Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1627: Genius Little Brother’s Training

Chapter 1627: Genius Little Brother’s Training

What? Joseph’s last name was Grayson? Luke didn’t care.

Claire’s surname was Vincent, but she was still a valiant fighter.

Even Catherine could beat up two or three hoodlums on her own now. It wouldn’t make sense for her son not to be able to do the same.

There were advantages to being smart.

Joseph, who had an IQ of 140, was really quick to learn how to fight.

He had no interest in exercise, but he didn’t hate learning to fight.

It only took one explanation for him to understand various combat techniques. However, his movements were still short and weak.

That was mainly because he was still too small.

Joseph was eight years old now.

Differences in physique would gradually increase from this point on.

It was quite common for an 11-year-old to look like a 15-year-old.

This also meant that in primary school, the older kids would increasingly use their physical advantage to intimidate others.

Also, the most popular guys in school were the sports kids, followed by those with celebrity-level looks.

A smart nerd was only a little better than a stupid fatty — a stupid fatty got picked on the most, followed by a nerd.

Joseph, who had inherited Catherine’s delicate features, had pretty good looks, but he was still far from relying on his face to make a living.

Without unbelievable looks to protect him, he couldn’t be a complete nerd, and had to be able to fight at the very least.

That was because to school kids, there was no such thing as “nerds who could fight.”

Those who could fight weren’t nerds, but sports kids — at most, there were “sports kids who were good in their studies.”

Changing it around gave it a completely different meaning.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

For example, a rich person with a slovenly manner might still be admired.

However, a slovenly person who suddenly became rich was definitely a nouveau riche.

For students, being able to fight wasn’t a bad thing.

Joseph didn’t have to bully anyone; Luke just needed to make sure that n.o.body dared provoke Joseph.

Luke probed his brother’s intentions, and was even prepared to find a brat whom Joseph didn’t get along with and have Joseph deal with him in front of everybody.

The beauty of using Brazilian jiu-jitsu in a fight between kids was that the other party wouldn’t suffer any physical wounds, and the parents wouldn’t have any excuse to cause trouble.

Although Luke didn’t care about the brat’s parents looking to make trouble, he didn’t want Catherine to find out that he was the one who had egged his brother on.

Joseph had been a good student since he was young.

As for the small matter of pulling aggro with a target, that was absolutely no problem for a highly intelligent and precocious Joseph.

Joseph didn’t dare try anything with Luke since Luke was a lot more experienced than he was — in any case, Luke had been a super brat in his previous life.

Furthermore, when Joseph played with Claire, his head would be pressed down and she would give him a noogie. She would even force him to put on a dress and take photos of him as blackmail material.

A “scholar” really couldn’t compete with a female “barbarian” In the early stages.

It could only be said that n.o.body in this family was stupid.

Since Joseph’s tricks didn’t work at home, he gradually stopped playing them and simply taunted them with his grades.

For example, he often asked Claire how she had done in first grade and second grade, and her expression… would say that he was in need of a thras.h.i.+ng.

Of course, this had no effect on Luke.

If Luke cared about primary school results, that would be a waste of his ident.i.ty as a transmigrator.

Even so, Luke felt that he had to keep an eye on his brother in the future.

It might not be a good thing to be too smart.

Many people would be motivated by stories of what some geniuses were like when they were young, and go on to do a lot of big things.

But n.o.body would tell them that a lot of geniuses didn’t have it good.

Some had high IQs but low EQs, and lived most of their lives in dire straits, like Nikolai Tesla.

Some had mental issues a.s.sociated with their genius, like John Nash, the mathematician who studied game theory; he had severe schizophrenia in his thirties.

Not to mention, this was the Marvel universe.

Not only could geniuses here catch the attention of regular capital groups, they could also be targeted by organizations like Hydra and the High Table.

Luke wasn’t worried about Joseph having low EQ.

This little guy’s EQ had been regulated by his “sincere” brother and violent second sister since he was young.

As for capital groups, there was no need to mention them. His own family had basically joined the ranks of top corporations.

The only thing he couldn’t let this smart kid do was develop some sort of mental disorder.

After Robert’s military retirement, It had taken more than ten years of regular therapy and a peaceful life for his mental state to gradually settle – it hadn’t been an easy process.

Joseph couldn’t be allowed to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Even with Luke’s current abilities, it was impossible for him to permanently treat mental illnesses. Prevention was better than cure.

On the second day of training, Joseph was gasping for breath as he punched a sandbag and chatted with Luke at the same time.

Luke, who had always been strict when it came to training, didn’t stop his brother. Instead, he chatted seriously with him.

A genius was capable of mult.i.tasking.

By “genius” here, he was referring to Joseph.

Luke had to rely on the system cheat in order to handle triple-mode operation. He couldn’t compare with his brother, this little monster who was gifted at mult.i.tasking.

“Can I not go to school? Those guys are so stupid.” Joseph’s expression was very focused as he punched the sandbag.

But he then said something completely unrelated. “That includes Trish and Demi. They look cute, but why are they so stupid? They ask me simple math questions every day.”

Luke, who was enjoying his green tea, was silent. Bro, isn’t this a dangerous thought?

If girls were cute, smart and capable all at once, and didn’t come to bother you, then… what would that have to do with you?

If you had the strengths, you had to accept shortcomings. Perfection didn’t exist.

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “Because you don’t remember the other boys and the ugly girls?”

Joseph had just been about to throw another punch, but when he heard Luke’s reply, he subconsciously pulled back and almost fell.

He stared blankly for a moment before he nodded, deep in thought. “That’s right. Actually, the others also ask me the same type of questions. Wait, why do I remember the girls then?”

Luke chuckled. “That means that you’re a man too. When you look at a girl, you look at her face first.”

Joseph was still at a loss. “What does that have to do with my problem?”

Luke sipped his tea and looked up some things on his phone. “Since girls are stupid, then you can only choose whether they’re pretty or not. As for smart girls, here are some.”

As he spoke, he showed Joseph the photos of certain female scientists on his phone.

Joseph frowned. “How is she a girl? She’s clearly a middle-aged woman.”

Luke shrugged. “Weren’t they girls when they were little?”

Joseph thought for a moment and realized that this logic was flawless. He fell silent.

Luke chuckled and sat him down. “Think about it. Catherine is smarter than Robert, right?”

Joseph subconsciously nodded.

Luke spread his hands. “So, Robert has to listen to Catherine at home. If you had a smart girlfriend, would you be willing to listen to her?”

Joseph subconsciously shook his head. Wouldn’t that be like having a mother?

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