Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1521: Cursing Myself, and a Community Party

Chapter 1521: Cursing Myself, and a Community Party

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Phil was amused. Hey, you’re going overboard!

But Luke suddenly coughed, as if the air had been knocked out of him by his loud yell earlier, and his entire body swayed.

Phil, however, understood that this was the signal to take action.

A person could easily draw attention with his movements.

“They have guns!” he cried out, and the empty bucket flew over and instantly hit the upper body of the second man in black in the rear, successfully blocking his line of sight.

Bang! The empty bucket hit the man’s raised arm, and there was a loud clang.

The first man raised his gun and pointed it at Luke without hesitation.


Luke roared, “F*ck you! Go to h.e.l.l, white man!”

He and Phil were now two African-American men.

Even before he yelled, he threw out the two bottles of water.

Bang! Bang!

The two men in black suits collapsed.

Compared with the empty bucket that Phil had thrown, Luke’s two bottles of water weighed at least half a kilogram each. He had thrown them from just two to three meters away.

Anyone would be knocked out after being hit in the head in this situation.

Phil stopped and looked at Luke helplessly.

Luke said, “We have to take him away. He saw our faces.”

Of course, that was just an excuse. The first man in black was their target.

Phil considerately played along. “No need. Let’s just run.”

Luke snorted and pushed aside the man’s clothes. “See that? It’s an earpiece! This guy is undercover and tailing us. Let’s go! It’s not safe here!”

In the New York branch, the supervisor and personnel in front of the surveillance screen were dumbfounded. “WTF?”

‘The supervisor immediately had the backup team go to the rescue, and then asked the staff, “Where did these two guys come from? Get me everything on them.”

The personnel had already gotten to work. In less than two minutes, they found matches to the suspects. “Sir, they belong to New York gangs. One of them is called.”

After listening for a while, the supervisor grew impatient. “Why are they in New Jersey?”

The staff member said, “Maybe because Batman thrashed them too badly? According to the intelligence, these two haven’t been in New York for months.”

‘The supervisor slapped his forehead. “Are you kidding me? Two hoodlums who were scared off by Batman took down two of our elite agents in two seconds?”7

The staff member didn’t say anything, but he couldn’t help but mumble to himself, Batman destroyed the Chitauri fleet and crippled thousands of hooligans. What’s so strange about the hooligans he scared off being a little stronger?

In the car, Phil sighed helplessly. “Can you not be so serious? Why did you have to curse them like that?”

Luke, who was in the driver’s seat, didn’t seem to care at all. “We’re on an operation. We’re black, so of course we have to curse the white fellows without hesitation.”


Phil: …Fine.

He was too lazy to complain. In any case, this was all part of the “snake-catching operation.”

This was only the third round. There were still 20 to 30 more targets, and Hydra would eventually become suspicious.

Big Dipper would do whatever he could to mislead the other party.

After the interrogation, however, Phil adjusted the number of targets.

This person could be considered a “minor leader” of Hydra, and in one breath, he gave up five accomplices.

Three of them were newbies whom he had recruited into s.h.i.+ELD in the last two years.

One of them was level 3, and the other was level 4. They were both clerks, and had access to more information than regular agents; it would be normal if 10 to 20 more people were involved.

After confirming the intelligence, Luke and Phil split up again and got to work.

It was easy to imagine that as they carried on with the “snake-catching operation,” Nick Fury would have them capture fewer and fewer people.

It wouldn’t be because there was no one to catch, but because there were too many of them.

s.h.i.+ELD wasn’t just for show, but Hydra wasn’t stupid either. It was impossible for them to wait until 10% of their force was removed.

In any case, there were more than 100,000 s.h.i.+ELD employees worldwide. There was no end to this.

This was just Nick Fury and Phil’s last struggle.

Ina few months at most, they would understand the reality that s.h.i.+ELD was finished.

Luke didn’t think that a petty person like Nick Fury would make it easy for Hydra.

The director wouldn’t be willing to beat it until he had taken down a bunch of Hydra members.

With all the thinking he did over how to screw the other party over, Luke felt that he needed to take a break.

The atmosphere in the neighborhood had been a little dismal recently, so he decided to hold a community party.

Although Christmas was over, as long as there was money, they could party anytime.

He let Mary and Barbara at the relief shelter know, and put them in charge of organizing it.

Both heavyset women were at a loss. “How?”

Luke said, “Like on TV. Isn’t it just getting together to eat, drink and have fun?”

‘The two women shook their heads with strange expressions. “We’ve never done anything like that in Clinton. So, we’re sorry. We can help you get things done, but as for organizing.”

They spread their hands.

Luke was lost for words. Behind him, Selina laughed and pointed at Luke as if to say, “You dumba.s.s.”

Luke scratched his head and thought for a moment. Red Matt? Forget it. How could a blind person direct other people?

Although this blind man could actually do it, he didn’t want other people to know that he could.

Foggy? The guy was so busy he couldn’t even pee in peace.

Uncle Ben from the renovation company was actually very suitable for this. He was meticulous and thoughtful, and was familiar with many people here.

But their manpower and business were expanding rapidly, and they had too many things to do.

‘The most important thing for the employees of the renovation company was to earn money.

Luke suddenly clapped his hands. “Got it.”

Selina asked, “Who?”

Luke said, “The wives of the general managers of the renovation company and the freight company.”

Selina gave him a thumbs up.

May was a full-time housewife and could indeed spare some time. Also, Uncle Ben was her husband, and n.o.body in Clinton dared to mess with her.

Doris was also a full-time housewife and was free.

Of course, Selina was actually saying, “Good job pa.s.sing the buck.”

Luke accepted the compliment calmly and called May and Doris.

Both May and Doris were quite surprised.

Although they didn’t live in Clinton, their husbands’ respective work was based here.

‘They were happy for different reasons, but they were very willing to help organize a party like this.

‘As the person who proposed it, Luke had the foundation set aside an amount of money for party expenses.

Food, drinks, beer, decorations, tableware and kitchenware were all taken care of.

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