Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1558 Safeguarding a Perpetual Motion Machine of Skills

Chapter 1558 Safeguarding a Perpetual Motion Machine of Skills

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Tony was confused for a second before he finally pulled his mind away from s.h.i.+ELD and understood what Luke meant.

His face was a little dark and doubtful. “Is that… really useful?”

Luke took a sip of his coffee and said, “It should have some effect. If you only have five minutes of stamina left, it would definitely be very useful.”

Tony coughed and snorted. “Then it’s useless.”

Then, he thought of something. “Can I get a regular supply of Life 1? I don’t need much.”

Luke was interested. “Did you find something?”

Tony had studied the drug for months, and had made a lot of progress.

However, most of the research wasn’t within Tony’s abilities.

The tyc.o.o.n, who didn’t have much time, had given this task to a research team.

Luke also had a small number of test subjects, most of whom were suffering certain illnesses and could only wait to die.

They were willing to undergo experiments for a little bit of hope, and at the same time get a considerable amount of cash — tax-free.

The poor at death’s door didn’t care about the IRS.

So far, it seemed that there were no bad side effects of Life 1.

That was within Luke’s expectations.

After all, the original version of Life 1 was a “medicinal bath” which the Fraternity had used for over a century.

After such a long time, there would have been some record of hidden dangers, and Sloan wouldn’t have let himself and the elite use the bath often.

Of course, there was another possibility: The hidden dangers took more than an ordinary person’s lifespan to develop.

At that time, whether there were side effects or not didn’t matter.

Tony nodded. “It has been confirmed that it rapidly heals external injuries, cures certain types of illnesses, and slows down aging, and there are no side effects.”

Luke nodded. “I’ll help you make a call. You can negotiate with the bigshot.”

He then changed the topic. “You’re… not planning to use it as a special medicine for your waist, are you?”

Tony’s face stiffened.

That was indeed his plan, but that would take at least three to five years.

He would never use such a mysterious drug on himself unless he had tested it for a long time.

It wasn’t because he suspected that Luke had bad intentions, but because he would cry if the side effect was something like increased muscle strain.

After all, this thing was used to save lives in the first place. It was fine to pay some sort of price for saving lives, but in healthcare, any obvious side effects were undesirable.

Luke patted his shoulder. “Then you should practice the Chi Refining Technique more. I can guarantee that it won’t cause you any harm at least.”

Thinking for a moment, he added, “You can ask the bigshot for a Light Dagger. If you use it to boost your cultivation, the effect should be pretty good.”

Compared with a scientific approach to Life 1, the Light Dagger supplied pure life force, and would indeed boost the Chi Refining Technique.

Extravagant? No way.

This thing couldn’t appear on a large scale, or a lot of people would go crazy looking for it to “extend” their lives.

Ina sense, the life force in the Light Dagger was omnipotent.

Most terminal illnesses could be delayed even if they couldn’t be cured. Coupled with some medical treatment, there was a high chance that the patient would recover, whether fully or partially.

Tony had already used several doses of Life 1, but had only used the Light Dagger twice. Clearly, they were very rare.

Tony was delighted to hear that. “Can I have 12 first?”

Luke said, “Two at most. It’s just a temporary boost in the effects of the Chi Refining Technique to delay aging for a few months so that you won’t die suddenly from muscle strain.”

Tony was lost for words.

Luke was so concerned about Tony’s quality of sleep and waist muscles, not because of Pepper.

The tyc.o.o.n was currently a 1-star teammate, and his abilities could be refreshed at any time.

Since he had become Luke’s “perpetual motion ATM of skills,” it made sense to ensure that it was running smoothly and efficiently.

Now that Tony’s body was fine, he could work a few more hours every day, and his efficiency had also increased.

There was no exploitation taking place.

Luke himself only slept two hours a day. Why should he feel sorry for Tony, who could sleep more than six hours a day?

Luke indeed had to take care of this perpetual motion machine.

A dead enemy was a good enemy.

A living teammate was a good teammate.

it was in Luke’s best interest to have a teammate with this sort of output.

Half an hour later, Luke left with all of Tony’s research on Life 1.

Tony would share the results on Life 1 with Luke, and Luke would continue to provide Life 1 for experiments.

ext, both parties reached a tacit understanding over the matter of s.h.i.+ELD.

Tony wouldn’t intervene; it also wouldn’t be good to do so.

But following a hint from Luke, he promised to claim some of s.h.i.+ELD’s “legacies” when the time was right.

it was typical for capitalists to discuss splitting up an inheritance even when the other party was still alive.

The two big capitalists who had made this decision didn’t feel any guilt at all. They couldn’t let Hydra take advantage!

Valentine’s Day pa.s.sed, and the Joker was unwilling to remain silent.

On February 17, two more politicians died.

They were cousins; one was a businessman and the other was a mayor, and they had colluded on a lot of unsavory matters.

They were worth 5,000 experience and credit points in total.

The survivor was the businessman’s son.

Although this heir was only fifteen, he was already a light red evil.

Who knew if he would turn over a new leaf after seeing his father and uncle dealt with on the spot.

Luke wasn’t too hopeful.

There wasn’t a big difference between whether there were more good people in society or whether there were more experience and credit points for him.

While his Level 1 clone was doing a live broadcast, Luke talked business with CEO Jenny.

Using the initial design for the Messenger app, which Luke had completed based on a similar software from his previous life, creating a food order app wasn’t hard.

Jenny’s professional team would take care of the specific details.

For example, Americans liked to use bank checks and credit cards, and were naturally resistant to online payments.

The big capitalists in the American banking industry wouldn’t let outsiders break into their territory and steal such huge benefits.

The power to issue currency didn’t lie with the government, but with the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve adopted a two-part structure that was composed of federal government agencies and nonprofit organizations, thereby preventing monetary policy from being completely centralized under the

federal government.

No matter how confident Luke was, he didn’t think it would be easy to steal their piece of the pie.

Of course, it wasn’t that hard.

Following the explosive development of the Internet and phone networks, a PayPal-like platform already existed for online shopping.

At Luke’s prompting, Jenny invested in the platform in advance. She then reached an agreement with Amazon, the largest online shopping platform, and held shares in it.

With this payment platform in place, opening up a food order service wouldn’t be hard. Everything would be done in a month or two. The only problem was how many eateries would take part.

Right now, Luke was just opening a small kitchen, which wasn’t hard for a single businessman to operate at all.

Jenny couldn’t be bothered to ask more questions. She simply handed the matter over to her subordinates to do a test run.

It wasn’t easy talking business with Luke. .

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