Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1296: Scared Into p.i.s.sing Her Pants

Chapter 1296: Scared Into p.i.s.sing Her Pants

Beating up small fry, relaxing, distracting himself, and enjoying life were all part of Luke’s main theme for tonight’s outing.

Thinking that, he threw out the special yo-yo in his hand. The hard gray plastic ball spun and hit the back of a hooligan’s head, before it was pulled back to bounce off the forehead of another hooligan.

Two hooligans were threatening a woman with knives to hand over her purse and take off her clothes. Suddenly, they swayed and fell to the ground.

The middle-aged woman, who was covering her chest with her hands, was stunned. She subconsciously looked around for a moment, before she came back to herself and ran.

It didn’t matter if it was a human or ghost who knocked these two hooligans out; the right thing to do was to get as far away from here as possible.

She didn’t care if it was a ghost or human, though the best would be if it was someone like Black Cat, who would break their fifth limbs.

Luke flicked his wrist, and the gray yo-yo flew back into his hand.

He nodded in satisfaction.

In the beginning, his rope darts were the yo-yo type, but after he started using his Batman alias, they turned into bat darts.

The yo-yo wasn’t very useful, but it was convenient for knocking out hooligans, and wouldn’t leave behind any trace, much less cause them to bleed.

He was already proficient at using this method, and just used it to knock out hooligans.

Letting his thoughts wander, Luke roamed around, from Queens to Williamsburg in Brooklyn.

As he pa.s.sed through old apartment buildings, he heard all sorts of strange activity.

Drug users, “special service” workers and so on contributed to this noise.

Luke had become more and more familiar with Elementary Sound Wave, and could now automatically ignore activity within a range of 100 meters. Only certain sounds would cause him to react, such as gunshots, screams, and cries for help.

He could basically differentiate between people who were just having fun and those who really needed help.

That way, he wouldn’t end up breaking into the workplaces of certain special service workers and disturbing them.

The other party wouldn’t be embarra.s.sed, and neither would Luke.

However, it had taken Luke months to become deaf to them, and he didn’t want to rush in and get an eyeful; it was too blinding.

He could ignore what he heard, but with his eyesight and memory, it would be too hard for him to forget anything he saw.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar-sounding conversation. A robbery was taking place in a diner not far away, but something strange seemed to be mixed into it.

He focused, and the conversation immediately became clear.

After listening for a bit, the corners of his mouth curled up in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Thinking quickly, he put away his stealth suit and put on his favorite jacket and work pants. At the same time, he took out the Thousand Faces System.

He had made slight modifications to the Thousand Faces System; this could be considered the 1.02 version.

The biggest modification was that it could be attached to the face, and the rest would automatically cover his body. The entire transformation took 10 to 20 seconds.

The difference was that any movement interfered with the transformation process and slowed down the rate at which the nanomaterial covered the body.

Transforming the face, however, only took a second.

In an emergency, he only needed two to three seconds to completely transform his face and neck, which was very practical.

Five seconds later, Luke walked out of the dark alley. His upper torso had completely transformed, and filled out his s.h.i.+rt, while his lower body continued to bulk up as well.

By the time he gently opened the door of the diner, the farce of a robbery had basically reached its peak.

“Come out from behind the counter, now!” A young white man in a loose coat held something in his pocket and gestured at the two young girls in uniform.

A tall, thin girl with shoulder-length blonde hair shook her head quickly. “Sorry, sir, I can’t.”

The white man asked impatiently, “What did you say?”

The blonde was embarra.s.sed. “Because… I p.i.s.sed my pants.”

The white man was stunned.

The shorter girl with black hair next to the blonde was stunned. She turned around and asked, “Are you done?”

The blonde nodded with an awkward smile.

Suddenly, the kitchen door behind them opened, and a 1.9-meter-tall man rushed out with a baseball bat. “Girls, get out of the way. See how I kill this little b*stard… Ohh~”


When the aggressive big man rushed past behind the blonde, he suddenly slipped and fell heavily to the floor.

Everybody in the restaurant was speechless.

It was the robber who finally said, “Hurry up and stand over there.”

This was an ordinary neighborhood in Williamsburg in the wee hours of the morning. He was worried that one of these people would suddenly take out a gun and point it at him.

He knew how chaotic it was nearby tonight, and thus dared to pull this robbery. It would be best to grab a bunch and run.

The blonde girl meekly came out from behind the counter and didn’t forget to pull the black-haired girl in front of her.

Whether it was to cover her wet skirt or to block her from the robber’s gun, no one knew.

Luke had still been in the alley when the blonde said that she had p.i.s.sed herself.

When he entered, the blonde was standing behind the black-haired girl.

An old black man at the cash register noticed him, but the robber had his back to the door and didn’t notice.

The two girls were too distracted to look at the door.

Luke smiled at the old man and used Mental Communication.

The old man subconsciously nodded in response, as if to say, “Good evening to you too.”

Then, Luke looked at the robber with a shocked expression, before immediately looking enlightened, and walked over with an indignant expression.

His movements looked normal, but when he strode over, his footsteps were silent. He approached from the side, and was basically on the edge of the two girls’ line of sight.

Thanks to Mental Communication, the two girls ignored him. It wasn’t until he walked behind the robber that they realized in surprise: Where did this young man come from?

The blonde was bewitched. “Wow, he’s so handsome.”

The robber was puzzled. “What are you talking about?”

He knew that he was a little handsome, but this was the first time a woman had praised him for his looks while he was holding a gun.

For a moment, he was inexplicably happy, but then a little disappointed. What was the point of being handsome? It wasn’t like he could make a fortune with his face.

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