Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1712: Strong Backing and a New Organization

Chapter 1712: Strong Backing and a New Organization

Luke gladly accepted.

He wasn’t short of money, materials, and equipment, and the Pym Particle would absolutely be able to sell on the market, so it wasn’t strange for it to be a little more expensive.

Besides, he naturally had a reason to be so courteous.

He would learn the manufacturing technology for the Pym Particle sooner or later. The finished product would do for now.

If there was a chance of turning Dr. Pym, this cantankerous old man, into a teammate, then the results of subsequent research on the Pym Particle would be a sure thing.

It had to be pointed out that Darren had been Dr. Pym’s best student.

In the end, this pet student obtained Dr. Pym’s research data, but after three years of toil, he still couldn’t even manufacture the Pym Particle on a large scale.

As for the practical use of the Pym Particle, there was even less progress.

This once again proved that not just anyone could play around with top tech.

Dr. Pym had also worked for s.h.i.+ELD twenty years ago, and their glorious achievements were on record in s.h.i.+ELD’s secret files.


The most unbelievable incident was in 1987, when he and his wife intercepted a foreign ballistic missile headed for the United States.

Looking at the information, Luke finally understood why the old man was a dark green philanthropist in the system.

That time, Dr. and Mrs. Pym saved tens of thousands of people.

As for espionage work, they relied mainly on secret infiltration.

Not every spy was 007. It was very rare for them to go on a killing spree at an enemy base.

The main point was that in order to carry out missions, Dr. Pym and his wife shrunk to the size of ants.

Dr. Pym had the codename Ant Man in s.h.i.+ELD, and his wife, Janet, was the Wasp, who could also fly.

The foundation for these achievements was the Pym Particle and the suits which Dr. Pym developed.

Pym’s student, Darren, wanted not only the Pym Particle, but also the method to make this special suit.

That was why the master and student had fallen out.

Back then, s.h.i.+ELD wanted Dr. Pym to hand over the technology, but the latter refused.

At that time, Tony’s father hadn’t died and had a position in s.h.i.+ELD, but the hot-tempered Dr. Pym called Stark a thief.

That was right, Dr. Pym was a super scientist who had dared to argue with Howard Stark, and was now a super stubborn old man.

Luke didn’t think that there were many people in the world who had more reputation than Howard Stark.

It had to be pointed out that results were also important for scientists.

Why did most people take Tony’s “fat cat” behavior for granted? Because his father, Howard, was the “first generation” Stark fat cat.

It could only be said that Tony was indeed Howard’s son. The father and son were really similar.

By the same logic, however famous Tony was now was pretty much how famous Howard had been back then.

Howard didn’t say anything when Dr. Pym dared to point at him and call him a thief.

That was because he had indeed tried to reproduce the Pym Particle in private.

Why? Because he couldn’t create it himself.

Dr. Pym was definitely the inventor of the Pym Particle.

Luke didn’t mind being polite to a top scientist. Was dignity important? Not at all.

He had always had a good att.i.tude toward good people who could provide him with skills and abilities – otherwise, he would really feel apologetic about using their skills later.

If he didn’t strongly back Dr. Pym, how would the old man be able to force Darren into a corner?

Whether or not Darren was protected by the system was another matter.

Luke was very sure that Darren, who was the spokesperson for a capital group, wasn’t someone who abided by the law all the time.

Giving Dr. Pym a little help now might force Darren’s hand sooner.

Luke liked helping people out the most.

After making that first deal with Dr. Pym, the stubborn old man’s initially hostile att.i.tude turned neutral.

Luke surmised that the old man must’ve thought that he was like Howard, who had coveted Dr. Pym’s skills.

Although this was the truth, at the very least, Luke wasn’t coercing him, and he was willing to supply Dr. Pym with what he needed.

It wasn’t like they were enemies.

If Dr. Pym hated every single person who had ever asked him if he was selling the Pym Particle technology, he would already have enemies everywhere.

After sorting out the deal with Dr. Pym, Luke and Selina didn’t waste any more time and flew back to New York.

Two people and one dog returned to their old nest in Clinton.

Little Snail was like a housekeeper and had the cleaning robots clean and air the place every day.

Selina couldn’t wait. “Let’s go see the little turtles tonight.”

Luke naturally had no objections.

The team members had kept in contact for the last six months, but Selina hadn’t fed her four turtles in a long while. She missed them.

Luke just said, “I’ll let everyone know to go to the Bat Cave if they can. It just so happens that the preparations for that matter are almost complete; it’s time to put it on the agenda.”

Selina blinked and got a strange expression on her face. “Whatever you say.”

The smart kitchenware, which had been out of action for a long time, was fired up again to produce a huge pile of cheese pizzas, most of which were blue cheese.

That night, Luke and Selina went to the Bat Cave warehouse in New Jersey.

By the time they arrived, everyone was already sitting in the communal lounge.

Pizzas in hand, Selina went to play with her little pets.

Luke greeted everyone and had Mindy bring out drinks.

Ten minutes later, everybody sat down.

Damon couldn’t help but ask curiously, “Bruce, you said that we’re setting up a new organization?”

Luke put down his coffee and nodded. “That’s right. Only then can we better recruit peripheral members.”

Except for the rookie minors, everybody else was intrigued. They caught the keywords: peripheral members?

Pausing for a moment to give everyone some time to think, Luke then explained, “The Bat Squad still exists, and will be the core of this new organization. The rules are no different from before. However, we’re just individuals. Even if we’re strong and working together, we’re still individuals.”

The veterans immediately understood.

It was like starting a company, the kind which only had two or three people and relied on manual labor – it was completely different from a company with hundreds of people.

Even if the two or three individuals were more outstanding than the hundreds of people combined, there was only so much they could do.

Sure enough, Luke continued, “We’ve reached our current limit in terms of individual combat ability. Without external support, we’ll have to deal with a lot of things ourselves, which will waste everybody’s time. So, we need some support to help us deal with professional matters that don’t require combat ability.”

Everybody nodded in agreement, even the five minors.

It wasn’t a problem for them to take action and fight evil.

However, gathering intelligence, cleaning up the aftermath, handling equipment and supplies, dealing with government forces and so on were a headache.

Even veterans like Frank and Damon didn’t really want to do all that, but they had to.

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