Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1444: Taking People Up, Little Gift, and It’s Time

Chapter 1444: Taking People Up, Little Gift, and It’s Time

But their astonishment only lasted for a moment.

Tony simply said, “Steve, you take charge. We adults can’t fall behind the kids too much.”

As Steve started issuing orders as he ran, he took the time to ask, “Kids? That Pink Bear?”

Tony said, “Except for Iron Cage King, the others might be… fifteen?”

The communication channel fell silent for one moment.

A bunch of probably 15-year-old kids fought an invading alien army before they arrived. This fact made these battle veterans feel strange.

They were still kids! The Avengers all had the same thought: We can’t lose to them!

Steve’s thought processes were very clear.

He immediately issued tasks based on what Tony had forwarded about the situation. To Natasha and Hawkeye in particular, he said, “Find Dr. Selvig and get him back to normal, then ask him how the s.p.a.ce portal can be closed.”

Tony immediately interjected, “He’s on the roof of the building next to Stark Tower. Batman left him tied up there.”

Earlier, he had been busy trying to cut off the power supply and bickering with Loki before he was thrown off the building and then pursued. For a moment, he had forgotten about Dr. Selvig.

“Go.” Steve nodded. “Can you connect both channels?”

Tony said, “One moment.”

Less than two seconds later, Frank approved it, and the two channels were connected.

Steve immediately said, “Hammersmith, can you take Natasha and Hawkeye up to Dr. Selvig right now? We need what he knows in order to try and close the s.p.a.ce portal.”

Frank reacted quickly. “I’ll send you up.”

Big Dipper suddenly said, “No need for the trouble. I see them. Leave it to me. Don’t struggle.”

Hawkeye was the first to be picked up while he was running, followed by Natasha. Both of them were alarmed.

Recalling Big Dipper’s words, they resisted the subconscious impulse to attack.

They were actually plucked up without them noticing. Indeed, as s.h.i.+ELD had taken special note of, Big Dipper had extraordinary stealth abilities.

The Avengers on the scene also knew that this information came with another tag: Suspected superhuman, exact abilities unknown.

Big Dipper relaxed slightly.

It wasn’t that the situation wasn’t urgent, but there didn’t seem to be any way to stop the influx of Chitauri troops.

Now that he had stopped providing firepower support for the time being, the thousand or so Chitauri fliers over New York would at most become 1,500.

Actually, Frank had been constantly searching for a way to shut the s.p.a.ce portal. It was only because Dr. Selvig hadn’t come back to his senses even after two electric shocks that he had stopped.

On the other side, Batman’s situation wasn’t looking good either. At that moment, most of Luke’s attention had to be on that side.

Taking two people up was good. Also, he was the best at flight in the special force team, and was much better than Frank.

Of course, the tyc.o.o.n was very good, but unfortunately, this guy was already at the top of the Chitauri soldiers’ blacklist.

The gold and red Mark 7 and its large external components were very eye-catching. A dozen or so seconds after splitting up with Steve and the other two, he had already been targeted by 100 fliers.

If he were the one to send Natasha and Hawkeye up, they would probably be blown to pieces before they reached the top of the building.

Luke, on the other hand, had turned invisible after his “war chariot” came under fire. He had killed 500 Chitauri soldiers, but had yet to be noticed.

He secretly gave the heroic tyc.o.o.n, who was talented at drawing firepower (getting beaten up), a thumbs up. He quickly brought the two Avengers to the top of the building.

He and Selina had enough tacit understanding between them. After switching to yet another chariot, she immediately cleared the area of Chitauri fliers near the plaza.

At the same time, a series of mini missiles drew a large group of fliers, giving Luke a chance to fly straight up to the roof.

Natasha and Hawkeye felt their insides churn, similar to the sensation of overload during flight training. It was very uncomfortable.

In just a few seconds, however, the pressure on their bodies let up and they reached the roof.

Luke very considerately brought them directly to where Dr. Selvig had been hidden. Without removing his stealth function, he said, “Take care of him as soon as possible. We don’t have much time.”

They expected him to leave immediately, but he added, “Hm, congratulations, Miss Romanoff. Bruce prepared a little gift for you. Open your heart and accept it later. Don’t panic.”

With that, there was the sound of rus.h.i.+ng wind, and they knew that the person had left.

Looking at Natasha, Hawkeye then turned to Dr. Selvig. “You have experience. You do it.”

Natasha just smiled. After all, she was the one who had smacked Hawkeye back to his senses.

Just as she raised her fist, Dr. Selvig suddenly said, “Hawkeye, what are the two of you doing?”

Hawkeye was slightly stunned. “You’re not under Loki’s control?”

Dr. Selvig nodded. “That’s right. Not long after Batman and someone else tossed me here, I came back to my senses.”

The two of them looked into Dr. Selvig’s eyes and indeed saw that they were normal.

There was no light blue light in them, nor were they all black; Dr. Selvig had returned to normal.

Natasha asked without hesitation, “How do we close the s.p.a.ce portal opened by the Tesseract?”

Dr. Selvig said, “I built a failsafe out of habit, but it needs power on the same level to break through the Tesseract’s energy s.h.i.+eld. Only Loki’s scepter can do that.”

They looked at each other, and Natasha immediately pa.s.sed the information on to the two teams.

Steve and Frank gave the order almost at the same time. “Everybody, find Loki and take back the scepter.”

The members of the special team immediately checked in, but no one found any trace of Loki.

Tony, however, said, “I think I saw him hiding inside the Chitauri army; he never appeared again after that.”

Hearing this, everybody got a headache.

The fliers didn’t have any cover, and Loki wasn’t on any of them.


Everybody looked at the seven or eight big battles.h.i.+ps that were already wreaking havoc in New York.

Loki was most likely hiding on one of them.

These things had rough skin and thick flesh. Even if Damon had blown up three of them with electromagnetic cannons, he couldn’t stop the nonstop flow from the portal.

Moreover, with the increasing number of Chitauri fliers and soldiers on the ground, Damon had also become a target. He couldn’t find an opportunity to take down the battles.h.i.+ps.

Suddenly, Ivan, who had been silent, spoke.

Electric Cable said, “It seems it’s time for me to demonstrate my real skills.”

Everybody was dumbfounded. Even the special force team didn’t know what Ivan was up to..

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