Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1575 Cooperation and Successful Capture

Chapter 1575 Cooperation and Successful Capture

Keeping up the gunfire, Luke asked Tony, “Is there a way to trap her?”

Luke’s electromagnetic cannon, Tony’s energy cannon, and their missiles blew up the Enchantress’s position.

In the end, apart from letting out two screams, she was still moving resolutely.

Their attacks could only slow the enemy down, and couldn’t stop her.

What was even more awkward was that if Luke wanted to close in for an attack, he had to stop his barrage, or he would be the one to be hit in the face first.

Luke wasn’t afraid of death, but if Tony “hurt” his teammate, he would still be stunned for a short period of time, and the Enchantress might take advantage of that moment to attack.

Whether the other party used magic or hastened her escape at that time, it would be a huge problem.

Her magic could destroy their armor with the black light, and could make one or both of them lose control of their firepower on the battlefield.

Once she ran beyond 500 meters, they could only pray that she didn’t try to teleport.

If that happened, she would be able to go anywhere in the city and even directly teleport dozens of meters underground; it would be hard for them to chase and catch her then.

Tony said, “I brought a device with me. It should be able to trap her, but we have to make sure it isn’t destroyed before it takes effect.”

Luke was surprised. “What is it?” Tony said, “It’s a mental interference device, and works a little like a net gun. It automatically releases a signal when it gets close, and interferes with the body’s ability to receive mental signals. However, it absolutely can’t withstand her magic.”

Thinking quickly, Luke said, “Okay. Later… huh?”

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the metal cone in the fog not far away.

Tony did the same, and was just as surprised. He cursed. “Is she going to detonate this thing?”

“No wonder she was in a hurry to escape.” Luke dashed forward. “You distract her. I’ll take care of it.”

Tony didn’t have time to worry about how Big Spoon would “take care” of such a huge metal cone.

He had already realized that the Enchantress was picking up her pace as she fled. She was clearly preparing to escape once the cone exploded.

Tony simply silently aimed the part of the Hulkbuster armor that was still intact at the cone and increased the firepower. In short, he couldn’t let the Enchantress escape. Luke sped up and activated his Mental Strength full-force the moment his hands touched the metal cone.

The enormous metal cone twisted slightly and disappeared in the fog two seconds later.

Luke’s complexion turned slightly pale.

The Level 1 clone that had come today had the lowest Mental Strength. Coupled with the interference from the cone’s energy reaction, Luke almost hadn’t been able to store it away.

Based on the energy fluctuations that the fog couldn’t hide, the cone could explode at any time, and it might be as powerful as a nuclear weapon.

If it really exploded, thousands of Grand Rapids residents in a range of several kilometers would die.

As soon as Luke put away the metal cone, the fleeing Enchantress was suddenly stunned. Wait, why were there no more energy fluctuations from the magic tower?

While she was still in a daze, she was injured by Tony’s fierce gunfire. After her form coalesced once more, half of her calf was missing, slowing her down further. She couldn’t take it anymore. Ignoring the fact that attacking would delay her escape, she sent a streak of black light at the guy. Tony was enjoying himself, when he saw the black light fly over.

His heart jumped, and he dodged decisively.

Putting the matter of destroying the black light aside, he could still hold out.

However, he absolutely couldn’t let the black light hit him, or his armor would basically have to be written off.

It was a good thing that the Hulkbuster armor was an external suit with its own independent operating system. Otherwise, it would have been long over for him after the earlier shot.

Luke sent a message: “Get ready. I’m going.” What could Tony say? “Got it.” The Enchantress had to run out of the range of the s.p.a.ce obstruction device. This was her last chance.

It was do or die.

As soon as they spoke, Luke and Tony lunged at the Enchantress at the same time.

Luke quickly gathered his telekinesis and injected it with faith value at the same time.

A beam of golden light shot out at the Enchantress.

Sensing the attack, the Enchantress turned incorporeal again, and the black smoke coalesced into a human form again several meters away. Then… she gave a wretched scream. “Ahhh!”

Under Luke’s control, the golden telekinesis swung around like a whip and hit her.

His telekinesis was very fast, and he instantly locked onto her. The remaining 7,000 or so of faith value in the system were released in a flood.

That was why the Enchantress had screamed.

Compared with bullets or ordinary energy damage, faith value was much more lethal for someone like her who used magic.

Not only did it injure her body, it also attacked her mind.

It was the manifestation of the mental “essence” collected from countless people, and could be considered poison to magic pract.i.tioners.

When the faith-infused telekinesis. .h.i.t the Enchantress, Luke shouted, “Catch!”

The special device on Tony’s right arm had been ready and waiting. At Luke’s shout, Tony immediately pressed the launch b.u.t.ton.

With a bang, a silver cylinder flew at the Enchantress.

It expanded in the air and turned into something that looked like an octopus. It covered the Enchantress and then quickly contracted to wrap around her.

Tony paused before going forward cautiously. “How is it?”

Luke turned his head in surprise. “Isn’t this yours? I don’t know anything about it.”

Tony moved closer and finally saw the Enchantress in the dissipating fog from two meters away.

At that moment, she was lying stiffly on the ground like a fish on sh.o.r.e.

Tony remained vigilant. “That’s not right. I don’t think my interference device has this sort of effect.”

Luke asked, “Exactly what sort of effect should it be?”

Tony said, “She shouldn’t be able to control her limbs…”

Luke interrupted him. “Get to the point.”

Tony coughed and said, “The point is that she can still move, but if she tries to run, she might kick herself, or if she raises her hand, she might slap herself. Either way, she shouldn’t be this docile..”

Luke: “…”

He had some guesses, but seeing that there were still several hundred points of faith value left in the system, he felt that there was no need to waste them. With a thought, he gave them all to the Enchantress.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Enchantress jerked. Tony also seemed to realize something. He looked suspiciously at the light golden telekinesis which pierced the Enchantress’s abdomen. “What’s this? It’s pure energy and has a strange mental fluctuation. Interesting.”

Luke didn’t say anything.

Keep guessing! In any case, don’t expect me to tell you, he murmured inwardly. The tyc.o.o.n’s inspiration for his research was too bizarre. He could come up with something extremely unscientific for no reason.

Other people relied on acc.u.mulated research, but this guy relied on inspiration.

It might take a group of several hundred people several years or decades to solve a problem.

Tony, on the other hand, might wake up with the solution in his head.

There was no way Luke would reveal his trump cards to such a “cheater.”

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