Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1272: Big Sis, We’re In a Hurry

Chapter 1272: Big Sis, We’re In a Hurry

Luke didn’t think that the other party could think of that, because few people in this world had a clear understanding of big data yet.

Only a small number of highly educated criminals understood the principle behind it.

This Simon definitely wasn’t one of them, or he would’ve known that playing this sort of game of cat and mouse was just courting death.

Soon, John and Zeus arrived at the Upper West Side.

They received a call from Simon on a payphone. After the other party successfully scared them into breaking out in a cold sweat, only then did he tell them that there was a bomb in the trash can next to them. He was just playing with them.

Then, they received the next mission: They had to rush back to the subway station on Wall Street and answer the phone if they wanted to prevent another explosion.

They were extremely p.i.s.sed off, but could only keep moving. At that moment, they realized… that they didn’t have a car.

The other party said they had to make their own way, which meant that they couldn’t take the police car that was following them.

John simply walked into the middle of the street with his badge and hailed a cab. “NYPD, I need your car… Huh?”

As he spoke, he reached out to open the driver’s car door, but it wouldn’t open.

The window rolled down a crack, and the black female driver sneered. “You want to steal my car? Not just NYPD, even the Detective Bureau can’t do it.”

John was stunned. “How do you know I’m from the Detective Bureau?”

The driver was also stunned. “You’re from the Detective Bureau? There’s a young, handsome, generous guy there. What’s his name?”

John subconsciously replied, “Luke?”

The driver snorted. “You really are his colleague? But you… Tsk, tsk.”

Her eyes roamed over John’s face and head in disdain.

John said, “…We’re in a hurry. We need this car. You can look for Luke at the Detective Bureau later. I guarantee that I’ll return the car to you intact.”

Of course, that was nonsense.

Given his “valiant” driving, the car would need workshop repairs at the very least.

But time was tight, and he couldn’t dwell on it. He could only let Luke take the blame.

The female driver calmly raised her thumb and gestured at the backseat. “What I’m best at is rus.h.i.+ng for time.”

John and Zeus looked at each other and immediately got into the car.

They didn’t have time to waste; any other car would be the same.

The car didn’t move when they got in.

They saw the female driver press a few b.u.t.tons on the dashboard with one hand as she fiddled with her phone with the other.

The sound from her phone was clearly a message notification.

Zeus couldn’t help but say, “Hey, big sis, we’re in a hurry.”

“Kid, put away that sh*tty pickup line. My name’s Bell.” Without raising her head, the female driver read the message on her phone. “You have to be prepared even if you’re in a hurry. Also, my time is very valuable. So, where do you want to go?”

John: “112 Wall Street.”

Bell finally raised her head. “How fast do you want to get there?”

Zeus had been paying attention to the watch in his hand. “Apart from the four minutes you wasted talking, we still have 24 minutes.”

Bell snorted. “The fare’s 500 bucks, upfront…”

She paused.

The two men didn’t even have 200 bucks all up on them. Everybody knew all about the pay rise issue at NYPD. Naturally, it was no secret that they didn’t have much.

She sighed and put on a pair of wide orange goggles. “Fine. Since this is for Luke, we’ll talk about the fare later. In any case, he’s rich, and won’t go back on his word.”

The two poor guys in the backseat looked at each other. 500 bucks? That was daylight robbery!

They didn’t even have 50 dollars on them, let alone 500.

If this crazy woman really wanted so much money, they could only grab another cab.

Bell turned back around and put her phone on the central console. She put on her Bluetooth earpiece and said, “Pa.s.sengers, please fasten your seatbelts. The flight is about to take off. ETA…”

She pressed the electronic watch on her wrist and started counting down. “20 minutes and 30 seconds.”

The two people in the backseat rolled their eyes. They felt they were really unlucky today. After getting tangled up in the explosions, they even ran into this nutcase while trying to stop a car.

20 minutes and 30 seconds to get to 122 Wall Street from here? She was joking, right?

John couldn’t be bothered to move at all. He would be wasting time taking his seatbelt off when he got out of the car later.

Although Zeus didn’t care, he had always been a law-abiding civilian, so when he heard the warning, he subconsciously put on his seatbelt.

In fact, while Bell was talking to them, the cab’s appearance had changed a lot.

A new vent had appeared on the hood of the car, the rear end of the car had been raised a little, and the tires had changed shape. The numbers on the license plates and on the top of the car had also changed.

At the end of her spiel, Bell’s hands were already on the steering wheel and the gearstick


With a roar, the transformed cab dashed out.

John’s head was thrown back against the backseat at the huge force.

Before he could come back to his senses, the cab started to swerve left and right as it sped through traffic.

At that moment, John felt like he was sitting on a rollercoaster instead of inside a car — the kind without seatbelts.

He was thrown around in the backseat and had no idea where he was.

On the side, Zeus had put on his seatbelt and so didn’t roll around with John.

At that moment, however, he could only grab the door handle with one hand. His eyes were wide open, and he looked forward stiffly. He wanted to shout, but his teeth were clenched tightly in fear.

A series of cars brushed past them; it felt like they were going to crash at any moment.

Zeus didn’t know how fast the car was going right now. At the very least, he had never driven at this speed on the streets of Manhattan.

If he was lucky, he might be able to avoid the first, second and third cars which brushed past, but luck wouldn’t help him after that.

What was even more terrifying was that John was now rolling around in the backseat like a ball. He was so frightened that he was almost foaming at the mouth.

Bell, the crazy driver, was still laughing and talking from time to time. “Awesome, baby! I finally have a chance to test out the new gear downtown!”

Zeus felt a chill run down his spine. What new gear? This was a f*cking cab, not a fighter jet! Why would there be new gear for testing?

Bell, however, was excited.

Luke had gotten her a lot of special parts for the car, which couldn’t be bought.

More importantly, he had helped her upgrade the “brain” of her beloved “baby,” and she could now read a lot of information directly through the matching goggles.

After adapting to the virtual interface on her goggles, which did whatever she wanted and provided support, her driving skills had reached a new level.

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