Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1284: Target Locked, and Combined Attack

Chapter 1284: Target Locked, and Combined Attack

Escaping this awkward topic, Tony didn’t dare talk nonsense anymore. He called up his drone and shared the image with Batman. “Then try my drone.”

Luke accepted and replied, “Sure enough, it’s very expensive.”

Tony was lost for words. If you have nothing to say, don’t say anything! Is the issue here how much it costs?

Hm, it really was. The tyc.o.o.n was silent for a few seconds, before he could only helplessly accept this spot-on comment.

With his insight, he could easily estimate that Batman’s drone only cost a few thousand dollars, and most of it was spent on optical camouflage.

If it didn’t prioritize stealth, this mini drone would only cost a thousand dollars at most.

Tony’s drone, on the other hand, was a medium-sized drone that was much bigger and more functional; the cost of raw materials naturally soared to more than three million dollars.

Even if he copied one of Batman’s mini drones, the raw materials would cost no less than 5,000 dollars.

After all, the tyc.o.o.n always chose the expensive and most suitable materials. He wasn’t like Batman, for whom it was enough that an item could be used.

As they chatted, their attention never left the robbers.

There was a m.u.f.fled rumble, and before Luke could say anything, Tony warned, “They’ve broken through.”

Luke said, “You slip in and catch Simon, I’ll catch Targo and clean up the criminals here in pa.s.sing.”

After a brief hesitation, Tony suddenly asked, “How about that detective in the corner? It looks like he’s waiting for an opportunity as well.”

Amused, Luke said, “As long as we catch Simon and Targo, it doesn’t matter what this Detective Coulson does. Also, don’t tell me you haven’t checked his file? He doesn’t need our help.”

Tony was speechless.

He was quite familiar with this detective.

Or rather, the only police officers he was familiar with were Luke and his beautiful partner.

If he had to say it, he owed the two young officers a favor, which was why he had asked the question.

Thinking about it now, he felt that he was overthinking it.

The young detective had taken down over a hundred tough criminals in a year, including superhumans like Iron Hide Creech.

He had even arrested Simon’s brother before; did he have to care about catching Simon as well?

Thinking quickly, Tony immediately said, “Okay, Simon is mine and Targo is yours. We’ll leave the other criminals to this detective.”

In any case, he couldn’t compare with Batman and the detective in a raid in such a small s.p.a.ce. They were professionals.

The tyc.o.o.n preferred to use missiles and shock cannons to blow up all his opponents.

Besides, Simon was more like the mastermind than Targo was, and capturing the boss on his own was more to Tony’s liking.

Let these two handle the small fry. Thinking that, Tony took action.

Then, Luke was lost for words when he watched the tyc.o.o.n sneak into the vault.

It wasn’t like he was a thief; it was fine as long as he was quiet and didn’t draw any attention. Why did he have to walk on tiptoe like the cat from “Tom and Jerry”?!

It was a pity that Tony was invisible. Luke could sense him with Elementary Sound Wave and Sharp Nose, but the surveillance system couldn’t capture an image for Luke to keep as a memento.

Tony didn’t know what Luke was thinking. When he slowly snuck into the vault, he transmitted the armor’s feed so that Luke could see what he was doing, and Luke did the same.

One headed toward the tunnel entrance, and the other silently moved toward Targo.

Tony didn’t go in through the bank because Simon had locked the vault door after entering, and four of his men had disguised themselves as bank employees outside.

Entering through the bank above might give Simon time to react.

It wasn’t until Luke and Tony saw Simon himself in the vault that they were 90% confident in their operation.

Luke said, “You count down from three, and we’ll move at the same time.”

That put Tony in a better mood and made him feel that he was starting to stand out as a leader.

But it was just a vague feeling. Faced with these lunatics who were playing with explosives, he didn’t have any intention of being careless.

After waiting a few minutes, Tony finally found the right opportunity.

“Ready, 3, 2, 1!” Jarvis counted down smoothly.

Almost at the same time, Simon, who was standing next to the wall in the vault, felt pain in his back. He twitched and leaned against the wall. Shaking, he slowly slid to the ground.

Targo, who was watching his men outside, felt pain in his neck. His eyes widened in surprise, and his vision turned blurry. In less than two seconds, he pa.s.sed out.

None of the criminals around him noticed the anomaly, because Targo was still standing and hadn’t collapsed.

Then, he took a few stiff steps back into the darkness.

Two seconds later, there were exclamations and angry shouts in the vault, followed by gunshots.

Stunned, the criminals outside picked up their weapons.

Batman finally revealed himself. He jumped out of the darkness and knocked down two criminals with two punches.

On the other side, Luke, who was in a corner, was two seconds behind Batman as he attacked.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Detective Luke, who had been waiting to go on a killing spree, aimed at the targets who were red on his list of good and evil without hesitation.

Batman only glanced at him before he started dealing with the others.

Batman selectively knocked down five people and threw them into a corner before interrogating them.

The five people he had captured were clearly minor leaders in this operation.

Luke directly used his strongest move against the red targets.

It was a combination of drugs, Mental Communication, and Basic Hypnosis, with no care for the side effects; it didn’t matter at all if these people turned into idiots.

He wanted to get some leads from these minor leaders first, and then compare them with the leads from Targo and Simon. That would be the safest approach.

Otherwise, if something happened to Targo and Simon, or if they could hold out for a while, it would be bad if some accident happened.

Mental Communication wasn’t mind control, after all. Many soldiers and terrorists had been trained to withstand hypnosis and inducers.

Targo was a freelance terrorist, and Simon wasn’t normal, which was why Luke was so cautious.

Too bad these two guys were both men! Luke thought regretfully.

At that moment, he reminded a fired-up Tony in the vault, “Don’t injure that female hostile too badly. She’s Targo’s woman.”

Tony was full of fighting spirit.

This time was different. Not only was he here to save tens of thousands of civilians, he was also wearing the most suitable “Sneaky” suit for low-intensity combat in the city.

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