Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1704: Killing Two Birds with One Stone, Magnanimous Luke

Chapter 1704: Killing Two Birds with One Stone, Magnanimous Luke

What a joke! How could the other party know she was pregnant when she herself didn’t?

Uh, wait. Her period this month… Lorna’s expression changed.

Luke’s lips twitched as he gave a cold and mocking smile. “With this money, your kid won’t have to worry about money anymore, right?”

Lorna’s heart was in a mess, but she subconsciously shook her head.

Luke smiled. “Also, I have to remind you that you owe us a lot of money to begin with, and also this life that you have now.”

Lorna couldn’t say anything.

“This is just a down payment.” Luke stood up. “If you want to use your power for work, we are the only ones you can work for.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his head, touched her fair forehead, and used Mental Hypnosis and Pheromone Control to send her a phone number.

This was a necessary safety measure to ensure that she couldn’t mention this to anyone else.

Stunned, Lorna watched him disappear, and then felt someone tug her hand.


She turned around and saw Carol. “What?”

Carol glanced at the side. “Your boyfriend is here. Don’t tell him about Mr. Wilson or me.”

With that, she brushed past Marcos and returned to her room.

Outside, the young man and woman were silent for a long while.

Two nights later, Luke appeared at the cafe again.

Carol, who had been waiting for him, was only carrying a small suitcase.

Luke looked at her and asked, “Are you ready?”

Carol nodded. “Yes, Mr. Wilson.”

Luke nodded and looked at Lorna. “Is there anything else you want to say?”

Lorna hesitated before she asked in a low voice, “Can… I still keep in touch with Carol?”

Luke said, “In half a year or a year, depending on the progress of her training.”

Lorna was relieved.

Luke spoke again. “You and your boyfriend don’t have to move. This shop can continue operating.”

Lorna: “Huh?”

Luke gestured for Carol to move, and said casually, “I’ve dealt with Ferdinand and his men. As long as your boyfriend doesn’t mess around any longer, n.o.body will bother you.”

With that, he waved his hand and left with Carol.

Lorna still wasn’t in a good mood a few days after Carol left, but she paid attention to the news in Santiago.

In the end, there was no news of Ferdinand. Instead, there was news of a few large-scale gang fights in a certain area.

She showed the news to Marcos, who gave the expected answer. “Isn’t that Ferdinand’s territory?”

Lorna was silent. She recalled how Sentinel Services had never appeared again.

Before, these people would catch up to her and Lorna every now and then.

It was also after Wilson appeared that Sentinel Services disappeared. Had it been “dealt with” in the same way?

Thinking of that indifferent and cold face, she heaved a sigh. Although that poker face was a little scary, it was surprisingly rea.s.suring when it was on her side.

Sitting on the top of the hill, Lorna rubbed her stomach and calmed down. It seems you’ll be able to grow up safely!

On the other side, Luke and Selina were sailing north once more.

After Luke hypnotized Carol, he threw her into s.p.a.ce 2. A day later, his Level 2 clone in New York took her out.

Sneaking her in through his inventory was just that simple.

Luke had already sent her to Texas to undergo full military training at Robert’s private security company.

As for the combat manual, Luke could tailor one for Carol.

He had given Alice similar training before. Both of them had self-healing abilities, and their strength and reflexes were better than that of ordinary people. There wasn’t much of a difference in their combat techniques.

Although Carol didn’t have metal bones or claws, Luke just needed to modify some of the manual’s content.

After training from half a year to a year, Carol would become Catherine’s personal bodyguard and be responsible for helping to protect Joseph and little Cindy.

Carol had always owed Luke a favor. Letting her do it now could be considered paying him back.

She didn’t have much to do most of the time, and spent most of it with the two kids.

Life had been tough for her, and she wouldn’t come into casual contact with outsiders, much less leak any secrets.

As long as she wasn’t stupid, she would make the smart choice between being a “test subject” or a bodyguard.

That way, Luke could equip her with a lot of gear, making her equivalent to a mini Lady Deathstrike.

If there really was an emergency, she would be much stronger than ordinary security guards, as a trained superhuman who wasn’t afraid of death.

Carol actually didn’t have many demands in life, and didn’t care if she lived in Chile or America.

She had wanted to go to Argentina to farm. In Texas, which was vast but spa.r.s.ely populated, her wish came true.

Luke didn’t find it an inconvenience to arrange Carol’s future for her, and he didn’t use his abilities to influence her.

After he explained where she would be going, Carol didn’t refuse, and was even relieved.

Clearly, her relations.h.i.+p with Lorna had been very complicated recently.

It seemed that Lorna no longer needed her now that she had a boyfriend.

Luke’s arrangement gave her a goal to work toward. She just needed to train and then start working.

It was good for Carol, who had no ambitions and was even a little afraid of society.

While Luke was deep in thought, Selina’s voice rang out from the top floor. “Luke, come up and do my back.”

He did as told.

When he went up, Selina was already lying comfortably in a chair with the air of a winner.

It was summer in the southern hemisphere, and Santiago had the most comfortable subtropical Mediterranean climate. Most of the country’s population lived here.

It was a tropical desert climate in the north, and the Atacama Desert in Chile was one of the driest areas in the world.

For a woman who wanted tanned skin and wasn’t afraid of the sun or heat, this couldn’t be any better.

As Luke rubbed on the oil, she said lazily, “Are we giving up on Lorna just like that?”

Luke said, “What else can we do? She lacks the warmth of a family, so the child is very important to her. We can’t let her become a vigilante with a kid.”

Selina naturally understood this, and changed the topic. “What about her boyfriend? You checked out his superpower, right?”

Lorna and Carol didn’t know, but Selina had seen Luke call Marcos out a few nights ago and beat him up at the bottom of the hill.

After that, Luke had given Marcos a “you’re useless” look and said provokingly, “How can you protect Lorna like this? You might even be caught and used to threaten her.”

If Marcos’s heart could be seen, there would have been several fresh big holes in it.

Luke definitely wasn’t taking revenge.

Although Marcos had disrupted his plan, Luke really did just want to know what ability he had.

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