Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1647: Dead, Just Like That?

Chapter 1647: Dead, Just Like That?

Pierce’s eyes widened. “You… that’s impossible.”

He came back to his senses. He had canceled Nick Fury’s clearance, so it was useless even if this person dug out that black egg’s eye.

What was even more frightening was that this person had used Pierce’s eye to pa.s.s the verification.

This was s.h.i.+ELD’s highest security level, not a movie.

It was impossible to fool the system by wearing contact lenses.

The biometric recognition system would automatically confirm that the eye belonged to a living being, and would conduct a dual DNA and iris verification.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, and his face was full of disbelief. “You… cloned me?”

However, Pierce found it unbelievable. “That’s impossible. I’ve already canceled Nick Fury’s clearance. How can he still have it?”

Luke, who was wearing a black hood over his head, naturally wouldn’t tell Pierce that there was a failsafe in the database. He actually had two clearances, one in each eye.

Nick Fury, who was monitoring the situation, was also dumbfounded.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, the crippled eye under his eyepatch was the first clearance, while the ordinary eye was the secret backup clearance.

Only after the first clearance failed would the second clearance be activated.

In other words, even if someone could clone his genes, and used his intact eye to unlock HQ’s database, they would fail, and an alarm would be triggered.

Once the first clearance was shut down, there was a bigger back door for the second clearance.

Except for the top secret information at the highest level, this second clearance could bypa.s.s defenses and obtain 90% of the cla.s.sified information in the database.

Initially, Nick Fury had planned to take advantage of the chaos to plunder the database.

In the end, Luke used a super disguise to turn one of his clone’s eyeb.a.l.l.s into Black Egg’s, and the other into Pierce’s.

Naturally, it was to save time — he wouldn’t ask Nick about his other eye.

Thanks to that, the database was opened completely.

For a moment, the former director and current director were both a little lost.

Unaware of all that, Natasha got busy.

She wouldn’t make the cla.s.sified information public, but would pa.s.s it on to Nick Fury.

Of course, she didn’t notice that Luke was secretly making a copy.

The system couldn’t protect something as abstract as information, whether there was clearance or not.

Besides, most of the things in this database didn’t belong to Nick Fury nor s.h.i.+ELD, much less to the American government.

Luke had no qualms taking the information.

Seeing that his side had also started to receive the data, he stepped back and let Natasha do whatever she wanted.

He turned around and smiled when he saw Pierce. “Can I kill him now?”

Natasha paused for a moment before she shook her head. “It’s more convenient if he’s alive.”

Luke: “…”

Sure enough, anyone who could survive in this circle was a master at s.h.i.+fting the blame.

However, he still insisted, “Cut off one head, two more will grow. If we don’t cut off this big head, will four more appear?”

Natasha said helplessly, “Did you hear that? What do you think?”

A moment later, it seemed she got a response. She nodded at him. “Okay, kill him if you want. In any case, I can’t stop you.”

Seeing the masked man draw out his gun, Pierce coughed and pointed at the three unconscious council members. “Do you want them to die with me?”

Luke slowly raised his gun and aimed. “For love and justice, for world peace, their sacrifices will be worth it.”

Pierce: “What?”

Natasha: “…”


Pierce slowly looked down at the bullet hole in his chest. His mind was full of questions. This is how I die, just like that? There’s something wrong with this script!

Then, he started to feel dizzy.

His consciousness turned hazy and he mumbled, “So, this is what death is like?”

Even as she paid attention to the data transfer, Natasha looked at John Doe suspiciously. What was wrong with this guy?

Looking at Pierce and John Doe staring at each other just one meter apart, she felt that the atmosphere was weird.

Pierce was already in his seventies or eighties. Even if John was gay, he would have better taste, right? She couldn’t help but swallow bile.

The thought was too stimulating – even as a seasoned female agent, she couldn’t take it.

She couldn’t see that Luke, whose back was to her, had already closed his eyes. His eyes were still moving under his eyelids, which was a sign that his mind was working.

For a moment, one person was busy, and the other stood with his eyes closed. The office fell silent.

Two minutes later, the office door suddenly opened and two people rushed in.

One of them charged at Natasha and the other at Pierce.

They were very fast. Before Natasha could react, a black metal fist was in front of her face.

She raised her hands without hesitation.


Surprise flashed in the eyes of the person who had attacked her. He didn’t stop as he swung his other fist.


The impact forced Natasha back seven to eight steps before she could regain her balance.

The man opposite her was even more surprised. After a brief hesitation, he shook his hand.


A sword about half a meter long popped out of the armor on his right hand. He lunged forward again, and the sword was as fast as lightning as he slashed down.

As Natasha retreated, she dropped her arms.

The una.s.suming mechanical gloves immediately transformed and extended out from her wrists to form a second protective layer over the nanogloves.

The a.s.sailant was too fast. It had only been a second since the man entered the room.

She could only use the flexible nano armor to withstand the two punches from the enemy. She was instantly at a disadvantage, and could only retreat to reduce the impact. Her wrists felt like they were going to break.

But that was all.

The enemy attacked quickly, and Natasha reacted quickly.

Almost instantly, she charged forward. At the same time, she raised her hands as if to stop the next slash of the sword.

The man sneered. Catching a sword? Wasn’t she afraid of being cut in half?

Even as he thought that, two shock devices flew out of her hands.

The man didn’t even have time to dodge before he collapsed, twitching.

After working as Tony’s secretary for a period of time, she had gotten some benefits.

For example, these shock devices that she generally used weren’t just more convenient, but also several times more effective. Ordinary shockproof layers very likely couldn’t stand up to them.

The opponent in front of her was clearly kitted out in metal, and had very ordinary shockproof defenses.

Perfect K.O.!

Natasha took out two more shock devices from her waist. She turned around and saw that the a.s.sailant who had lunged at John Doe was already on the floor.

Surprised, she nevertheless threw the shock devices at the twitching a.s.sailant again.

In any case, the nanosuit’s storage function was pretty big. She had dozens of shock devices on her, so she didn’t need to be frugal.

Instantly, the a.s.sailant twitched even harder — because Natasha had chucked the shock devices close to his groin.

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