Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1435: Showtime and Phil’s “Sacrifice”

Chapter 1435: Showtime and Phil’s “Sacrifice”

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

It was already the third day after Luke received word from Tony.

Apart from listening to Frank’s tactical arrangements, everyone just undertook minimal strength training to ensure that their strength and stamina were perfectly balanced.

During this time, Luke received some follow-up information from Tony.

Loki had suddenly appeared at a s.h.i.+ELD research base, s.n.a.t.c.hed an important item, and destroyed the base.

Nick Fury reacted quickly and immediately found a way to get the World Security Council to agree to the formation of the Avengers.

While he was convincing the members of the council, Phil had already long informed Tony of the situation, and then came to New York to pick up Captain America.

Natasha had flown to Brazil overnight to find Dr. Bruce Banner, who was hiding in the slums, and successfully brought him back.

Luke had a strange expression on his face when he heard this last piece of news.

That was the Hulk, who could explode at any time! He actually obediently followed Natasha back?

Was it because she was beautiful? And had an outstanding temperament?

Hm, she really was something.

Nick Fury really lucked out when he withstood pressure from the Russians to get Natasha under his command.

At that point, Captain America, the Hulk, Natasha, and Tony Stark were all in place.

The only problem was that Hawkeye suddenly turned traitor and ran away with Loki.

Luke wasn’t too surprised.

This was the first time Loki had come to Earth in his real form; it was impossible for Hawkeye to be his mole.

This prince of Asgard also seemed to be a… sorcerer? Maybe he had some kind of magic.

Luke himself had Pheromone Control, which worked on women; it was possible Loki had some sort of magic that worked on men.

The next night, Tony sent another message to say that they had caught Loki in Stuttgart, Germany, and then fought Thor, who had suddenly appeared when they were escorting Loki back. Finally, everyone shook hands and returned to a s.h.i.+ELD base together.

Loki was now imprisoned in that “special” s.h.i.+ELD base, but the item he had stolen hadn’t been recovered.

Luke didn’t plan to look into the second prince of Asgard.

He wasn’t that close to s.h.i.+ELD, and he certainly wouldn’t go to one of s.h.i.+ELD’s bases.

Even if his clone went, it was unnecessary.

With Thor there, could Earthlings interrogate the second prince of Asgard?

So, even if Luke went, all he would be able to do was just watch since Loki wasn’t a woman.

Tony didn’t say anything about the item that Loki had stolen, but Luke knew what it was.

It was a Cosmic Cube!

This thing, called the Tesseract, naturally had nothing to do with Luke’s Cosmic Cube Technology company.

Luke remembered that this was some sort of s.p.a.ce prop.

It seemed that Loki had used it to open a portal which allowed the Chitauri fleet to invade Earth.

Luke couldn’t remember how Loki had used it to open that super huge s.p.a.ce portal in the movie. He only remembered that it was on the top of a building.

Four of Luke’s mid-sized drones had already taken off to monitor all the tall buildings in New York, especially in Manhattan.

But so far, he hadn’t discovered anything unusual.

He also felt a little helpless about the fact that no one knew how Loki was controlling Hawkeye.

In a head-on fight, Hawkeye wasn’t very strong.

However, this guy was a professional at covert ops and knew the ins and outs of Tony Stark and s.h.i.+ELD’s surveillance.

And if he could avoid their surveillance, that meant that he could also avoid Luke’s surveillance.

Luke even had Tony investigate the interior of Stark Tower, but there was no sign of the Tesseract.

He vaguely remembered that Stark Tower seemed to be the center of the battle in New York.

Puzzled, he went to Stark Tower, but still didn’t find anything.

Recalling Elena’s drawings, Luke knew that it was impossible to avoid this attack.

The Chitauri army would inevitably appear. It would be best not to count on finding the Tesseract in advance to prevent the portal from opening.

It was a good thing he had never placed his hopes on the movies he had watched in his previous life, or he would be stumped by how the plots unfolded.

At noon, Tony suddenly contacted Luke and said, “Hawkeye snuck in and destroyed the base. We caught him, but he set Loki free. Bruce Banner turned into the Hulk and charged out of the base. Also…” He paused for a moment.

Luke said, “Just spit it out.”

Tony said, “Well, Phil died.”

Luke’s heart skipped a beat, and his face immediately darkened.

He couldn’t help but tighten his grip, and the coffee cup he was holding was instantly crushed into powder. Brown liquid splattered everywhere. “Are you sure?”

Tony was silent for a moment. “Nick Fury told us.”

He then lowered his voice. “But… I didn’t see Phil’s body with my own eyes. I only saw the video of him being killed.”

Thinking quickly, Luke waved at Mindy, who was about to help him, indicating that she should stay away. He said in a low voice, “Phil should have been carrying Life 1 and the Light Dagger.”

Tony said in a similarly low voice, “Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Also, after Fury released the news, the Avengers stopped fighting among themselves, so…”

Luke hummed and said, “Phil might not be dead. Nick Fury is using his sacrifice to speed up cooperation among the Avengers.”

Tony exhaled. “That should be the case.”

The tyc.o.o.n was quite fond of that smiling face. It would be a shame if Phil died.

Taking out a tissue, Luke unhurriedly wiped at the coffee and cup fragments on his hand. “Who did it?”

Tony: “Loki.”

Thinking for a moment, he added, “He stabbed Phil’s left chest with the scepter. It was definitely a fatal injury.”

A cold light flashed in Luke’s eyes. “Yes, but there’s still a chance that Phil survived.”

Both Life 1 and the Light Dagger could heal wounds quickly.

Luke had specially modified a small device for Phil, which would automatically inject him with Life 1 when it detected that he was in critical condition.

Both Phil and Nick Fury had Light Daggers.

Even if Phil couldn’t move after that, Nick Fury would use a Light Dagger to save him.

Not only was Phil the only s.h.i.+ELD member who could contact Batman, he was also Nick Fury’s trusted subordinate. The director absolutely wouldn’t want him to die.

Thinking of the possible scenarios, Luke heaved a sigh of relief.

Judging from Nick Fury’s personality and behavior, there was a high chance that Phil was still alive.

But Luke wasn’t going to let Loki go.

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