Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1311: Spin and Jump With My Eyes Closed

Chapter 1311: Spin and Jump With My Eyes Closed

The criminals who were chasing Luke put on their night vision gear. A few seconds later, four five-man teams snuck in from several doorways. A trap was set outside the entrance, and the teams sealed off one exit.

This way, it would be impossible for the Boogeyman to escape.

There would be a dogfight inside the building until the outcome was decided.

Luke, who quickly went up to the third floor, looked at the suddenly dark building and smiled. It seemed that the other party didn’t understand the name “Boogeyman” well enough!

Casually reloading the guns, Luke put them back at his waist and took down some weapons from the wall.

The three-story building looked ordinary, but had few windows and doors, and also not a lot of rooms. What it did have was shelf after shelf of various cold weapons.

So, this building didn’t have many windows because no one lived here as it was used to house a collection of cold weapons.

Luke wasn’t sure if these cold weapons were cultural relics, but many of them were very old-fas.h.i.+oned, though some were clearly copies of modern products.

There were many types of cold weapons, ranging from finger blades, military knives, shortswords, longswords, and double-handed broadswords to machetes, curved blades, and horse blades. There were also flails, s.h.i.+elds, scythes, long spears, and warhammers.

The weapons which Luke had just taken down, on the other hand, were a pair of tomahawks.

Each axe was forty centimeters long and exquisitely designed.

Rather than call them weapons, they were more like modern works of art.

Luke could smell the chemicals on them from when the axes were carved.

However, he wouldn’t take them with him. If he used them to kill some people, and then left a small usage fee, it couldn’t be considered unlawfully taking someone else’s property, and the system wouldn’t deduct points for it.

Walking past a particular spot, Luke’s gaze flickered and he suddenly stopped.

He then stood in front of a wire and fiddled with it for a moment before he connected a smartphone to it. Then, he had Polaris send a BGM over, and played it.

Grinding for points was boring; life had to be interesting. Luke decided to have some fun on this trip.

At that moment, four teams had entered the building. Two teams covered each other as they searched for Luke.

Except for the faint sound of footsteps, the building was silent.

Suddenly, there was the sound of drumming, which startled the criminals.

Then, a saxophone joined the mix. The tempo was like a powerful current under the night sky, gathering strength and waiting to explode.

The criminals then realized that it was the sound of the radio in this museum.

Everybody couldn’t help but grow vigilant, and the commander outside said solemnly, “Steady, don’t be hasty. Slow down and prepare to fire.”

On the third floor, Luke picked up the tomahawks and leisurely swayed to the drumbeat as he unhurriedly moved to the stairs.

He swung the axes in front of him and bopped to the beat as he descended to the second floor.

Then, he wandered over to a nearby shelf and narrowed his eyes as he enjoyed the last moment of silence.

The four teams quickly searched the first floor and didn’t find anything. They gathered at the stairs.

The leader turned around and gave a few tactical signals. Then, he patted the criminals behind him and gestured to go up.

They went up in single file.

Listening to the light but clear footsteps, Luke smiled and walked forward between the shelves with his axes.

When the four teams went up to the second floor, they could still hear the strange music. The beat was growing more and more urgent, as if it was about to reach the climax.

Tamping down their nervousness, the four teams advanced in two directions.

Then, one of the criminals at the very front on the right suddenly stopped. Seeing a dark shadow pa.s.s between two shelves, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The sound of gunfire broke through the music. Two teams moved along the left aisle from the stairs, while the two teams on the right spread out after the first gunshot, as everybody worked to surround that location.

As they hurried forward, Luke crouched low and jumped a few times over the shelves, like a child happily jumping on rocks to cross a river, to escape the pincer attack.

After leaping over three shelves, he appeared in the left aisle. Luke used telekinesis to cus.h.i.+on his fall, and he stood silently in the middle of the aisle.

In front of him was the back of the heads of ten criminals.

Luke whistled to the rhythm of the music. His feet felt like they were on ice as he glided toward the two teams in front of him.

The sharp edges of the tomahawks were like the fangs of a ferocious beast as he swung them.

There was the sound of flesh and bone being cut, and the two criminals at the back stiffened, but didn’t fall over.

Luke had specially chosen the moment when their feet hit the ground and their center of gravity was the most stable. Naturally, he wouldn’t let them fall right away.

The two of them didn’t die immediately. Their cervical vertebrae had been cut, and they still had time to witness the attack on their teammates.

In their night vision, a figure floated out from between them, slightly bent and holding an axe in each hand.

Although he was fast, he still moved to the beat of the music, and his body and the axes swayed rhythmically.

This person… was actually still dancing?

The two criminals on the brink of death couldn’t make sense of it. Why was he dancing? Who was he?

In the midst of their confusion and reluctance, they saw the figure’s axes suddenly flash, and two more of their teammates were stunned.

They realized: This is how I die.

With that thought, their consciousness sank into eternal darkness.

Luke didn’t care about the people behind him. He simply spun and jumped, and could even swing his axes with his eyes closed.

Elementary Combat Proficiency wasn’t for nothing.

He didn’t have many chances to use an axe, and he was new to these ones, but he acted like an experienced hand with them.

The tomahawks looked beautiful, but didn’t have a stable core, so they weren’t very suitable for real combat.

In his hands, however, they were like obedient fairies who danced with him.

The music and the faint sounds of the group’s movements m.u.f.fled the sound of the axes cutting through flesh and bones in the neck.

Luke glided past the criminals in a skillful manner.

The two teams, whose attention was focused on the front for now, were like wooden puppets with their backs to him, as Luke swung his axe at each one.

When the captain, who was walking in the front, turned around to check his men behind him, he felt something flash before his eyes, and a chill at his throat.

His eyes were wide open, but he didn’t know what was going on. In a daze, his frozen body was pressed to the wall by the axe.

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