Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1536: Are You a Sore Loser?!

Chapter 1536: Are You a Sore Loser?!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Less than ten minutes after the “live broadcast” started, male guest number one, Garrett, was dead.

Hill, who had been in charge of dispatch at HQ for a long time, knew that unless the location was very clear and very close, it would take s.h.i.+ELD reinforcements 30 minutes to arrive at the scene.

It could be said that it was ten minutes for each of the three of them.

But after two people died, the third person might live the shortest.

That was because it seemed Jeff enjoyed watching them doubt and attack each other.

If there was only one person left, there was no longer anyone else to play off. All that awaited the last person after that was probably the final ten-second countdown.

‘What kind of criminal was the hardest to deal with? The biggest ones were those who weren’t affected by the outside world at all.

Ward, however, said, “Tl let her live to the end.”

Luke gave an “oh” and grinned again, revealing his white teeth. “Congratulations, Mr. Ward. Your valiance has activated the hidden Brave Mode!”

Both Ward and Hill’s hearts skipped a beat.

Luke raised the b.u.t.ton on the short wires and showed it to them. “See this? There are actually two b.u.t.tons on it. If I press the red one, everything will be the same as earlier. If I press the black one on the back, the b.u.t.ton in your hand will automatically activate the Judgment Machine in front of you in ten


Both Ward and Hill’s expressions changed.

‘The first round was a compet.i.tion to see who killed their opponent first.

The second round was a test to see who was more willing to sacrifice themself.

Hill felt surprise and nothing more at this “kill yourself to save the other person” operation. After all, few people could give up their lives so easily.

‘At that moment, Ward was cursing inwardly: F*ck, b*stard! Are you a sore loser?!

Just as he said the words earlier, this lunatic suddenly played this hand.

As for the dual b.u.t.ton that the other party had, the red b.u.t.ton on the top was on a white surface, and anyone who was paying attention would be able to see the b.u.t.ton sticking out. The black b.u.t.ton, on the other hand, was the same color as the black tape on it.

Most of the time, the black b.u.t.ton was either hidden by the tape or blocked by Luke’s hand, and couldn’t be seen at all.

It was obvious that Luke had been waiting for this to happen!

You’re so decisive? Then let’s see if you’re brave enough to sacrifice yourself!

Luke smiled and winked at the camera behind him. “Ladies and gentlemen, you can start choosing the lucky guest now. Who knows, your wish might come true!”

Turning around, he pressed the b.u.t.ton without hesitation. “Now, let the game begin.”

“10, 9…” The electronic voice rang out again, and the onlookers in s.h.i.+ELD felt cold.

Hill hesitated.

She recalled how Jeff had said to her earlier, “Promise me you’ll live, okay?”

It wasn’t that Hill was greedy for life and afraid of death. On the contrary, to survive required more courage.

That was because n.o.body knew how Jeff would torture the last person left after this.

But if she pressed the b.u.t.ton now, everything would be over.

Pressing the b.u.t.ton could mean giving up early from a lack of will, or a calm acceptance of death.

The instinctive desire to live made Ward and Hill’s expressions change significantly.

‘As long as a person was a little more pure and simple, they would be very clear on whether they wanted to live or die. They wouldn’t be so conflicted.

Just like that, the two agents with deep thoughts and a wealth of experience plunged into torment.

Ten seconds could be long, but at that moment, they were undoubtedly very short.

It felt like they had only been hesitating for a moment, when the electronic voice rang out. “3, 2…”


Ward looked down at his finger with wide eyes.

At the last second, an invisible force had suddenly pressed it down, and he was killed before Hill.

Ward was dumbstruck, puzzled, and furious.

Suddenly enlightened, he looked at the lunatic in the purple suit with the last of his strength. “You played me…?”

Luke grinned exaggeratedly. He raised his index finger and pressed it to his mouth. “Sorry, that’s right.”

‘Ward’s eyes gradually turned dark, and he heard one last sentence that seemed to come from the distant air. “It’s just a joke.”

Everybody in s.h.i.+ELD was silent.

They had seen everything clearly.

Hill and Ward had pressed the b.u.t.ton at the same time, but it seemed Ward had been a little quicker.

This made him the second victim.

Although Ward had demonstrated extraordinary ruthlessness and decisiveness in the first round against Garrett, this seemed to partly prove what he had said before.

Perhaps, he had chosen to act first because Garrett had been suffering?

Everyone’s minds were in turmoil after the deaths of two agents in a row.

Nick Fury asked, “How long till the rescue team arrives?”

Sitwell: “Five minutes.”

Fury’s face was dark and he didn’t say anything else.

It was useless to rush it. The Quinjet was already going at extreme speed; it wouldn’t suddenly turn into light speed.

For the remaining five minutes, they could only wait and see what Jeff would do.

If he remained just as straightforward, Hill definitely wouldn’t survive.

On the other side of the screen, Luke walked over to Hill and took the b.u.t.ton from her hand. “Congratulations, Miss Maria Hill, for becoming the only winner of this game.”

Hill’s mind was in a mess.

She hadn’t expected Ward to be the one to die in the end.

She had gritted her teeth at the last second — how could it have been easy for her to decide to sacrifice herself?

Now that she was the only one left, what kind of fate awaited her?

Luke touched her head and slowly walked behind her. “Don’t worry. The victor should be rewarded.”

The hearts of the people at s.h.i.+ELD started racing again. Why did this look like the scene before an execution?

Then, Luke took out a syringe from behind Hill and stabbed it into her neck with a broad, silent smile.

It’s over! Everybody in s.h.i.+ELD who saw this scene was shocked. A lot of people held their breaths as the syringe was emptied out.

Hill slowly closed her eyes and her head drooped.

Then, Luke walked over to the camera with a smile. “The Braveheart Game has now officially come to an end. Interested friends, please wait for it. I’ll see you in the next episode. Please continue to show your support. Goodnight.”

He then turned off the camera.

At s.h.i.+ELD, that strange smiling face lingered on many screens.

‘The skin was as white as powder, and there were black rings around the deep-set eyes. The bright red lipstick extended beyond the thickness of his actual lips, and when he grinned, it formed a cla.s.sic “b.l.o.o.d.y mouth.”

Coupled with the long hair that was slicked back and the purple suit, this final image was deeply ingrained in the minds of everyone at s.h.i.+ELD.

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