Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1606 Drama Adaptation and Cosplay

Chapter 1606 Drama Adaptation and Cosplay

Selina looked back at the screen. “It’s quite interesting to see the things they make up. For example, this Iron Bones. Haha, isn’t it because Tony Stark didn’t give the production team the rights to use Iron Man? But everybody knows that this is Tony Stark.”

Luke stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth and watched as Iron Bones fought Black Cat on screen, while Batman was practically yelling, “No, stop fighting, both of


What the h.e.l.l was that? Selina had practically never spoken to the tyc.o.o.n when she was Black Cat!

When he glanced at Selina, who was watching the show with great interest, he felt suffocated. Aren’t you an involved party too? Why are you so happy? “Tony didn’t sue the production?” was all he could ask.

Selina didn’t even look away from the screen as she casually said, “No, but according to the news, Pepper is also putting together a production crew to film something on Batman, and has also obtained the rights from the rescue foundation.”

Luke was lost for words. What the h.e.l.l? Was Batman so easy to sell now?

It had to be said that the reason “Batman and Black Cat” was so popular wasn’t just because of Batman’s name. The writer and director had put in a lot of effort.

Whether it was the plot or the art direction, the effects were top-notch. The only flaw was that there were very few special effects.

But that was the outstanding thing about Batman.

Since his debut, the only time Batman used firearms was during the Battle of New York. Most of the time, he either punched people or threw out Bat darts.

These two points in the drama production saved so much money.

In any case, with different camera angles and post-editing, Batman never missed.

The TV station had also taken a lot of real-life footage of Batman, and the fight scenes could be used uncut in the show. They had enough impact and didn’t need special effects.

For a similar reason, the main female lead of the show was undoubtedly Black Cat.

Batman and Black Cat would banter every now and then in the show, and everybody enjoyed it.

From a superhero’s point of view, a typical plot in American dramas was uncovering the ulterior motives behind major events.

Where did this information come from? Weren’t there so many ready-made ones online? All the sh*t could be pinned on financial groups and the government – there was enough to film eight to ten seasons.

Luke and Selina weren’t angry about the show. Apart from being broad-minded, they couldn’t do anything anyway since the rights had been sold.

Well, except for the use of Iron Man. But filming Iron Man’s high-tech battles would burn money every second, plus the production company couldn’t get the rights from Tony Stark, so the director and writer simply came up with Iron Bones.

In an actual battle, there was only one shot of Iron Bones to prove that he was there.

Then, there were fancy special effects to show that he had fired a gun, and he didn’t appear again after that.

Only after the fight was over did the director have the actor playing Iron Bones come out wearing something that looked like exoskeleton armor.

It cost money to make mobile armor, so it basically just stood during the scene and didn’t move.

On Luke’s side, two people and one dog enjoyed themselves as they ate tempura and drank different flavors of j.a.panese soda while they watched this blockbuster drama.

On the other side, the tyc.o.o.n was vexed.

He had said no to the production team at the beginning precisely because he didn’t want to be “slandered” like that.

Who knew how sh*tty they would make him look in this lousy TV drama? How could it possibly bring out Iron Man’s outstanding temperament as a leader?

After the filming was done, Tony realized that he had miscalculated. If he had known, he would’ve sponsored the crew for millions for Iron Man’s special effects.

Now, hearing the name “Iron Bones” made him sick.

Iron Bones wasn’t some rich heir. He was a cyborg, and wasn’t very smart. It was just that he had a powerful a.n.a.lytical ability after fusing with electronic equipment.

However you looked at it, this character wasn’t related to Tony.

But so what?

Basically none of the other Avengers were in the drama – there was only Tony, who was recognized to be Batman’s “friend.”

All the characters in the Bat Squad were present, except that Iron Man had been replaced with Iron Bones.

Who wouldn’t believe that Iron Bones was Iron Man’s replacement?

Since Netflix had bought the rights from the rescue foundation, which was equivalent to obtaining Batman’s approval, Tony couldn’t do anything to this crew.

If he jumped out, it would instead prove that Iron Bones was Iron Man.

There was no way Tony would change his mind and agree to give the rights to these people either.

That was why the tyc.o.o.n had gotten Pepper to put together a plan not long ago – to shoot a better drama.

In any case, the rescue foundation would sell the rights to him as long as the price was right.

Tony didn’t care about money. It didn’t matter if he spent tens of millions or even a hundred million on the first season, as long as Iron Man wasn’t that disgusting Iron Bones.

Hm, then Iron Man would be the lead character. Why else would Tony invest so much in it?

He also had to make Ivan, that b*tch, more of a crack character! Right, and make that lunatic Deadpool more brainless. That would be it! At that moment, the tyc.o.o.n was already modifying the script like crazy in his heart for the newly established production team.

His clone was on a business trip, while life continued apace in America.

The appearance of “Batman and Black Cat” had been inevitable.

Because of the Dark Knight’s appearance, discussions about Batman and this “successor” had become popular recently.

In the end, there were few people who would curse the Dark Knight.

But Batman’s hardcore fans insisted that Batman was better! The Dark Knight was just a less mature “successor.”

A small number of people who fancied good looks stood on the side of the more handsome Dark Knight and started fighting back.

Between these two most extreme groups, there were a lot of neutral parties who would chime in every now and then.

Then, they would be cursed out by fans on both sides.

Naturally, these people weren’t happy, and immediately cursed back.

For a while, it was quite lively on the Internet.

Artemis of the supergirl trio became even more popular.

This girl could be considered a semi-big online streamer. Relying on Luke’s idea of “giving benefits if you don’t have the capability,” she cosplayed various superheroes while carrying out daily activities.

The geeks were overjoyed.

After all, no matter how cool Batman was, he was a metal sh.e.l.l, and couldn’t compare with the fair skin of a girl.

Artemis cosplayed Black Cat, a bikini-clad Iron Woman, Devil Queen Electric Touch, a swimsuit version of Iron Cage King and so on.

These were also all under copyright.

It was only because no rights had been sold for Pink Bear that she had escaped this calamity There were female versions of all the other superheroes.

Tony also hadn’t sold the rights, but he had had a team of dancing girls dressed up in Iron Man colors at Stark Expo – he didn’t care about cosplay.

These were all things Luke heard from Selina. He had never cared about such trivial news.

Looking at the HD photos of Artemis, Luke was lost for words. The three of you are getting revenge on me, right?

Stacy was making eyes at Claire every day, and Artemis was actually exploiting his team’s popularity.

The only one left was Stephanie, who was diligently making money as a singer. She probably wouldn’t “get revenge,” right?

On second thought, he had to admit that it seemed that this had been part of the “lessons” on online streaming which he had given Artemis.

So… was this his own fault?

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