Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1543: Cool Points and s.h.i.+ELD Taking the Blame

Chapter 1543: Cool Points and s.h.i.+ELD Taking the Blame

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Various signs suggested that the new “Dark Knight” was more likely a super fan of Batman.

Unlike other fans, he was strong enough to take the cosplay to the extreme, which included the suit, skills, and breaking bones.

From these three points, even if the Dark Knight wasn’t as strong as Batman, he definitely wasn’t ordinary.

There was a lot of activity on the Internet. Many of their teammates also sent greetings through the exclusive communication channel. They used slightly different phrasing, but the question was essentially the same: Who is the Dark Knight?

Luke replied with, “One of our own,” and didn’t say anything else.

Tony, however, didn’t send any messages.

He had even seen Bruce transform in person; Batman switching bodies and suits was just a continuation of his previous plan.

The only thing that made the tyc.o.o.n feel a little threatened — was that the new Bat suit was already 4.7% as cool as his Mark 7.

The previous Bat suit, which had clearly been more on the heavy side, was now a medium-sized suit. It was less oppressive, but cooler — especially for female fans.

For example, Pepper had expressed admiration for the Dark Knight’s armor.

While Tony knew the s.h.i.+ne would wear off eventually, he was still a little nervous.

If he could only draw with Bruce when it came to armor cool points, life would be too boring.

Ifhe lost in this aspect, the only other way he could crush the other party was in terms of money.

Between friends, however, it was clearly inappropriate to make comparisons with money. After all, none of his friends were as rich as he was.

As for comparing their skills, forget it. The resources which Batman had sent to him last time on the Chitauri technology had given him a lot of inspiration, and he made a lot of progress in terms of remote control of the armor.

But Tony still had his pride.

Why don’t I take Bruce out to have fun someday? To see who’s better at picking up girls? The thought flashed through Luke’s mind.

He guaranteed it would be just like how he had helped Rhodes with the hot chicks in the swimming pool on the roof – it was absolutely just pure camaraderie between friends.

Forget it. What if Pepper got angry and threw back all the miscellaneous work at the company to him? Sign hundreds of doc.u.ments a day, many of which were deals made behind the scenes — he couldn’t mult.i.task. The tyc.o.o.n told himself it was because he respected Pepper, and absolutely not because

he was afraid of a particular pretty face.

In the wake of the Dark Knight’s appearance, the members of the special force returned to New York one after another. Only the lunatic Wade, who had a hot and beautiful wife to accompany him, remained where he was in the warm Mediterranean.

Luke didn’t bother with him.

If something happened, he would definitely be able to use money to summon this b*tch back in a day.

After squandering what he had, Wade would naturally come back obediently to hug Luke’s thigh.

Damon and Mindy returned home quietly and returned to an ordinary life as Damon continued painting and Mindy went to school.

Angel was the last to return.

She seemed a little disheveled when she got back, but Luke sensed via Mental Communication that she was mentally a lot more composed and resolute.

After a talk with Luke, the Bat Cave warehouse had a new female manager.

The appearance of the Dark Knight was a big thing for the public, especially the people of New York.

But for s.h.i.+ELD, it was a small matter.

It wasn’t that Batman’s “successor” wasn’t worth paying attention to — it was just that Joker had made a move again.

Nick Fury had watched the entire live broadcast last night.

In the end, only the woman survived, and the father and son were “sentenced” to death.

He frowned. “Any news from the FBI?”

Next to him, Hill came back to herself. “Not yet. They said that they would send their best forensic investigators and behavioral a.n.a.lysts to cooperate with us.”

Nick Fury hummed and didn’t dwell on it.

It sounded very lofty, but the more sophisticated something was, the easier it was to make mistakes.

As the king of agents, he knew many ways to deceive specialists.

A little trick was enough to make them fall into a trap.

And when a trap appeared and there wasn’t enough logic behind the evidence presented, the outcome might be far from the truth.

Besides, there were plenty of people in s.h.i.+ELD who could a.n.a.lyze behavior. Unfortunately, there had been no progress in studying Batman… or, could it be said that there was too much progress?

According to the specialists, Batman seemed to have multiple personalities.

So, when they encountered a situation where they couldn’t explain the target’s personality, they pushed the blame onto a new personality. Nick Fury sneered and left.

In fact, the s.h.i.+ELD experts had studied the last video countless times.

Even the two crude Judgment Machines and the three metal chairs had been brought back as evidence.

The suspect, who had been designated Joker by s.h.i.+ELD, called himself Jeff, but his real ident.i.ty had already been identified as Jack Bode.

Given that Luke had deliberately exposed his face, it was impossible for s.h.i.+ELD to not uncover the original ident.i.ty.

After arguing for two days, the specialists came to a rough conclusion: The target seemed to have a split personality, and the second personality was very anti-social.

What else could Nick Fury say?

How many mental patients who came out to cause trouble didn’t have split personalities? How many people who dared to find trouble with s.h.i.+ELD didn’t have anti-social impulses?

The only important conjecture that the specialists had was that it was very likely that this persona had only appeared recently.

The last time Jack Bode committed a crime was three months ago, and he had still been targeting ordinary people then.

The specialists shared the same opinion.

It was likely that Jack Bode had undergone a huge change in the last three months. His new personality now had a superpower, which turned him from a simple murderer to a sociopath.

This also explained why his M.O. had changed.

The intelligence also showed that Jack Bode suddenly went missing a month ago and never appeared again.

There had been nothing unusual about his behavior before he went missing.

s.h.i.+ELD found footage evidence of Jack’s past crimes in his place.

But… it was useless! n.o.body knew where he was now.

On this rare occasion, Nick Fury agreed with the specialists: This Jack had suddenly obtained some superpower which inflated his ego and which was why he jumped out to openly make trouble for s.h.i.+ELD.

As for why he went after s.h.i.+ELD, that actually wasn’t hard to understand.

s.h.i.+ELD often operated outside under the name of the FBI, and the FBI had a department that specialized in catching serial killers.

Those people had even specially gone to San Francis...o...b..fore to hunt down Jack. They had gotten very close twice, but weren’t able to find him in the end, and they returned empty-handed.

However, according to the investigation, a woman whom Jack was suspected to be in love with left San Francis...o...b..cause she couldn’t take the FBI’s investigation.

In other words, the FBI had scared off Jack’s one-sided crush.

In the past, it was basically the FBI who took the fall for s.h.i.+ELD. This time, it was s.h.i.+ELD taking the fall for the FBI.

After thinking for a moment, Nick Fury gave up on the investigation.

As long as Joker didn’t ruin his plan, it didn’t matter how many people the man killed..

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