Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1555 Delivery Guy

Chapter 1555 Delivery Guy

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke couldn’t help but shake his head. “You and Elizabeth have been too busy recently. If this goes on, you’ll pick up a lot of bad habits.”

Elsa was vexed but also nostalgic. “When we were partners, we could at least eat on time five days a week. I can’t do that anymore.”

Luke didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Hey, how can you blame me for that? It’s not like we can go over to your office every day. Also, how troublesome can ordering takeout be?”

Elsa said, “Forget it. The food either tastes like sh*t or is as expensive as sh*t. We might as well eat the hot dogs outside the police department.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but interject, “Actually, it’s not that bad. It’s just that it can’t compare with Luke’s cooking.”

Luke raised his hand. “Wait, don’t tell me you want me to be your delivery guy?”

Selina immediately rolled her eyes.

Luke was always going on and on to her about how he was a plumber, a delivery guy and so on.

Luke hadn’t considered this.

From Mental Communication, these two ladies indeed missed when they had been able to get pastries almost every day back in LAPD.

Thinking for a moment, Luke suddenly clapped his hands. “Do you want me to help you find a phone delivery app?”

n the end, Elsa was still more experienced, and said frankly, “Calling and texting is about the same. The important thing is that takeout is awful and expensive. If we eat too much of it, it’ll turn into fat which will pile


Luke understood.

tt was one thing for the food he made to be delicious, but he also seldom made deep fried food high in calories or achingly sweet stuff.

For the two female officers who had irregular diets, the most important thing was food that was tasty but which also wouldn’t make them put on weight easily.

Thinking quickly, he recalled something that Uncle Ben had mentioned recently.

The Clinton renovation company was doing well, and had recruited a lot of people.

Based on neighborhood feedback, however, a considerable number of young girls and middle-aged women were feeling left out.

Female laborers usually only appeared in action movies, and weren’t common in real life.

It was also true that they didn’t like that sort of work. Apart from a few clerks, there were few women in the renovation company.

Phone orders and food delivery? That was an interesting idea.

Clinton was in a good location. It was less than a kilometer from Stark Tower, and NYPD HQ was five kilometers away.

After the fire last time, half of the people at the shelter had moved out, and the volunteers and foundation’s paid staff had nothing to do.

They had a big kitchen.

However, it would take a few weeks or even a month to make this happen, so he didn’t bring up the idea here.

The four of them continued chatting.

Elsa revealed that the new commissioner, Nelson, had taken advantage of the situation, and that an invasion by an alien fleet had been a good thing for him.

Thanks to the early training which the police department had put in place, many officers were able to take people out of danger without needing direct orders; they didn’t have to grit their teeth and charge forward to

be blown up by the aliens.

Most New Yorkers’ opinion of the police department improved after that, and the number of officers who died or were injured dropped significantly.

When the training first started, the police department’s mid- and low-level executives complained that it was simply a formality, and that it was better to increase the pay instead.

Many people criticized Nelson for being inexperienced and wasting taxpayers’ money and donations as soon as he took office.

Now, they could only swallow their words.

It couldn’t be said that Commissioner Nelson was riding high, but his position was basically secure.

The commissioner was in a good spot, and the new Chief of Police also benefited. The shock wave of resignations could no longer shake their positions.

Elsa and Elizabeth would definitely be promoted next year.

Dustin could also become someone with real power.

After the wave of resignations, the next development in NYPD was a pay rise.

Given the increased risks of the job and thanks to donations from various bigshots in New York, Nelson began to increase the benefits for mid- and high-level police officers.

These people had weight in terms of their roles and experience, and the police department struggled to hang onto these pillars of experience and capability.

After all, patrol officers could be easily recruited at the lowest level, but these mid- and high-level positions required enough capability and experience. Not everyone could do well.

Luke casually suggested that Elsa rent a place in New Jersey. That way, she wouldn’t have to worry about her house collapsing in the middle of the night or when she was at work.

Elsa rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything.

Luke was referring to the attack by the test subjects and the Chitauri invasion.

She was single, and with her salary, it was only right for her to switch to a better place for her own safety.

It was time for dinner, and everybody moved to the dining room.

There were only four people at today’s gathering, and it was a slightly more depressing holiday — at the very least, Elsa and Elizabeth might be a little b.u.mmed.

So, dinner soon turned into a small party.

Throwing out the rule of not talking with your mouth full, drinking became the main theme.

After he was done eating, Luke wanted to slip away as usual and leave the floor to the three women.

Unlike before, he didn’t succeed this time as Elsa nabbed him.

tt was indeed weird for three women to spend Valentine’s Day together. Luke didn’t insist on leaving, and simply suggested that they go online on their phones and play cards in the F2F entertainment room.

Why not just use real poker cards? Luke’s excuse was that they didn’t have to clean up the cards themselves.

tt was human nature to be lazy. Everybody agreed with him.

Then, the four of them started gossiping as they drank and played on their phones.

aturally, what they gossiped about wasn’t dirt on each other, but on other people.

Elsa started with talk about Commissioner Nelson and a certain beautiful department director.

Then, Elizabeth revealed how she had secretly dug up dirt online about the former supervisor of the Internet division, who had been her boss a few months ago and in cahoots with the previous first deputy


Women who could stick around in the police department for years wouldn’t be “good girls.”

The only reason they didn’t swear like sailors was that they had good enough manners.

In fact, all police officers liked to curse in private, including Luke.

It was a professional trait.

They ran into all kinds of weird people and things every day. If they didn’t vent with a vulgar curse every now and then, their mindsets would really collapse.

Cursing out f*cking drug dealers, sh*tty hooligans and crazy rich people was common.

By the same logic, when it came to certain scandals, even Elizabeth didn’t hold back.

However, it was probably because her previous boss had targeted her too much that her current description was so “vivid.”

Going in with silk stockings and lipstick on, and coming out with bare legs and wiping at smudged lips – it was an extremely detailed description.

The most important thing was that Elizabeth’s previous boss was usually very proper, and was very strict and inflexible when doing things. In private, however…

This was indeed explosive news.

Even Elsa shook her head and sighed. She had only heard rumors; catching someone in the actual act was rare..

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