Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1610 Half-real, Half-fake and Twisted Rules

Chapter 1610 Half-real, Half-fake and Twisted Rules

Luke didn’t land on the ground. Instead, he used the armor and the drone to quickly scan the environment around where everyone had gone missing.

Soon, the A.I. in V’s suit sent out a summary: There were no abnormalities.

Everything was as Claire and Gold Nugget had said. There were no signs of human activity on either side of the narrow and abandoned trail, whether it was the cliff or the deep ravine.

Looking at the drones’ live feed of the abandoned town, he frowned.

A hazy fog enveloped the abandoned town; from the images transmitted by the drones, it was like a phantom ghost town.

Luke slowly landed at a corner of the intersection, and a system notification popped up: Entering unknown mental energy field. Unknown mental energy is establis.h.i.+ng a link. Accept?

Luke didn’t immediately make a decision as he flew toward the town.

200 meters up ahead, a gray road sign appeared on the side of the road.

Luke gave it a casual glance: “Silent Hill, South Vale.”

After tagging the location on the map, he continued flying down the small road, and couldn’t help but inwardly curse out the MV director’s obsession with artistry.

There was a highway on the other side, yet the crew just had to take this small road for the sake of getting good shots. In the end, they ran into such a baffling incident.

But that was just a pa.s.sing thought.

According to the system notification, this area was enveloped in an unknown mental energy.

In the end, the crew would have to enter this area, so it didn’t really matter which direction they came from. What happened depended on your luck.

Clearly, it was Stacy who had bad luck.

Thoughts flas.h.i.+ng through his mind, Luke entered the abandoned town.

He activated Elementary Sound Wave and Sharp Nose, and had the drones sweep the area.

There was no one.

This was a completely empty town.

The last bit of dark red light on the horizon shone through the faint white fog and dyed the old, rundown buildings a dark red, making them look like a chopping board that had been soaked in blood.

There were no signs of human activity here.

There was the smell of burning coal in the air, and there was faint white ash everywhere, which slowly fell on his suit and cape.

Luke hovered in the air, deep in thought.

A moment later, he chose “yes” on the system interface.

Instantly, the smell of burning charcoal was ten times stronger, and the originally harmless air clearly became a lot more unhealthy.

At the same time, the white ash in the air, which was originally as fine as sand, increased in size and was now like falling snowflakes.

Luke caught one and examined it. It wasn’t snow, but ash.

He closed his eyes and silently sensed his surroundings for a moment.

Opening his eyes again, he raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Interesting. It’s not an illusion.”

After sensing for a moment, he shook his head. “But it’s not real either.”

As someone with multiple super abilities, Luke had various ways to sense things, and his senses were very keen. Coupled with Tony’s wealth of knowledge, Luke was able to a.n.a.lyze various things scientifically, and immediately sensed that something was wrong with this place.

Currently, sound faded very quickly, and basically disappeared within ten meters.

There was nothing to say about the light here – the thick white ash made it impossible to see anything five meters in front of Luke.

The air was filled with the smell of burning coal, which greatly affected his sense of smell.

What was even stranger was that he had lost contact with all the drones, and there was no signal.

He released a drone, and the guy disappeared five meters away without a trace.

Luke shook his head and released another drone with a simple return setting.

The drone flew into the expanse of white ash and disappeared for a moment before it reappeared.

He sighed.

Although the drones could function, they were restricted to a range of five meters, just like sound and light here.

He could only see and hear within a range of five meters. The drone’s warning and reconnaissance functions were basically useless.

“Interesting,” he murmured. “To actually use mental energy to distort s.p.a.ce and even change the laws of physics.”

With a complicated expression, he sighed again. “Stacy, you got yourself into a real pickle this time!”

Technically speaking, it was Claire’s fault.

However, as long as the crew entered the range of this unknown mental energy, whether they went missing or not would depend on the mood of the master of this half-real, half-fake “world.”

If someone really were to be blamed, it should be the director who had chosen this d*mn place.

What the h.e.l.l had gone through his head?

Venting inwardly, Luke quickly flew up.

The thrusters sent him up almost 100 meters in the air, but a few seconds later, he stopped.

He couldn’t fly up anymore!

There was a barrier here. When Luke approached it, he felt a huge force pus.h.i.+ng him back into this world.

It was clearly a special trap.

It was easy to come in, but you would have to twist the arm of the master of this place to get out.

Luke might be able to force his way out, but what if the master forbade him from entering again after that?

Stacy was still here, and Luke didn’t have much time to sound things out

After trying out a few things, he didn’t waste any more time. He turned on the thrusters and flew swiftly down the road in town.

Less than ten seconds, he realized that the energy consumption for high-speed flight here was completely different.

Just like when he had been in the sky earlier, when he approached a certain speed limit, this s.p.a.ce suppressed further acceleration, and the energy consumption of the arc reactor increased rapidly. He had used up a lot of energy, but couldn’t increase his speed. Clearly, the master of this place had twisted some rules.

Although he had a lot of backup arc reactors, he hadn’t encountered the other party yet, so it was unnecessary to start fighting now.

Thinking that, he unfurled his cape and glided silently through the town, his thrusters firing intermittently.

The town wasn’t big. Luke did a search and soon found something.

The main road was cut off outside the town.

Luke couldn’t see anything from where he was standing at the edge of the break, and there was a bottomless abyss below him.

Luke tossed down a random piece of metal junk from his inventory, and there was no response – it was as if it had been swallowed up by the abyss.

In fact, he could also sense the same sort of restriction in this abyss.

Anyone who wanted to fly out from here would be pressed down by a huge force, and could only fall into the abyss in the end.

After testing this break in the road, Luke stopped paying attention to it and looked at the ground not far away.

A thick layer of white ash covered the ground, and there were faint traces in it that were quickly becoming indiscernible.

These were footprints. Luke quickly locked onto a pair that was similar to the size of Stacy’s feet.

He immediately turned around and followed the three sets of footprints.

Several seconds later, a strange body appeared on the ground 100 meters away. It was wearing a corroded police helmet and a police jacket.

The three footprints split up here.

Stacy and a woman wearing boots were together. It was probably the police officer.

Another set of footprints headed in the other direction.

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