Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1418: One Trick? No, Many Tricks

Chapter 1418: One Trick? No, Many Tricks

Now that things had come to this point, it no longer mattered whether or not the five major TV networks remained tight-lipped.

Daily conversation turned to topics like, “Did you hear? That nutcase who framed Batman…” and so on.

Even those who didn’t watch TV, read the news, or play on their phones couldn’t avoid hearing the chatter around them as they waited in supermarkets, diners, and subway stations.

Naturally, it was thanks to Luke, this “hacker,” who knew how to use phones and software.

This information was part of the results of his investigation, and naturally, he was the one who released it.

It would be impossible for anyone else to track down so many leads in a short period of time, and it was also impossible to keep it a secret.

Only someone who had money, technology, and superpowers could go knocking on their doors one by one and complete the questioning without them knowing.

The police needed to find evidence to prove that a suspect was guilty, but Luke simply told these people to confess whatever was necessary to prove that they were guilty.

See, it became a lot simpler.

In fact, Luke had far more intelligence than was revealed online or on TV, but only a small part could be released as ironclad evidence.

For those who slipped through the legal cracks, Luke simply gambled a few rounds with them and ensured that they lost to him one to five times.

After the true faces of many “victims” were revealed, the storm started to spread to the mastermind, and it was that particular foundation which bore the brunt of it.

Some of the foundation’s internal doc.u.ments were leaked online as suspected proof that the foundation was trafficking children and women.

This news caused a huge stir.

A suspected gang of human traffickers was trying to frame a superhero? What a joke.

Those in particular who had wavered after watching Carly on the program, and who had even called Batman into question, instantly collapsed.

It wasn’t a big problem to go up against the good guy. After all, good guys often had different views among themselves.

But to help the bad guys set up the good guys and even be pleased about this so-called “justice” was a joke.

At this point, the online trolls completely disappeared, because they didn’t know what else they could say.

Many users familiar with how things worked took up arms and cursed, “F*ck, you can’t even choose a good teammate to spread rumors? You dare pick on Batman when you yourself are so sh*tty?!”

Batman’s hardcore fans were now utterly relaxed, and they took out old posts and comments one by one to flame them.

A large number of “famous” commentators who had chosen the wrong side were even more tragic as they were tagged on F2F and in online circles.

Even though past posts or comments could be withdrawn or deleted, there was nothing to stop the hardcore Batman fans from taking screencaps and then saying, “XX, what do you think of this comment of yours now?”

As for whether or not these commentators cursed them in their hearts, that wasn’t their concern.

Things were far from over.

The FBI started investigating the foundation, but that didn’t mean much. The people in the foundation who had access to a criminal network weren’t implicated in the investigation at all.

That was time for Luke, who was wholeheartedly devoted to doing his bit for America, to reveal yet another piece of information.

It was revealed that Remy Green, a member of Congress, had taken in a girl, who had been abducted through the foundation, to be his adopted daughter.

There were even more intolerable things that Luke didn’t disclose, but he had already set a death timer for this Senator Green, and was just waiting for the day he confessed enough of his sins

This series of shocking news stunned the How had this plot unfolded? How was Batman related to Congress?

At this point, things finally started to happen beyond Luke’s expectations.

When the little girl was found, Remy Green suddenly had a heart attack and died.

The girl had been very young when she was kidnapped and couldn’t remember what happened back then. Apart from the things that Senator Green had done, she couldn’t provide any useful information on the foundation.

At the same time that the kidnapping came to light, a censored video of Senator Green was delivered to the FBI agents.

Putting the content of the video aside, it was enough to prove that the original video was in someone else’s hands.

If this person couldn’t be taken down, there was no way to hide this matter. That was why the little girl hadn’t been killed and was still safe.

Her death would only make things worse.

Many of the FBI agents sensed that something wasn’t right.

They had become tools in a game, and ever since the game began, the players had never really appeared.

One party was slandering Batman and the superheroes, and the FBI agents could tell from these methods that this was the government.

The other party that was revealing all this shocking news was Batman and the superheroes who had never made a sound all this time.

The two parties were fighting all this time; it was just that ordinary people didn’t understand it.

Who was so stupid as to provoke Batman? The rumor was right. This Dark Knight’s methods really weren’t that “clean.”

The FBI agents were astonished. However, they also knew that Batman wasn’t alone right now. He had friends who were powerful enough to help him resolve the crisis of public opinion.

From the looks of it, these friends weren’t as aboveboard as Batman.

Batman had resolved this himself? Sorry, it was impossible for one person to clone himself and get so much information.

For example, some of the hackers online might be Batman’s friends.

Besides, wasn’t Batman’s favorite method to solve problems by breaking bones?

Until now, there was no news of any government officials with broken bones, so it probably wasn’t Batman.

Tony felt the same way, and had even contacted Batman twice.

The first message had been an astonished one: So you still had this trick up your sleeve?

That was sent after the video with Carly was revealed.

When Senator Remy Green was exposed, Tony sent a second message not long after: You’ve crossed a line. If you don’t stop, the other party will counterattack.

Luke simply replied: Just sit back and watch the show. It has nothing to do with you.

Seeing this reply, Tony shook his head with a wry smile and looked at Colonel Rhodes, who was sitting not far away. “Well, he said it has nothing to do with me. Can you stop looking for me now?”

There was a helpless expression on Colonel Rhode’s face as he spread his hands. “What do you think? I’m a soldier, not a politician. Why do you think I’m here?”

Helpless, Tony grabbed a bottle of wine and poured them each a gla.s.s. “Frankly speaking, I really sympathize with the idiots who mess with Batman.”

Rhodes took the gla.s.s and gulped the wine down. “I want to kick those stupid pigs in the a.s.s too, but they’ve already done it. They don’t need my approval.”

Tony had a sympathetic expression on his face as he took a sip of his wine. “Also, you still have to clean up after them now. They’ll probably turn into toilet paper..”

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