the words, but he didn’t paused as he stabbed at the man with the knife.

Luke’s right hand, which Angela had been holding tightly to her chest, stretched out as far as possible, and blue and white electricity sparked on his suit.


Zi Zi Zi!

Angela, who was trying her best to control his movements, felt excruciating pain in her chest and convulsed.

Although her hands and feet were still in place, her entire body was stiff from the electric shock, and she couldn’t release her terrifying strength.

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