Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1636: The Director Is Dead Again

Chapter 1636: The Director Is Dead Again

When Luke, who was busy near D.C., saw this tortoise-like means of escape, his lips twitched. Tony had been crawling through the sewers just last night, while it was the director’s turn today.

Sure enough, anyone who wanted to be a superhero was destined to become familiar with the dark, wet and narrow sewers.

Fortunately, based on Luke’s investigation in recent months, the sewers in D.C. were much cleaner. After all, D.C. had a far smaller population than New York.

It shouldn’t be too hard to endure.

Nick Fury was injured? Luke could only chuckle at that.

The guy had a Light Dagger and Life 1.

Both were “magical” healing items.

Given the director’s personality, he would definitely keep anything that could save his life on him.

Only when he saw Nick Fury’s head explode on the spot would Luke believe… that the director’s body double was dead.

When they talked about how Nick Fury had been “killed” several times before, Luke had casually asked Phil if it was a body double. There had been no change in Phil’s expression, but his mental fluctuations confirmed it.

In addition, Phil had bought a few pairs of mechanical gloves and nanogloves from Luke.

If Nick Fury didn’t have these on him, he could only blame his bad luck.

Hydra could dream on if they wanted to kill Nick Fury, this master at faking his death.

The only benefit of him was that with the director publicly presumed dead, Hydra could openly take over the highest authority in s.h.i.+ELD.

Roasting the director inwardly, Luke carried on with what he was doing.

He simply sent the news of the attack on Nick Fury to the members of the Bat Squad, including Tony, on a special channel.

When the tyc.o.o.n, who was just as busy, read the news, his face darkened.

Last night, he had informed Nick Fury that Hydra was aiming for the main Helicarrier, and this morning, the guy had been attacked on the streets.

But that was D.C..

In the middle of the morning, a dozen “police cars” and dozens of fully-armed “police officers” were mobilized as they chased the s.h.i.+ELD director’s car on the streets.

Tony could picture how several terrorist organizations were probably stepping out now to claim responsibility.

The incident would then make sense to a lot of people.

After all, it was done by terrorists, who tended not to use their brains.

After a brief contemplation, just like Luke, Tony got back to work.

He had talked to Luke before, and they had a clear division of labor.

Luke would be responsible for the main “military support” during this operation since Tony couldn’t appear directly.

The tyc.o.o.n’s ident.i.ty was too sensitive, unlike Luke, who could switch aliases as he pleased and decry responsibility as a vigilante.

If Tony stuck his nose into s.h.i.+ELD’s muddy waters now, some people might use that as an excuse to attack him.

Whatever he did, he would only be helping to divert attention from the true culprit.

Neither Tony nor Luke were idiots. There was no way they would martyr themselves for Hydra’s sake.

Nick Fury felt the same way.

This guy probably had an escape plan.

A few months was naturally far from enough. More than that, Nick Fury knew that there would never be enough time to completely eradicate Hydra.

With things coming to a head, he decisively gave all of s.h.i.+ELD’s secret resources to Tony.

How much Tony could use would depend on his capabilities.

These resources basically weren’t money, which s.h.i.+ELD had been short of recently, and which Tony didn’t care about.

What Nick Fury gave Tony was top secret intelligence, research information, and mystery items.

Since he had already moved them away, he naturally stayed behind.

There were a lot of things that couldn’t be moved beforehand and which might fall into Hydra’s hands. Nick Fury had Tony play things by ear.

Nick Fury hadn’t come up with this plan on the spur of the moment. He had been preparing for months, and just sent Tony information on these resources.

As for Luke, he naturally didn’t have a share

The bigshot who sold everything might have been able to use the resources, but Nick Fury wasn’t stupid.

Whatever Nick Fury gave to Tony now, he could shamelessly ask the tyc.o.o.n for some back if he needed them.

If he gave them to the bigshot who sold everything, the other party might not necessarily acknowledge the debt.

There was no way Nick Fury would trust a mysterious businessman with an unknown background.

Tony couldn’t run even if he wanted to, and Stark Industries couldn’t disappear instantly.

What Nick Fury didn’t know was that Tony had told Luke about this. He even asked Luke if the bigshot wanted to take some of the resources.

Luke felt regret for a moment, but still refused.

The reason he gave Tony was that the bigshot didn’t like getting mixed up in this sort of troublesome business.

Tony had said, “You’re kidding me.”

Compared with things that consumed a lot of resources, manpower and labor to take away, Luke preferred experience and credit points.

Besides, weren’t Tony’s abilities Luke’s abilities?

Given Tony’s personality, he would definitely take the most valuable items.

Luke only needed to refresh this teammate’s list of abilities to obtain everything.

In the end, he added, “The bigshot said that we can trade for technology and supplies.”

Cutting off the communication, Tony was skeptical, and he couldn’t help but mutter inwardly, What kind of businessman are you?!

The business policy for capital groups had always been about raking in money.

For one thing, it was to present the with a glamorous appearance. For another, it was a way to suppress their compet.i.tors.

But did the bigshot who sold everything need to do this? Obviously not.

This supplier, who enjoyed peak monopoly and placed quality over quant.i.ty, didn’t care about standard business policy at all.

As long as he had “VIP clients” who were willing to trust him, that was enough.

People who believed in certain “genius doctors” or “great masters,” for example, wouldn’t believe anyone who said that they were swindlers.

Mere slander wouldn’t stop these genius doctors or great masters from making money.

But this matter wasn’t so simple.

Less than an hour later, Frank sent another message. “Apparently, Black Egg is dead. The body is in D.C.’s Central Hospital.”

Luke unhurriedly placed a remote-controlled robot in the sewer. “Okay, got it.”

Frank: “Supposedly, he was shot.”

Luke covered the remote-controlled robot with an optical camouflage cape. “Was his head blown up?”

Frank: “If his head was blown up, there would be no way to prove that he was the one who died.”

Luke nodded and said, “So it’s an intact corpse. This can be considered a blessing from G.o.d.”

Frank: “…”

The communication was cut off.

Of course the director wasn’t dead

As the saying went, a scourge lasted a thousand years. Nick Fury could basically be considered a scourge. How could it be so easy for him to die?

Furthermore, based on the deal he made with Tony, it would be a huge problem if he remained “alive” now.

By dying this way, he would be the “righteous” former director who had been by Hydra s.h.i.+ELD.

After this, the fall of s.h.i.+ELD couldn’t be blamed on him.

After all, those who bore responsibility had to be alive in order for the public to beat them up.

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