Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1350: Meeting the Bald Agent Again

Chapter 1350: Meeting the Bald Agent Again

Wade looked surprised. "What? Are you saying that I need five million to buy it?"

Luke chuckled and ignored him.

Wade wasn"t like Gold Nugget at all; he even wanted to pretend to be an elementary math student. Who was he kidding?

Wade could be wrong in everything, but never when it came to money — as long as it was related to him.

The cheap person was dealt a blow by this "sky-high price," but he still couldn"t help but ask impulsively, "Then why aren"t you taking money for these two sets?"

Luke said, "A diamond VIP paid for you."

"Wow, how generous." Wade was satisfied. As for who helped pay? That wasn"t important; they just needed to pay.

Luke said, "The client said that it can be considered as you borrowing it from him; he"s not afraid that you"ll renege on your debt."

Wade: "WTF?!"

What was a 50% discount for two sets worth 20 million dollars in total?

He didn"t dare think or calculate.

Renege on his debt? That was initially a good choice.

However, he had borrowed an optical camouflage suit from V before, which actually needed a special charger. Then, could he continue using this new face-changing tool?

Wade swore that there was a catch somewhere.

What was worse was that he and Vanessa were on someone"s. .h.i.t list. It was fine if it was him, but what about Vanessa?

This face-changing tool was indispensable to Vanessa, which meant that V had the upper hand in this matter.

Wade couldn"t think of a way to renege on his debt, unless he didn"t care about Vanessa.

Thinking about how he suddenly had a huge debt that he wouldn"t be able to repay in a few lifetimes, he couldn"t feel happy.

Luke didn"t use Mental Communication to gauge this fellow.

Using Mental Communication to sense a lunatic"s thoughts would most likely turn him into a lunatic as well.

There was no need to gauge Wade.

Luke just needed to talk about money and his feelings for his wife to handle this guy.

In comparison, Vanessa was more like a normal person — it was only the fact that she liked Wade which was abnormal.

Luke arranged to send them to Brazil.

However, Wade was an experienced mercenary who had traveled far and wide; he didn"t need anyone to arrange the journey for him.

Luke arranged for the couple to go to Columbia, before Wade and Vanessa would secretly make their way to El Salvador to live.

Vanessa liked this arrangement.

El Salvador had a tropical climate and was situated along the scenic coast. It was a well-known South American tourist destination.

Most Americans who lived in New York"s smog for too long wouldn"t mind taking a long vacation at the South American seaside.

Vanessa had some idea about what was going on.

They wouldn"t be able to spend all of Wade"s previous five million even if they lived in El Salvador for decades; what was really expensive was the high-tech product that could change their faces.

However, five million wasn"t enough to buy that thing anyway; they could only owe a debt of 20 million or 40 million.

Perhaps, when they no longer needed it, they could ask to return it and pay a usage fee?

Hm, they could still keep one set. When they needed it, she could have Wade, that ugly ghost, turn back into his original handsome appearance? At the very least, it wouldn"t make his face worse. Anyway, she still had over four million dollars, which was almost enough to buy a set. The woman calculated in her heart.

After using his alias to deal with shameless Wade, Luke watched the two old acquaintances drive off.

It was already dawn in Los Angeles, and a new day was about to begin.

Luke switched to another ident.i.ty and returned to the city. He sat in one corner of a diner close to USC and ordered.

200 meters away was where the fight had taken place last night.

At that moment, the wounded and the bodies inside had already been taken out, but there was still yellow tape up in some places. Some people in FBI vests went in and out, and there was a patrol car and two patrol officers on standby outside.

Luke took a sip of his coffee and smiled. How interesting. They were actually using an official ident.i.ty to clean up the mess. Were they that confident that a poor sc.u.mbag like Wade couldn"t do anything to them?

He sighed inwardly. Poor people had no future in America, even if they had superpowers.

If these people were dealing with a certain tyc.o.o.n, would they dare appear with an official ident.i.ty in the aftermath? Instead, they would probably dispose of any connection to this matter as soon as possible, to show that it had nothing to do with them.

That was because Tony was rich. Even if these people didn"t die, they would still be taken down a peg or two.

As long as Tony was willing, he could crush most officials.

Which bigshot had never had shady dealings? As long as Tony was patient, there was always a chance to screw the other party over.

Whether or not Tony had the patience or would simply do an exchange of interests was another matter.

As Luke mulled over this, something s.h.i.+ny appeared on his phone screen. It was a bald head.

The baldie was wearing a smart suit and gold-rimmed, which made him look… like a villain.

Of course, Luke had long put him on his list of suspected villains.

Whether it was from his own investigation or Phil"s microexpressions, Luke was certain that there was something wrong with this bald agent named Sitwell.

It didn"t matter to Luke which side Sitwell belonged to, as long as he could confirm that he wasn"t from s.h.i.+ELD.

But today, Luke was very interested in finding out who was behind this man.

The man had his eye on Wade, who had been created by Francis"s illegal workshop.

In the last few years, Francis had sold dozens of superhumans he had created; he himself didn"t know where these people went.

His backers provided him with all sorts of support, and he was only responsible for manufacturing and selling.

Did that sound familiar?That was right, Francis was just the manager of a labor factory, but his products were superhumans.

The leads that Luke had investigated basically all pointed to the Department of Defense, and it was hard to get more detailed information.

So, it was possible that Sitwell really was a "dutiful" official agent who loved his job and loved his country.

After meeting Sitwell, Luke planned to call Phil and ask him if he knew anything about Sitwell"s a.s.signments.

After some consideration, however, he dismissed the idea.

If the other party relied on s.h.i.+ELD to clean up the mess, that would only make things complicated for Phil.

If Phil could have solved the problem with Sitwell, how could this baldie still be so lively?

It was still the oldest trick in the book that was the most reliable!

Lure the snake out of the hole, follow the clues, and tackle the root of the problem: these three maxims had always been effective while Luke was grinding for points, and were worth promoting.

Luke ate a lot of food to replenish his energy from last night. He also made backup records of all the staff members who showed up at the apartment building.

As long as he kept an eye on them, it might not necessarily be Sitwell, but someone might bring him a big harvest.

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