Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1286 - Mutation, Monster, Witch

Chapter 1286 - Mutation, Monster, Witch

When the clone was questioning Simon, he fully activated Elementary Pheromone Control to control Katya.

Simon answered every question he asked.

Although Katya didn"t say anything, she subconsciously nodded in confirmation.

Luke"s Mental Communication and Pheromone Control was enough for him to glean a lot of information from her without her knowing.

Simon was only responsible for moving his mouth.

After a few questions, all three of them had strange expressions on their faces.

That was because the answers given by Simon and Katya were very different from what Targo said.

Targo said that he had Simon put the bomb in Chester Arthur School, but Simon said that he never got the bomb, and had only made a fake with syrup and put it in the school to buy time.

But Targo"s information matched what the group"s minor leaders said.

Katya and Simon, however, said something completely different.

It was unlikely that Katya would lie under Elementary Pheromone Control.

No matter how one looked at it, it was weird.

Luke and Tony both remembered that someone had specifically told them that Simon and Targo were here.

The clone looked at the two people next to him again.

Tony and Luke said in unison, "I"ll make a call."

Luke called Dustin.

Tony, on the other hand, had Jarvis contact the FBI and Homeland Security and give them the information.

Suddenly, Luke frowned.

His clone shouted at the same time, "Move!"

Luke jumped away and retreated to the subway tunnel.

Tony"s communication with the FBI was quick.

The FBI"s influence had skyrocketed in recent years as they cracked down on terrorists.

After tasting such sweetness, they would always think of ways to avoid interference from other departments, and directly exercise their power.

Given this fait accompli, n.o.body cared about the small ways in which the FBI violated the rules.

As a bureaucratic agency, it was Homeland Security that was a pain.

Tony couldn"t just give them an order. He had to explain everything clearly before the other party took action.

When the clone called out a warning, Luke was already on high alert as he dodged.

Tony, however, couldn"t react in time, and was caught by the corpses of two criminals on the side.

The skin of the two corpses had turned black, and they were much faster and stronger than when they were still alive. They immediately grabbed him tightly.

Tony reacted quickly and kicked one of them in the lower half.


The man"s lower body exploded into black splatters that didn"t look human at all.

He hugged Tony tightly and howled.


Tony"s vision went dark, and the armor"s system almost crashed.


The second criminal exploded as well, and black debris and tar-like liquid covered the armor.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luke reacted quickly and fired his guns, taking down several criminals who were lunging at him.

But even more bodies started to get up and pounce on the three people in the subway station.

In the blink of an eye, Luke saw that the bodies of the criminals who had gotten up were now black with densely packed round b.a.l.l.s all over them.

Their faces quickly disappeared as well under the bright little b.a.l.l.s; they looked like human-shaped monsters made of countless fish eggs.

Anyone with trypophobia would"ve fainted from the shock of these fish-egg monsters.

At the same time, the two fish-egg monsters which Luke had just shot in the head exploded as well, sending black debris and liquid flying everywhere.

Luke didn"t focus on the monsters.

The clone was about to rescue Tony, who wasn"t far away, when he felt something tighten around his feet.

He looked around, only to see that Simon and Targo had soundlessly entangled their legs around his feet.

Their faces quickly turned black as fish eggs grew over their bodies, and their legs and hands turned into octopus-like tentacles.

The clone didn"t panic. He swiped at his waist with both hands.

Black streaks of light flew from his hands and spun toward the fish-egg monsters.

The clone"s legs jerked with "chi" and he shook free of Simon and Targo.

"Hehehehe~" A low trill of laughter rang out in the subway station.

Alarm bells rang in the clone"s head, and he abruptly retreated.

"Got you, Batman!" said the woman.

At the same time, the clone felt a strong pull at his waist.

A black mist appeared out of thin air and wrapped around his waist like a whip.

The clone"s blood-red lenses flickered. "Magic?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a rope dart wrapped around the tyc.o.o.n not far away. Several other black objects flew in Luke"s direction.

There was a loud bang as the Batman suit fired up and flew toward the station exit.

"Too late." The woman smiled again.

This time, the laughter was hoa.r.s.e and unpleasant, like crows wailing at night.

"No matter how big the sun is, a person can never escape their own shadow. Batman, your heart belongs to the darkness. Stop struggling and enjoy it!" The woman"s voice changed again, and she sounded like she was singing sultrily in a low voice.

"Hehe!" The clone suddenly chuckled mockingly.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out, and faint golden light flashed through the subway station. One of them hit the black whip wrapped around the clone"s waist.

The black whip exploded into smoke and disappeared.

The clone sped up and threw Tony out of the station.

The woman shrieked, "That"s impossible! What"s that power? How did it break my Touch of Shadow?"

Even as she screamed, gunshots rang out nonstop in the subway station.

Faint golden light flashed, and the fish-egg monsters that were lunging at Batman and Luke exploded into pieces.

The clone slowly turned around and ignored the exploding monsters. The blood-red lenses looked at Katya, who was still lying on the ground not far away. "It seems you"re an idiot too."

As soon as he said that, the sluggish look in Katya"s eyes changed, and she suddenly became another person.

Her short hair turned into long black locks. Her eyes were dark, and there was a dark red light in the center of her pupils, while her lips were purplish-black.

The military pants and jacket she was wearing also turned into a black gauzy, bikini-like outfit.

She looked s.e.xy and had a good figure, except that her skin was mottled gray and black, like that of a rotting corpse.

"Witch? Ghost?" The clone"s blood-red eyes flashed as he activated the monitoring equipment to record everything.

The woman didn"t answer. She simply waved her hand.. "Don"t think you can fight me just because you gave him a weapon."

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