Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1485: Small Goal and Misty’s Doubts

Chapter 1485: Small Goal and Misty’s Doubts

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke had collected some information on Pym Technologies before.

Actually, he had evaluated many tech companies, and used the simplest way to divide them — those that were useful to him and those that had nothing to do with him.

Pym Technologies belonged to the former.

But this company’s operations were more stable. He was only interested in their core technology, the Pym Particle. However, he wouldn’t go as far as to bankrupt the company before acquiring it.

He was interested in too many technologies. He wouldn’t bankrupt a company for any one of them.

On this point, he and Tony had a similar att.i.tude.

If there was a chance, he would try. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t insist on it.

Actually, Luke held a lot of things in hand.

In particular, after his interaction with the tyc.o.o.n two days ago, Tony had become a 1-star teammate.

Clearly, Tony had finally let down the last of his guard after Batman revealed his face.

It wasn’t a big surprise to Luke; it had been completely within his expectations.

If he hadn’t counted on this, he wouldn’t have paid so much attention to Elementary Replication.

He also wouldn’t have immediately looked for the tyc.o.o.n with this face after he turned Elementary Replication into a super disguise.

It really hadn’t been easy for him to get rid of Tony’s wariness.

He had saved this guy and fought side by side with him many times, but he lacked this last bit of trust.

Tony Stark was just as naturally paranoid as Luke.

Luke had always kept his distance from other people.

It was hard for both Tony and Luke to trust someone completely.

This was their nature; they couldn’t change this even if they wanted to.

Thankfully, Luke had finally achieved this goal.

Now that Tony had pa.s.sed the system’s a.s.sessment, his list of abilities could be refreshed at any time.

Luke could keep up with the tyc.o.o.n’s research progress at any time.

Given the information on Chitauri technology which Luke had sent over, a bunch of quirky ideas would pop up in the tyc.o.o.n’s mind every now and then; there was no shortage of ideas at all.

Luke could easily pick a few to study for a long time; he didn’t have so much time to look at the technologies of other companies, let alone those that were “shocking” or “world-changing.”

There were too many technologies with this label that only produced sh*t; most of them were liars.

In contrast, the tyc.o.o.n’s third generation arc reactor alone and the new man-made element which it used could change the entire composition of energy in human society.

As everybody knew, energy was the cornerstone of progress in human society.

Industrialization and the advent of electronics had completely changed people’s lives.

Once there were no longer any limits to energy, humans would be able to travel to the stars.

Was Luke proud that he already had this technology?

No, because it was unnecessary.

The Chitauri had already come to Earth, and the prince of Asgard, who had suppressed the Nine Realms, popped by when he had nothing to do. A little bit of technology wasn’t worth making a big fuss over.

If Pym Technologies’s top-level technology was real, then Luke would make a deal if he could. If he couldn’t, he could play around with the finished product.

In any case, it seemed that the other party wanted to put this thing on the market as well. Luke just wanted to buy a batch in advance, which should be negotiable.

The condition was that he had to see this technology with his own eyes and not just rely on hearsay to fork out the money.

He was rich, but he didn’t like being treated like a fool, unless he could screw the other party over and turn them into the fool.

The next morning, Luke arrived at the police department on time to see that Misty was already there.

He walked over. “Good morning. How do you feel today?”

Misty looked up from the file she was holding to meet Luke’s bright smile, and relaxed. “I’m good.”

As if she felt that was too perfunctory, she added, “Better than in the last two months. Thank you, Luke.”

Luke observed her for a moment. “It seems Steve helped you a lot.”

When he said that, Misty immediately turned solemn but also happy. “Steve… is a very good teacher. Thank you very much for introducing me to him.”

Luke was amused. “Don’t fall for him. He’s very popular.”

Misty rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry. He’s handsome, but I’m not that stupid.”

More importantly, Steve was white, while she was black.

Such couples weren’t rare, but most of them belonged to rich circles.

Besides, she and Steve didn’t think that way at all.

She felt that he was more interested in Luke.

While chatting yesterday, Steve had asked a lot about Luke.

When he heard Luke’s full name, he had been even more surprised.

Luke nodded. “Then how many more sessions did you book with him?”

Misty was stunned. “Sessions? But he… isn’t a psychiatrist, is he?”

Luke looked at her like she was an idiot. “Even if it’s just combat, he’s a top expert. Wanting to get some pointers from him is nothing more than a pipe dream for other people. Aren’t you going to treasure this opportunity? To think that I put in so much effort yesterday to make it hard for him to refuse.”

Misty opened her mouth to retort.

She was going to say that he was the one who had fought Steve for two minutes yesterday, or Steve never said that he would continue teaching her and so on, but she was suddenly stumped, and then slapped her forehead. “I forgot. I’m so stupid.”

She was no longer young. After being a detective for so many years, she naturally knew how to take a hint.

Even if Steve eventually refused, she wouldn’t lose out.

If the other party’s heart was soft, it was always possible that he would teach her again.

That was the in which Luke had given her.

Without this opportunity, she didn’t have the right to say anything.

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “I’ll take care of it. You can go to the gym to train after you get off work. If you’re lucky, you might run into Steve again. Don’t hesitate, but don’t pester him either. Just ask him how much he’s willing to teach you.”

Misty said, “Ah, this…”

Luke asked, “You don’t want to? Then…”

Misty said, “Wait, I do.”

Luke smiled and gave her a thumbs up. “That’s right, you should be just this straightforward. Being wishy-washy doesn’t match what Director Stacy says about you.”

Misty thought for a moment, but then hesitated. “But I have to work cases. I don’t have that much time…”

Luke waved his hand. “I’ll talk to Walter. You can get off work at half past three this week. Of course, if you want to work overtime, Walter would be even happier.”

Misty was dumbfounded. Get off work at half past three? Are you sure this is NYPD? Are you sure this is the Detective Bureau?

She subconsciously looked around and confirmed that she wasn’t dreaming.

Ten minutes later, Luke came out of Walter’s office and gave her a thumbs up.

From inside the office, Walter looked at Luke aggrievedly. Misty couldn’t help but wonder if Luke was Walter’s son. No, not even his own son would get this sort of treatment. How could Luke goof off and also help his colleague goof off?

Did he think NYPD was his home?!

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