Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1280: Conspiracy

Chapter 1280: Conspiracy

Tony immediately sent a message. “Where are you? If you’re near Wall Street, you can try looking for Simon. He might be nearby right now, watching those people from NYPD and the FBI.”

Luke naturally thought the same. He simply replied, “Okay. Keep in touch.”

In fact, after saving the people at the subway station, his clone had turned invisible and started searching the surrounding buildings.

He had already guessed that Targo and Simon were probably in this area, from the series of traces done so far.

The other party had only used technology to make it impossible for them to lock onto his exact location, and never considered how, after a series of comparisons, the range he was in would become smaller and smaller.

The only problem was that Simon wasn’t among the four people who had followed Targo into the building.

Although the photo of Simon was blurry, his height, build, and face were very different from the four men’s.

“Targo’s out,” Selina suddenly warned Luke.

Luke turned around and saw Targo come out of a financial company with four people and take the elevator down.

The guy had long hair and was wearing a Yankees jacket, a baseball cap, and a pair of big It was impossible to recognize him at first glance.

This level of disguise couldn’t fool the A.I. program, however.

Selina asked, “What should we do?”

After a brief silence, Luke suddenly said, “Watch him. Use all the sound and surveillance systems on him. I want to dig him and his men out.”

As he spoke, his face darkened.

Listening to Simon and John’s conversation in his earpiece, the dog man had just introduced the new “game.”

The guy a.s.serted that he had placed 2,400 pounds of “a big surprise” in one of the 1,446 schools in New York, and it was set to go off at four in the afternoon.

Now, unless John and Zeus played the game with him, the school would completely disappear from New York City.

Everybody sucked in their breaths. Even Luke gritted his teeth.

2,400 pounds was more than a ton. Even with ordinary raw materials, this power was still very terrifying.

Only one or two kilograms of raw materials had been used in the explosions in New York today; that was less than twenty kilograms in total.

This had already killed more than a hundred people, and injured more than a thousand.

If Simon really used 2,400 pounds of raw materials in one go, it would be enough to blow a huge hole in New York City; there would be no way to calculate the collateral damage in a range of several hundred meters.

If that happened, it would be the biggest number of casualties in America so far.

n.o.body could take responsibility for that.

His clone immediately sent Tony a message. “According to the police department, a batch of raw materials was stolen from the Livermore lab a few days ago. It might be what the criminals have. Can you check how much was stolen?”

Tony didn’t reply immediately, but less than half a minute later, he sent a message. “It’s true. The raw materials stolen from the lab amounted to 2,437 pounds. They really have that much!”

Tony was in a dilemma.

The other party had come prepared and had a meticulous plan. What was even more troublesome was that he couldn’t lock onto the other party’s phone accurately.

That was impossible.

With his network skills and Jarvis’s help, it was impossible for him not to be able to track down a terrorist gang.

This wasn’t the difference between 90 and 100.

Logically speaking, unless the other party’s technology was on par with his and also had a capable a.s.sistant like Jarvis, Tony should have instantly been able to lock onto the opponent’s exact location.

However, he could only track the other party down to within a 200-meter range on Wall Street.

The subway station where the explosion had taken place happened to be in this range.

Thinking quickly, Tony immediately sent another message to Batman. “The target is probably on Wall Street. The explosion at the subway station might have been a smokescreen.”

Luke nodded in agreement.

He had thought of this possibility before, but hadn’t been too confident.

He was almost 100% sure now.

Just now, the disguised Targo had gone downstairs and turned into an alley behind the building, clearly waiting for someone.

A lot could already be inferred from the fact that this first criminal had been nearby the entire time.

Wall Street was their real target all along, and everything they were doing was toward this goal.

That was why Simon was playing this superfluous game of cat and mouse.

That was why Simon went to so much effort to mask his calls so that he couldn’t be tracked.

Now, NYPD, the FBI, and Homeland Security had been successfully distracted as they focused on the 2,400-pound “big surprise.”

There were at least a thousand people, most of them students, in any school in New York.

Coupled with the fact that this “big surprise” might spread to involve tens of thousands of people, this weight was heavy enough to crush everyone.

n.o.body could afford to take responsibility for something so big.

Even though they were still full of doubt, they had no choice but to do as Simon said and focus on the “big surprise.”

At that moment, it seemed that the series of subway explosions were all for the sake of reinforcing the authorities’ impression of them as terrorists.

After all, they had already dared to cause ten explosions; causing an eleventh one was nothing to them.

This was what they wanted to convey to the authorities. It was a plot the authorities had no choice but to play along with.

Luke quickly pa.s.sed on his speculation to Tony.

The tyc.o.o.n had far more varied connections to higher-ups than Luke did. Furthermore, Stark Industries had been establis.h.i.+ng itself in New York in the last few months.

t.i.tanium Phone Company had long settled in New York.

Luke wasn’t a tyc.o.o.n. He didn’t care about being too proud to ask for help from such powerful external aid.

Besides, what was pride? Could it be eaten? The most important thing was to save lives.

After receiving the message, Tony simply replied a moment later: “I’ll get people to help look for the bomb, but we have to find Targo and Simon, or this won’t end.”

Luke naturally understood.

If they didn’t catch these two ringleaders, these attacks would never stop.

What Tony was saying was that they had to focus on this and not be led around by the nose because of that 2,400-pound “big surprise.”

Even if it directly threatened the safety of tens of thousands of people, that had to be the case.

Luke replied, “I’ll personally keep an eye on Targo. Find Simon as soon as possible.”

Tony nodded and didn’t say anything else. He was clearly busy.

Luke saw Targo take a heavy-duty truck to the subway station.

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