Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1332: A Small Harvest in Rome, and Returning to California

Chapter 1332: A Small Harvest in Rome, and Returning to California

After returning from the dinner party, Luke didn"t dwell on Nelson being set up.

He just added a simple reminder to the multifaceted system to keep an eye out for relevant information.

He wasn"t the Chief of Department"s nanny. It was fine to help out a little, but it was impossible to be at his beck and call.

If it were Dustin, Luke might be more serious.

Besides, Nelson was a sly old fox who had spent most of his life in NYPD. If he was still screwed over even after increasing his vigilance, it could only be said that he was incompetent, and he may as well retire earlier.

In any case, setting traps like this happened all throughout society. Even the president of the United States would be screwed over sometimes. A police chief like Nelson really wasn"t a big deal.

Luke still had new abilities to study and develop, and his clone could start harvesting points at any time, so he let it go.

After having a good chat with Secretary Jenny about work the next day, Luke finally convinced this domineering female CEO to carry on with peace of mind.

On the third day, Luke received a call from Lindsay.

She wanted to treat him to dinner and deliver thanks from her father, Jeffrey, in pa.s.sing.

Honest boy Luke turned dinner into afternoon tea. They agreed on a coffee shop on the phone, and immediately met up. After chatting for an hour, they said goodbye with smiles.

He wasn"t interested in her, nor was she interested in him.

However, they were on friendly terms, and listening to Jeffrey"s thoughts wasn"t too wasteful.

Lindsay was very relaxed with Luke, and hinted that he might be getting a Service Cross medal in the near future.

He didn"t know whether to laugh or cry at this gain, but there was no need to refuse it.

He was now a level two lieutenant; the other party wouldn"t have the guts to directly make him a captain in his twenties.

Giving him one of these medals was a must, but there was leeway when it came to everything else.

Based on his performance during the explosions, it was possible for him to get the Medal of Honor, the Service Cross, or the Medal of Courage.

Given his age, however, it wasn"t appropriate to give him the highest-ranking Medal of Honor.

It was just like how it wasn"t appropriate to give most actors a lifetime achievement award, since it implied that the person had already reached the top, and it was time to give way to the younger generation.

Luke was just shy of turning 20 years old; how was he supposed to make way for a "younger" generation?

So, he had estimated that he would most likely get the third-ranked Medal of Courage and be encouraged to continue doing his bit for NYPD.

Now, the second-ranked Service Cross would help preserve that final gap before a promotion, and n.o.body could nitpick his contributions.

After all, recipients of this medal were acknowledged to have displayed extraordinary heroism while fighting an armed enemy in an operation without regard to personal safety.

His performance during the explosions, along with the tyc.o.o.n"s "ironclad evidence," just so happened to align with this description.

However, the commissioner had just stepped down, and the bigshots in the police department weren"t in the mood to hold a ceremony, so the date had yet to be fixed.

Luke spent a week in peace. His clone in Italy finally received a signal from Gianna to take action, along with a list of names.

There was nothing to say about this mission.

It was too easy for Boogeyman John to deal with this small fry. However, there was no trace of James Wesley, Kingpin"s capable a.s.sistant.

Luke was rather disappointed.

Given how this guy had been Kingpin"s military advisor and manager for years, he was definitely worth more than 10,000 experience and credit points.

The truth was that this guy was much smarter and more cautious than Bullseye.

Even when he manipulated the Sacred Corona into going after the Camorra, there was no trace of him; n.o.body had even seen him with their own eyes.

Even Bullseye hadn"t seen James in over a year. He only contacted him via phone or text.

Kingpin and his military advisor were really good at hiding. Even Luke admired them.

The only thing that comforted Luke was the 70,000 experience and credit points from the Sacra Corona and the huge amount of dirty money he collected.

When Luke took down the Sacra Corona, he also looted 60% of their takings from money laundering and drug trafficking.

He put all the drugs in his inventory, and later threw them into the ocean to feed the fish.

He also took over a hundred secret accounts.

As for the remaining 40%, those were all troublesome things like fixed a.s.sets, shares, and expensive antiques and jewelry which he was too lazy to bother with. He left them for Gianna.

Gianna was very tactful. Even though many of her subordinates urged her to have the Boogeyman give back the 60%, she didn"t mention it to Luke at all, and severely berated these subordinates who were blinded by benefits.

She was very clear that however much Luke took had nothing to do with her.

The Sacra Corona never thought that Luke would strip them of their a.s.sets, much less down to their underwear.

Gianna wasn"t her stupid brother, and wouldn"t do anything stupid like turn against the Boogeyman.

Luke was thoroughly disappointed by this smart decision.

If more people blinded by benefits stepped out, he could help Gianna clean up the mess yet again.

Unfortunately, his plan to "eat the plaintiff along with the defendant" didn"t work out.

Gianna suggested they have dinner together to celebrate, but a slightly depressed Luke declined.

Of course, it definitely wasn"t because a certain someone thought that a certain big sister was too old.

After leaving Rome, his clone wandered through several major cities in Europe.

His vampire search algorithm, which wasn"t very developed yet, didn"t produce any results. He didn"t find any vampire nests, but the multifaceted system did find something in America.

His clone didn"t stay in Europe anymore, and flew straight back to America.

When Luke landed in California, he actually felt a little nostalgic.

It had to be said that compared with Shackelford, Houston, and New York, Los Angeles was where his career had truly taken off.

The sunny California seaside evoked many memories.

Takagi had magnanimously given them a villa when they were still "poor" at the very beginning.

The so-called pool in the backyard was actually a big bathtub.

When she was free in the afternoon, Selina liked to sunbathe next to the pool.

The chatty husband, Jeff, and the paranoid housewife, Karen, who were their neighbors - it all felt like yesterday.

Unfortunately, although his clone wasn"t in a rush, he wouldn"t make a special trip back to the villa.

Beautiful memories were worth cheris.h.i.+ng, but he hadn"t lost any family or friends, so he didn"t need to rely on them to feel warm.

He had to become stronger; that was the foundation for his and his family"s safety!

Thinking that, Luke bought a secondhand car and roamed the city unhurriedly.

The person he was looking for was the vampire elder, Roberto Piero, who had come from Rome to visit his relatives in America.

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