Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1573 s.e.xy Big Dipper and Running Wild

Chapter 1573 s.e.xy Big Dipper and Running Wild

In this regard, Luke was full of firm disdain for the tyc.o.o.n.

Money could solve everything.

Would Tony dare throw away the defense armor if it broke? Hm, it seemed he really would.

When you were rich, you could do whatever you wanted.

They clearly had different views on the external armor.

For example, Tony had chosen the name Hulkbuster, which had a simple and obvious meaning

Now, before the tyc.o.o.n could use it against the Hulk, he had run into this old Warlock, and was able to confirm that the armor could take a beating.

Luke, on the other hand, had an extremely simple name for his defense armor — Blue Glider 1.

Its biggest use was just to smash, smash, smash.

There was no difference between smas.h.i.+ng people, monsters or something like this metal cone.

In the face of this “demolition,” the huge metal cone trembled slightly.

The Enchantress, who was controlling the cone, was angry, but also a little overwhelmed. In a typical situation, it would be the Warlock who would be fending off Luke in a close-range attack like this.

However, the Warlock had already been killed, and the tower was missing its most important pillar of support.

Gritting her teeth, the Enchantress finally couldn’t help but roar… There was nothing she could do but act. She couldn’t care less about the energy consumption.

If this went on, this lunatic would tear a pa.s.sage into the tower and appear in front of her.

Luke, who was tearing through the metal cone, suddenly sensed the metal parts around him retreat, and a hole one meter in diameter appeared in front of him.

Alarm bells went off in his head. He raised his hands in front of him without any hesitation, and as he leaned back, he kicked out with both legs. Flames burst out of the thrusters as he retreated.

He was fast, but so was the Enchantress’s tower.

A thick black light beam shot out of the hole.


The black beam hit Luke.

He only felt a slight impact before the armor on his arms crumbled.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t destroyed. Instead, it was directly dismantled into various parts that abruptly fell apart.

It was as if the armor had been instantly dismantled by invisible hands.

Luke’s eyes widened. “WTF?”

What kind of magic was this? It could actually dismantle the armor.

After breaking apart Luke’s armor, the enormous black light beam didn’t stop as it shrunk in size before immediately hitting Luke in the chest.

Clang! Clang!

Luke retreated from the debris that filled the sky and avoided seven or eight metal whips.

The bad news was that his defense armor had been completely dismantled.

The good news was that only the armor on his arms was damaged, and the rest of the Big Dipper armor was basically intact.

That was because when the black light beam broke up the defense armor, Luke had decisively dodged to the side and away.

With his arms bare now, however, the Big Dipper armor looked like a sleeveless vest, and it wasn’t much better than running around naked.

On the other side, Tony couldn’t help but whistle at the sight. “Yo! This outfit suits you, Big Spoon.”

Luke’s lips twitched. “Let me tell you a piece of good news: I was just hit by that black light beam, and I became like this. If I had been slower to dodge, I guarantee there wouldn’t have been anything left of my armor.”

Tony cursed inwardly.

Big Dipper himself was an extraordinary being; even without his armor, his combat ability was still very strong.

If Tony didn’t have his armor… he wouldn’t even have 5% of his combat ability.

This was a battlefield, and there was no time or s.p.a.ce for him to make new equipment.

He also had to rely on the Mark suit to outfit himself with the Hulkbuster armor, and he couldn’t directly equip it.

In other words, Tony would look just like Big Dipper if he was. .h.i.t by the black light beam.

Tony cautiously raised his left hand. His palm had turned into a hard and red gigantic cannon.

As he raised his hand, the muzzle lit up with a blinding light.

Zi! Zi! Zi!

There was no loud noise, only the faint sound of plasma. A huge white ball of light flew out, like a shooting star with a long tail, and shot into the hole Luke had created.

It didn’t stop there.

The huge cannon that was Tony’s left hand didn’t stop as he fired at the metal cone every two seconds.

He shot in a line from the hole, clearly in an attempt to blow the cone into two pieces.

Luke didn’t waste any time. He dashed into a nearby building and changed into a set of regular gear.

The shoulder cannon and countless mini missiles rained down on every hole in the metal cone.

No matter what the Enchantress wanted to do with these holes, he would first shoot a few or missiles into them to make it hard for the other party to counterattack.

Although Luke also wanted to see the “s.e.xy” tyc.o.o.n run around, it was just a thought.

The tyc.o.o.n wasn’t his clone. Without his armor, he would be killed in minutes.

At that moment, the Enchantress was also fl.u.s.tered.

Tony’s energy cannon was too powerful.

This was an experimental product based on Chitauri technology. It was originally built with a target like the big worm battles.h.i.+p in mind. The metal cone was about 50 meters in height.

In terms of size, it was on par with the battles.h.i.+p.

After Tony was sent flying, his first thought was to use this energy cannon. Even though it wasn’t fully developed, the cannon’s power was still beyond what the cone could withstand.

The Enchantress tried her best to resist, but was unable to change the speed at which her half-finished magic tower collapsed.

Hesitating for a moment, she then gritted her teeth. “Just you wait. I’ll come back for you.”

With that, she activated the self-destruct sequence for the magic tower. With a thought, she turned into black smoke and was about to use a spell to teleport away.

But the next moment, her body coalesced once more, and she flew out to hit a metal wall with a bang.

Struggling with pain, the Enchantress said in disbelief, “How is that possible? How can they restrict my magic?”.

Luke and Tony, on the other hand, heard the notification in their ears. “The s.p.a.ce obstruction device has detected strong s.p.a.ce fluctuations.”

Luke said, “She’s going to run. Be careful not to let her run beyond 500 meters, or the obstruction device will be useless.”

Tony said, “No kidding. I was the one who gave Bruce that thing.”

Luke had nothing to say to that. He could only control the android wearing sniper gear, which he had placed in a building earlier, to aim at the upper part of the metal cone.

Boom! Bang!

A huge crater several meters in diameter appeared in the upper half of the cone.

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