Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1362: Eat Hot Pot and Waiting For a Boot

Chapter 1362: Eat Hot Pot and Waiting For a Boot

As for Iron Man, Amanda thought nothing of him at all.

For her, that tyc.o.o.n was a husky. He was hostile toward people he didn"t know, but he was in no way as dangerous as Batman.

As for Batman? Apart from this t.i.tle, there was nothing else on him.

There were tons of reports on Batman from around the world, but n.o.body knew who he was.

That was the scariest thing about him..

Iron Man wasn"t good? He was good.

Tony Stark was worth hundreds of billions and had a lot of connections left behind by his father. As long as he didn"t court death, n.o.body in the government would truly dare deal with him.

When it came to the development of armor, the tyc.o.o.n could also leave Batman in the dust — at least, in terms of price.

But n.o.body at the top level was afraid of him, because Tony was also in this circle.

If he wanted to stay in this circle, he had to abide by the rules.

If he didn"t follow the rules, the connections which Howard Stark had left behind wouldn"t be able to protect him.

Besides, everybody was well aware of Tony"s personality. In a situation where none of their interests were involved, everybody could live in harmony.

What sort of character was Batman?

Based on current intelligence a.n.a.lysis, everyone came to a similar conclusion.

He was a paranoid and delusional man who believed in justice and who was highly suspicious of everything. He was also very violent.

The only thing that could restrain him was his sense of justice.

So, he didn"t kill anyone, but he crippled a huge bunch of criminals.

Ident.i.ty and status were useless to him, much less the rules.

Amanda was certain that if he caught her, she would be paralyzed from the neck or waist down.

The Department of Defense and the four major military arms couldn"t fend off this Dark Knight"s obsession with "justice."

He would definitely cripple her.

Amanda had climbed to this position not because she could fight, but because she had brains.

The superhumans under her now could fight a hundred times better than she could, and could only be enslaved because of the nano bombs implanted in them.

The best way to deal with Batman was never to step forward, but to act from the shadows.

Waiting for an opportunity to kill someone with a borrowed knife was the safest plan.

When she climbed to a key position in the future, Batman would be nothing to worry about.

That was because she would have a different name and appearance.

Batman could investigate Amanda Waller forever if he wanted. What did that have to do with her?

Thinking this, she murmured with a smile, "By the way, there seems to be someone at s.h.i.+ELD who is interested in this Dark Knight. Let"s help them."

She then picked up the phone.

In the underground base, Flegg looked haggard.

He had had too much to deal with in the last two days.

When it came to cleaning things up, he did the most work in the entire force.

That was because his team was the best at combat among the four teams, and the head team leader was Amanda"s direct subordinate, so he didn"t move very often.

There had been a lot of places for Flegg to clean up, and he hadn"t slept at all in the last two days.

The other deputy leaders only needed to think about cleanup, but he needed to think about another problem: What else did Batman know?

Hearing about what happened to the unlucky New York gangs, Flegg knew that he was the one who had leaked the information, because he had been the one to contact them.

Now, here was the question: What was Batman"s next step?

Flegg was under a lot of pressure as he worked two days in a row in this apprehensive mood, and he also thought of how his and June"s fate hung on this.

But he couldn"t say a word.

If he said it, it might really be over.

But he couldn"t help but worry about Batman"s next step in his reprisal plan.

Flegg was now like the resident below in that "throwing out boots" joke. He couldn"t help wondering when Batman would throw the "second boot," but he didn"t know that there was no second boot at all.

"What"s the next step?" Selina asked Luke casually. They were eating hot pot outside, and she was panting shallowly to alleviate the burning sensation on her lips and the slight numbness of her tongue.

Luke"s expression was indifferent as he put a piece of tripe into the boiling bright red soup. "Nothing. Work hard, train, and eat hot pot again when we"re free."

Selina was stunned. "That"s it?"

Luke nodded. "That"s itl."

Selina frowned. "Didn"t you say that we have to be as cold as winter when dealing with the enemy?"

"Ingredients might taste even better after they"re thawed," said Luke with a smile. He dipped the tripe into some sesame oil and then stuffed it into his mouth.

The rich flavor of the oil and the hot pot soup burst on his tongue.

Selina was still confused, but also copied him and picked up a piece of tripe. "Are you saying to give them enough line first before reeling them in?"

She didn"t say it in Chinese, of course, but Luke had taught her "The 36 Stratagems," and she understood the theory.

Luke nodded. "We"re making such big waves. If they"re not idiots, they"ll keep a low profile for a while. However, they"re unwilling to abandon everyone, so I"ll ferret them out sooner or later."

Selina nodded, deep in thought.

Luke was already teaching her these things bit by bit.

Coupled with her rich experience working cases, she was no longer the high school graduate with a one-track mind from two years ago.

Selina knew that if she didn"t work hard now, not only would she get herself killed, she would also drag Luke down.

She didn"t want to be that sort of "pig teammate" at all.

Luke nimbly fished out the tripe from under her chopsticks and put it in his bowl.

Selina came back to herself and glared. "Mine!"

Luke said, "It"s in my bowl. How can you say it"s yours?"

Selina was speechless.


With a flick of her chopsticks, she picked up the piece of tripe and stuffed it into her mouth. "It"s in my mouth. How can you say it"s yours?"

Luke was lost for words. What a bigshot! He couldn"t afford to offend her.

The two superheroes were having a hot pot on their rooftop. In the distant underground base, Flegg was still wondering which department Batman would target next.

What he didn"t know was that Luke didn"t plan to continue at all. At the very least, there would be peace for the Research Unit for the next few months.

That was because Flegg was Luke"s real informant.

It was very easy for Luke to eliminate this senior member of the Joint Advanced Research Unit.

But this guy was an acquaintance of Robert"s. He wasn"t a bad person, and had helped Luke out a few times.

Since he didn"t want to kill him, keeping him alive would be even more useful.

From Flegg"s confession, Luke knew that this person was very important in the Research Unit. The female doctor whose body the witch was attached to was in fact his lover.

In a sense, Flegg was another form of insurance which allowed Amanda to control the witch.

Given the witch"s astonis.h.i.+ng combat ability, Amanda would never abandon her unless she had to.

As long as Flegg could be with his girlfriend, he would continue working under Amanda.

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