Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1316: Too Cool, and This Is Sparta

Chapter 1316: Too Cool, and This Is Sparta

Luke smiled and slowly lowered his left hand. He also pulled the s.h.i.+eld back in front of him and turned his head unhurriedly to observe the three attackers.

The three people whom he had sent flying immediately stood up.

However, attacker No. 2’s left hand was dangling by his side like a chicken claw.

Attacker No. 3 had two b.l.o.o.d.y holes on the back of his hands, which shook like he had Parkinson’s.

Only attacker No. 1’s hands were still intact as they shook a little.

“You’re not the Boogeyman!” No. 1 suddenly said. “The Boogeyman isn’t that strong.”

Hearing that, a mysterious smile slowly appeared on Luke’s poker face. “No, I’m the Boogeyman.”

Because I paid for it! he added inwardly. He wasn’t lying.

“That’s impossible! The Boogeyman never learned how to use these antique weapons,” said No. 2 through gritted teeth.

Luke said, “Yes, this is indeed my first time using them, but that won’t stop me…”


No. 1’s vision blurred for a moment, before a chain mace flew at him.

He subconsciously rolled backward, only to feel a chill on his scalp, which turned into a burning pain.

Number 2’s sneak attack struck the s.h.i.+eld again.

At that moment, Luke finally finished his sentence, “…from killing you.”

Luke swung his left arm in a half-circle, and the handle of the chain mace hit the edge of the s.h.i.+eld, but the mace itself swung out to hit No. 2’s right shoulder from the side.

There was a crack as No. 2’s shoulder instantly caved in, and he screamed as blood splattered.

Sensing a shadow out of the corner of his eye, Luke suddenly felt that this person was acting too cool. He couldn’t help but raise his right leg and kick the man.

His leg broke through the claws of No. 3 and struck the man in the stomach. Luke couldn’t restrain himself as he inwardly roared the cla.s.sic line, “This is… Sparta~~!”

Bang! Boom!

This time, No. 3 flew even faster and smashed into a wall ten meters away, creating a huge pit.

“Pu!” No. 3 couldn’t take it anymore and spat out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes were no longer cold and arrogant, but full of shock. How was that possible? How could this guy still have such extraordinary strength?

If Luke had been 1 in terms of strength and dexterity when he fought the first group of criminals, the way he dealt with the first surprise attack by these three was a 3 at most.

In this second exchange, Luke showed at least a 6 in strength and dexterity.

There were no monsters in this world who could double their strength that easily!

No. 3 finally realized that the other party hadn’t been using his real strength at all this entire time.

How could someone who could kill Sloan, that legendary killer and old monster from the Fraternity, be ordinary?!

Without a crus.h.i.+ng advantage, how could he kill Sloan and the 20 elite

Before Luke could drop his leg after kicking out, he suddenly felt cold.

He subconsciously curled into a ball and raised the s.h.i.+eld to protect his side. Apart from his legs, he was completely covered by the s.h.i.+eld.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were three gunshots. Pain blossomed in his right calf, while there were two clangs on the s.h.i.+eld.

The s.h.i.+eld vibrated, and Luke’s eyes lit up. “You finally made a move?”

In fact, the three bullets had been fired at his head, chest, and thigh.

Two bullets were blocked by the s.h.i.+eld, but the shot aimed at his thigh hit his exposed calf. That was pure bad luck.

But this didn’t affect his evaluation of the shooter’s marksmans.h.i.+p — a top shooter.

Only a top shooter like this would be able to find the perfect opportunity to prevent Luke from completely avoiding his attack.

If it wasn’t for the s.h.i.+eld, he might’ve even been hit in the torso.

It wasn’t a sniper rifle bullet, but a small caliber rifle bullet, which was a very deliberate choice.

A single bullet wouldn’t pose much of a threat to him unless it was an anti-materiel weapon like a Barrett.

Rather, it would be better to use a.s.sault rifles with higher firing rates and capacities.

Naturally, hitting the head would be an instant kill, though hitting the chest and the leg would slow Luke down at the very least.

The shooter had such clear reasoning and precise marksmans.h.i.+p, and just happened to show up here.

It was most likely the top sniper who had tried to Gianna.

What a pleasant surprise that walking into this trap had lured out two groups of people.

Luke rolled over the floor and limped a little as he ducked behind a counter.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three bullets whistled through the air and broke the gla.s.s case to hit the spot he had just run past.

Luke secretly praised the guy, who had actually predicted his movements and adjusted his position accordingly.

This building didn’t have many windows to attack through from the outside, which was why Luke had chosen this place as the battlefield.

Yet this person could overcome this drawback and chase him around the building. He was definitely a top expert.

As Luke was thinking that, he heard unusual activity.

He turned his head, only to see that the three attackers were hiding. However, there was a strange sucking sound coming from their hiding place.

Luke raised an eyebrow and figured out what was going on. Lying the s.h.i.+eld flat on the floor, he pushed hard with his feet, and used it like a skateboard to approach No. 2, who was the closest.

Of the three, this guy’s strength was in the middle and he was also not as heavily injured.

Coincidentally, he was injured in both arms, and currently was the most defenseless.

Using a butcher’s knife to kill a chicken was excessive, but using it to kill a monkey of average strength was very worth it.

The sound of the s.h.i.+eld over the floor rang out seven to eight meters away, and Luke slid out close to No. 2.

No. 2 was holding a criminal who was on his last breath, his head buried in the man’s neck; at first glance, it looked like these two were canoodling.

Hooking his leg around a counter on the side, Luke immediately swung around to charge at No. 2 at an angle, and he swung the chain mace.

Although No. 2 was currently drunk on pleasure, he was more terrified of the chain mace that had already injured him. He raised his hands and threw the criminal he was holding in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Luke exerted more strength, and the s.h.i.+eld suddenly sped up. He swept past the criminal, and the big, spiked mace smashed into No. 2’s ankle.

There was a crack, and No. 2 was sent flying. With pain and bloodl.u.s.t in his eyes, his claws lashed out at Luke.

It was as if he wanted to pin Luke to the ground.

Luke, on the other hand, spun, and the s.h.i.+eld that he had been using as a skateboard flipped over to hit No. 2’s claws.

No. 2 spun away.

Luke’s expression turned serious. He didn’t chase after the injured No. 2, but raised the s.h.i.+eld to his head.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three gunshots rang out.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Three bullets. .h.i.t the s.h.i.+eld again.

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