Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1571 Sister, Save Me, and Take Over

Chapter 1571 Sister, Save Me, and Take Over

Tony suddenly attacked from the side, and the Warlock subconsciously turned around so that they weren’t facing each other.

The Hulkbuster reached under the Warlock’s right armpit to grab his left arm with both hands. Its powerful legs wrapped around the other party’s legs, and the back of its head was pressed to the back of the Warlock’s head.

With their legs tangled together, the Warlock and Hulkbuster rolled over the ground for more than ten meters before they stopped. The Warlock was alarmed and angry. He struggled with all his might, but couldn’t escape for the time being. His right arm was stuck under his left arm, which was being held tightly.

The only attack the Warlock could use was to extend tentacles from his hands and stab at the Hulkbuster armor.

Its physical strength was completely limited. It was impossible for the tentacle alone to break through the Hulkbuster’s thick armor.

The next moment, the black-and-white skull face appeared in front of the Warlock, and it raised those dreadful longswords.

The Warlock struggled frantically and screamed in fear. “No! Sister, help…” In the face of death, the Warlock released a burst of strength and rolled away with the Hulkbuster.

But compared with his earlier speed just now, this was completely different.

The remote-controlled android which the Warlock had taken apart was the best proof.

Without superpowers to increase reaction speed and lethality, even a super robot with extraordinary strength would only be able to last for a minute.

At that moment, with Tony hanging on to the Warlock, the latter’s fate was sealed.

Two silver blades flashed, and the wildly waving tentacles fell away to reveal the terrified and twisted face of the Warlock.

The silver longswords, which contained the power of Annihilation, swung silently at the Warlock’s neck and waist, which weren’t blocked by the Hulkbuster. The Warlock stopped and looked down at his broken body in despair. His lips moved as he murmured soundlessly, “Sister…” Boom!

A black light beam shot up into the sky from the roof of the train station.

Almost at the same time, the Dark Knight activated the setup outside the metal fortress, and a dozen thick plasma beams shot toward the metal fortress in the center.

But two seconds later, Selina, Angel, Alice, Frank and the Dark Knight’s names turned gray.

This meant that the signals from the special androids in the vicinity of the station had disappeared, and the internal comms had automatically switched to offline mode.

Luke didn’t hesitate at all. He stopped using the destructive power of Annihilation. This time, when he swung his longswords, they were infused with the power of faith.

The blades blossomed with a light golden light which was enough to blind Tony’s eyes.

Puchi! Puchi!

A blade pierced the brain at an angle through the neck, while the other pierced the heart.

The 37,000 faith value in the system dropped, and a light golden light spread out from the brain and heart of the Warlock who had been stabbed with the longswords.

The Warlock howled miserably. “That’s impossible. This is the power of G.o.d…”

Those were his last words.

The light golden light completely covered his head and chest as countless cracks appeared on his body.

Luke drew out his longswords and stabbed twice more without hesitation.

The lower half of the Warlock’s body and two remaining tentacles were pierced by the glowing longswords again.

Less than a second later, the remaining parts of the Warlock turned golden.

The cracks grew bigger and bigger, and the golden head and torso began to turn into what looked like threads of golden dust before they completely collapsed.

The moment Luke drew his longswords out, a system notification finally popped up.

System: Kill the ancient Warlock. Mission accomplished.

That was the reason why Luke hadn’t overlooked the lower half of the Warlock’s body and tentacles earlier.

The guy might have been screaming wretchedly, but he wasn’t dying at all. It was very likely that he would have been able to regenerate from his cut lower torso and tentacles.

If Luke wanted something done, he had to go all the way! Otherwise, it would be a waste for Luke to summon the tyc.o.o.n as a s.h.i.+eld.

It was also how they had split the work last time, which was how they had been able to beat the sister back! All of the family should be treated the same way. At that moment, Tony got up from the ground and immediately charged toward the station. He didn’t forget to mock, “Hehe, you killed her brother. That old woman’s gone crazy.”

Luke followed Tony. “It’s ‘we’ – we killed her brother. If you have any more awesome gadgets on you, take them out. The energy of that metal sh.e.l.l is too powerful. Don’t let her kill you in seconds.”

Tony didn’t stop. “This is my armor with the strongest defenses. What about you? Don’t tell me you’ll just be wearing that chicken suit.”

“Give me five seconds.” Luke charged into the bottom of a nearby building. A moment later, he charged out again with an incomplete support unit.

At that moment, Tony had already flown 100 meters to the station, and he activated his most powerful move without hesitation.

Bam! The three beams of light released from his hands and chest converged into one fierce blast which hit the metal cone floating behind the station.


The 3-in-1 blast caused the ground around the station to shake, and Tony’s expression turned even more solemn.

That was because the attack had only caused the black light around the metal cone to ripple, and hadn’t broken through it.

Also, it was a light ripple. No matter how he looked at it, the power of his attack was still a little lacking.

At Tony’s attack, the metal parts moved more quickly and stacked up together.

The cone grew bigger and bigger at a visible speed before it was complete.

The wind kicked up, and all kinds of junk were sucked toward the cone.

Some were directly swallowed up by the cone, and most were sent flying by the wind.

Tony had a bad feeling.

He immediately changed his attack pattern.

A bright orange light beam hit the black light s.h.i.+eld and continued to burn it. At the same time, he warned Luke, “You better hurry. I feel that this metal sh.e.l.l is about to be completed. I think I need to change to something more specific.”

At that moment, Luke charged out of the building. As he ran, a huge reactor appeared in his chest.

Before he arrived, a plasma beam no smaller than Tony’s shot out.

The black light s.h.i.+eld rippled even more intensely, but it didn’t seem to be breaking.

Tony said, “You take over…”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Before he finished speaking, a black light shot out from the tip of the cone and sent him flying 100 meters away.

Luke was lost for words. Fine, it seemed that he really had to take over and do it himself.

The thrusters under his feet activated at full force as the enormous defense unit charged straight at the metal cone.

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