Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1439: Support, Falling, and Catching Baby

Chapter 1439: Support, Falling, and Catching Baby

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Frank didn’t doubt him.

Batman wasn’t a brainless person. Unless he was confident, he wouldn’t charge into the enemy’s command center to get himself killed.

Luke had quietly arrived in the Big Dipper Armor along with Selina, who was connected to Gold Nugget, and they were already starting to provide firepower support.

Compared with his other teammates, Luke, the clone and Selina were the true Iron Triangle; they had better teamwork than anyone else.

More importantly, thanks to the convenience of his inventory, he had already placed a lot of external components around Manhattan for everybody to use and replace if necessary.

The batch stored in a van in the parking lot had just been the first of many, to make it easier for everyone to summon them.

The bulk of it was still in his inventory, and included all sorts of specific components. For example, what Luke and Selina were using right now were components for firepower support.

By the time the clone, as Batman, charged forward, Big Dipper and Selina had already moved to two different locations. They formed a triangle with the clone, and immediately started firing like crazy.

Unlike the common fittings used by Frank and Mindy, the extra firepower support wasn’t agile, but the setup was definitely the largest.

To put it another way, it was as if Big Dipper and Selina were sitting in war chariots bristling with muzzles and ammo, except that they weren’t traveling on the road, but hovering at a low alt.i.tude.

The twin eight-barreled machine guns rattled as fiery chains wove together to swallow up the Chitauri fliers that were pouring down from the sky.

From the side, it looked like the chains were devouring the descending black flood.

Amidst the dense and loud machine guns, there was a continuous whoos.h.i.+ng sound as small short-range missiles flew out in arcs in the direction of the portal 1,000 meters up in the air and continued to suppress the fliers which poured out.

There were bright explosions in the air, and the fliers that poured out of the s.p.a.ce portal slowed down.

After her barrage stopped, Selina immediately abandoned the “war chariots” and shot out toward another location.

The Chitauri army wasn’t stupid.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of fliers that had already landed in the city turned and charged at the chariots.

Gliding at a low alt.i.tude, Selina smashed through several walls and windows on the bottom floor of a building that was hundreds of meters away and launched herself into another chariot hidden inside.

The entire contraption moved and broke through a gla.s.s wall not far away to appear in an open area. All the muzzles and missile launchers aimed at the targets.

Gunfire rang out once more, even more urgently than before.

The last concentrated attack had eliminated most of the incoming Chitauri. This time, the gunfire didn’t need to be that precise. Most of the machine guns fired at the surrounding Chitauri fliers, while the missiles continued to swarm and block the s.p.a.ce portal.

Selina’s new position significantly disrupted the Chitauri fliers.

Some were thrown in the wrong direction and half of the ones headed in Big Dipper’s direction were blown up by Selina’s machine guns.

Relying on Selina’s cover, Big Dipper pulled new ammo directly from his inventory so that he was able to continue firing without stopping.

Luke had been in possession of his inventory for a long time, and his Mental Strength had skyrocketed. He had also upgraded the inventory a few times. Coupled with his relentless training, he was no longer the same as before.

When he first opened his inventory at the very beginning, it had taken him a while to even put a Glock inside.

Now, reloading in bulk couldn’t be any easier.

Selina’s attack support, which was like an explosion of fireworks, ended in half a minute.

As soon as Luke’s storm of bullets started, however, it didn’t stop as it rained destruction on the Chitauri army.

In the face of tens of thousands of soldiers, there was no such thing as too much firepower.

It was only because the enemy had chosen New York as the battlefield, and Luke didn’t want to add to the casualties, that he was only using these small missiles and 30mm machine guns.

With Selina to curb his impulses and provide support, Big Dipper wasn’t under much pressure.

He even had the time to look at Stark Tower and wonder what the tyc.o.o.n was doing. The Chitauri were already pretty much sh*tting on his head; how could he stand it?

He was about to send a message, when he saw the gla.s.s at the top of Stark Tower shatter, and a figure flew out.

“WTF?” Looking at the man’s face on the virtual screen, Luke was shocked. Did the tyc.o.o.n feel so humiliated that he jumped off the building?

Even as this ridiculous thought flashed through his mind, he immediately found the teammate closest to Tony. “Deadpool, Iron Man is falling. There’s a bonus if you catch him.”

Wade had jumped onto a Chitauri flier and cut down three soldiers.

Hearing that, he jumped again without hesitation, and the dark red figure swung up toward Tony.

Tony’s eyes were wide as he looked at the rapidly approaching ground.

A red cylinder flew out of the broken window and chased after him.

Suddenly, a guy in a dark red suit appeared in front of him. Tony subconsciously cursed. “F*ck you.”

If they crashed like this, he would immediately be crushed. He probably wouldn’t even have the chance to use Life 1 and the Light Dagger to save himself.

However, the dark red figure nimbly turned and slowed down, before changing directions and picking up speed again as he moved from Tony’s front to his back and hugged him.

The figure’s head in the red and black suit was pressed to Tony’s ear, and he shouted in satisfaction, “Oh, yeah! My baby, I’ve got you!”

Tony was relieved to see that he was slowing down, but he couldn’t help but curse. “Get lost, Deadpool.”

Wade, however, hugged him. “No way. You’re a bonus. A huge bonus.”

Tony said without thinking, “A million. Put me safely on the ground right away.”

Wade was delighted. “No problem. Boss 2, you’re as generous as the big boss.”

Less than two seconds later, Tony landed steadily. He stretched out his arms. Mark 7, which had been right behind him, immediately covered him.

He looked at Wade and couldn’t help but ask, “Big boss?”

Wade said, “He’s a chatterbox who especially likes to talk nonsense.”

Tony: …Isn’t that you? Psycho.

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