Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1689: Goodbye, and Slipping Away to Go Traveling

Chapter 1689: Goodbye, and Slipping Away to Go Traveling

Luke was too lazy to move, but Selina had slept enough and was bursting with energy.

She got up and poked Gold Nugget in the b.u.t.t. “Bring Claire over.”

Gold Nugget turned its head and looked at her as if to say, “What are you talking about?”

Selina pointed. “Go, La.s.sie.”

Gold Nugget was lost for words.

Unfortunately, Selina simply stopped playing the show on her phone and took out a bottle of pa.s.sionfruit juice from the mini-icebox to drink.

In the eyes of the dog head, however, Selina was clearly saying, “If you don’t go, you won’t get any.”

Gold Nugget could only surrender.

It finally realized that Selina was letting herself go a little on this trip.

Rather than let her mess around with it, it was better to let someone else take its place.


Other people naturally couldn’t bully the fiend’s sister, but Selina could. After all, she was Claire’s combat coach.

A moment later, an aggrieved Stacy returned with the dog head.

An exasperated Claire ran around the dog head in circles and told it to let go.

But Gold Nugget firmly bit down on Stacy’s belt and wouldn’t let go no matter how Claire pulled on it.

Luke didn’t say anything and simply closed his eyes, pretending that he didn’t know anything.

Stacy could be considered Claire’s “accomplice,” and Gold Nugget was Selina’s “lackey.” What reason did he have to stop them?

After Claire came over, Selina grabbed her face and squished it. “Are you in need of a thras.h.i.+ng after not training for so long? Come, let your teacher loosen you up.”

Then, there was the sound of laughter.

Luke’s main body simply went into hibernation mode as he used the Level 2 clone to carry out research.

He had taken a rare nap for an hour, and was full of energy right now. How could he not use it up?

Half an hour later, he felt someone poking his belly. He opened his eyes. “Huh? Weren’t you going to go do your own thing?”

Claire pointed at the hotel. “I saw the two of you from there.”

Luke found that odd. “Didn’t you say that you were going to look for your own hotel?”

Claire said, “I’m staying at the same hotel.”

Luke was lost for words. Fine, it was probably because she didn’t want Luke to pay for her.

After all, she was an adult with a girlfriend.

Even if Luke’s family didn’t care, everybody else would still take note.

For example, n.o.body said anything about the money Luke spent to keep his family safe.

But Robert and Catherine had never used the money from the shares that Luke had given them, and still used their own salaries to cover their daily expenses.

Even when it came to Joseph’s school expenses, Grandpa Drax and Luke both chipped in.

In the old man’s words, that was his grandson. However much he wanted to give had nothing to do with anyone else.

Luke had seized on this reason to also fund his little brother’s education.

Thinking that, he sat up and took out a bottle of cherry juice from the fridge. “Okay, what do you want?”

Claire chuckled and put her hands on his shoulders. “Come swim with us, Luke. Did you come to the beach just to sleep?”

Luke went along with it.

He could already tell that it wasn’t just her. Selina and Stacy were also waiting.

A moment later, Gold Nugget was left on the beach to guard everybody’s bags.

As a reward, Claire put a big gla.s.s of ice cream in front of it.

Looking at the four who charged into the ocean, the dog head leisurely took a big lick of ice cream. It was finally quiet.

In the next five days, although the four of them stayed in the same hotel, they only went out to play together once.

After that, it was Claire and Stacy who would come over to say h.e.l.lo, while Luke and Selina would slip away without them noticing.

They were all adults; there was no need to stick together.

Selina whispered to the dog head, “It’s because a certain someone feels uncomfortable watching his sister in a relations.h.i.+p.”

Five days later, Luke and Selina switched to the faces of a certain “goodhearted bigshot” and the “bigshot’s girlfriend,” and boarded the bigshot’s yacht and headed out into the ocean.

In return, the goodhearted bigshot and his capable subordinates were promoted as new residents of s.p.a.ce 2.

The intelligence on this bigshot had been provided by the security company which Rebecca oversaw. Luke had only needed to take one look at the good and evil panel to confirm that this person was so dark red he was almost black.

Compared with when he had to carry out the investigation himself, it was a lot easier now.

With Luke’s financial support and no pressure to make profits, the security company’s feelers now extended throughout South America.

In particular, the company focused on “boss” figures in various major cities.

This was all that the security company did on a daily basis. Otherwise, if they offended the local tyrant, there might be trouble.

But now, it was hard to say who was more likely to get into trouble.

Just like that, Luke, Selina and the dog sailed south.

Once the yacht set sail, Gold Nugget was free.

This wasn’t New York, where it could eat and drink as it pleased. Of course, it had to make up for it now.

Thus, the dog head simply lay like a salted fish in the cabin and ate and watched dramas all day.

Selina was free to enjoy the sun on the top deck; if she lacked anything, Luke and the dog head could get it for her.

In any case, there was a protective screen on the top deck, and n.o.body would be able to see her unless another boat steered close.

Anyway, Luke wouldn’t approach any other boats they might encounter on the ocean.

In this way, two people and one dog sailed along the sh.o.r.eline and stopped to play whenever they found a place with a nice view.

Gold Nugget feasted on whatever seafood they caught. When they saw an island, it would go off to explore the jungle.

The poisonous creepy-crawlies of the tropics couldn’t do anything to the nanosuit at all.

Besides, the symbiote liked eating these sorts of meat high in protein the most.

If Luke was willing to roast it and sprinkle chili flakes and c.u.min or whatever on it, Gold Nugget could eat it for the rest of its life.

That was just how fearless alien foodies were.

On the way, they pa.s.sed by cities like Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires. Luke and Selina would go play for five days to a week, and they spent most of the time purely having fun.

At night, they did some small jobs based on the list of “bosses” from the security company.

In the past month, Luke had acc.u.mulated a tremendous amount of cash and valuable items in his inventory, as well as a huge pile of accounts and secret keys.

Selina didn’t think much of it, but Gold Nugget was very concerned about its own income.

It was a self-employed dog without a salary, and was barely making a living by doing some odd jobs.

Impatient with the dog head’s nagging, Selina finally talked to Luke after they pa.s.sed through Buenos Aires.

If they continued south, there were no other world-famous cities, and Luke’s harvest probably wouldn’t be as big, though he was too lazy to take inventory.

For Gold Nugget’s sake, however, he could only transfer his harvest this time into s.p.a.ce 2 and have Osiris, the A.I. program, use a robot to do a count.

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