Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1702: Your Sister… Too?

Chapter 1702: Your Sister… Too?

Marcos watched dumbly.

Silver table knives shot out in all directions, and the men fell one after another. Marcos definitely no longer had the ridiculous notion that Carol was an ordinary sister.

Even Lorna, this beautiful girl who only occasionally used her superpower to perform “flying tricks,” had turned into a grim reaper.

Two dark gray daggers pierced the throats of the brawny men one after another, preventing them from screaming. They could only fall twitching to the ground.

In just five seconds, more than 20 men had died without even firing 20 shots.

The short fatty, Torres, was still crawling away in fear after a knife Carol threw stabbed him in the thigh.

The table knives in front of Carol were all used up.

She wasn’t very talented at knife-throwing. Even though she trained every day, she only killed ten people with the table knives. The rest were killed by Lorna.

Looking at the gang members who were covered in blood and in their death throes, Carol’s face turned pale.

She now completely understood why the safety rules stipulated that they had to fight regularly.


After not seeing blood for so long, she might throw up right away. How would she be able to fight then?

However, her previous combat training had only involved injuring people at most. This was the first time she had killed so many people in one go, so she still felt very uncomfortable.

Suppressing the urge to vomit, she was about to say something, when her ears suddenly twitched. She grabbed two kitchen knives from the counter and jumped more than a meter high.

Then, she pushed off of the counter and jumped to the side. Her pet.i.te body flipped in the air, and her hands swung out as she landed in a corner.

Two burly men who had just rushed out and fired with their guns felt a shadow brush past them, and their throats turned cold as they collapsed.

Carol flicked the dark red blood off the kitchen knives that she had just used to cut the men’s throats, so that it didn’t flow down the hilts and cause her grip on the knives to become slippery.

Just as the two men collapsed, two more rushed out.

Carol moved to the side and slashed at the back of their necks with the knives. She used the momentum to twist around and throw herself into the hallway.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of gunshots rang out, followed by terrified screams. “Ah, monster!”

“Why can’t you kill her?”

“She’s a monster! Run!”

In the front, Marcos’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He subconsciously looked at Lorna. “Your sister… is also a superhuman?”

Lorna snorted and didn’t answer the question. She rushed into the hallway with the two dark gray daggers.

There were fewer and fewer gunshots in the hallway, and more and more screams.

Apart from the cries of “monster,” there were howls every now and then. “My gun’s jammed.”

“Mine, too.”


Lorna had jammed the springs and pins in the guns, which was the simplest and most efficient way to deal with firearms.

If that didn’t work, she could twist the trigger, the hammer, the clip or other small parts.

It was extremely wasteful to completely crush or twist the other party’s guns. That didn’t make for a sustainable battle, and it would be very easy for the other party to notice the existence of superpowers.

Lorna had just needed to understand the common characteristics of firearms, and dismantle and a.s.semble them multiple times, to determine what could easily cause them to malfunction.

Coupled with her lethal daggers, she could easily deal with dozens of shooters on her own.

Superpowers weren’t scientific, but science could be used to a.n.a.lyze how enemies were killed with superpowers.

Lorna might not be that powerful right now, but even if she could pick up a huge bridge in the future, possessing enough knowledge would enable her to use the smallest amount of strength to achieve the greatest effect.

So, whether or not a person had superpowers, they should study the specialized field that was relevant to them.

That was the power of knowledge.

Marcos was about to chase after them, when he heard Torres cry out behind him, “Save me. I can give you money. A lot of money.”

Stumped, he turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a grizzled beard walk in.

The middle-aged man happened to be blocking Torres’s way, and the terrified Torres subconsciously called for help.

Carol’s knife had pierced a major artery in his leg, and Torres sensed that he was about to lose consciousness.

If he didn’t call for help, he was dead.

So, he subconsciously fought for the last bit of life, and didn’t think about who the other party was at all.

Naturally, it was Luke, who had the face of “Mr. Wilson.”

Looking at Torres at his feet, he thought for a moment before he tore a strip off a tablecloth and tied it around the man’s thigh to stop the blood loss.

Torres screamed and pa.s.sed out from the pain.

Luke didn’t care.

He was saving Torres now to question him later.

Carol had probably thought the same, which was why she hadn’t stabbed him in the face.

But the guy was still going to die after he told Luke everything he knew, and Luke could earn a few hundred points in pa.s.sing.

Too easy.

After dealing with this survivor, Luke walked to the counter and unhurriedly found some coffee powder. He turned on the coffee machine and prepared to make himself a cup of coffee.

Marcos was creeped out. Why did this guy… look so much like some movie hidden boss? Why else would he save Torres?

But Marcos knew Torres’s boss, Ferdinand.

Ferdinand was also a middle-aged man in his forties, but he was Latin American.

Most of the gang members were Latin American.

Marcos had never heard of a Caucasian big boss in these parts.

Thinking that, he slipped into the hallway while Luke was busy with the coffee machine to let Lorna know.

Luke couldn’t be bothered with him.

Even though Lorna was free to fall in love and was a minor candidate whom he hadn’t invested much in, Luke was still unhappy that this boy had cut in so early.

What made him feel helpless was that Marcos was only a light red in the system.

In other words, no one had died at his hands, and he hadn’t committed any serious violent crimes or sold illegal drugs.

Secondly, this guy did have some sense of responsibility.

In front of Torres, Marcos didn’t run off on his own, nor did he show any fear – in that moment, all he thought about was protecting Lorna.

That was why Luke preferred dealing with bad guys – it was simpler.

Selina said in his earpiece, “It’s done. We killed the seven guys who escaped down the hill. Remember to collect them later.”

Luke hummed in response.

Looking at the situation via the drone, Selina couldn’t help but mock, “Hey, your coffee-making skills are very average. Though, hm, your latte art isn’t bad.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “This is acting, got it? Don’t you have meat over there? Why don’t you use it to block your mouth?”

Selina was enlightened. “That’s right, you need to eat snacks when you watch a show.”

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