Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1716: Hidden Danger For the Tyc.o.o.n, and Ransacked

Chapter 1716: Hidden Danger For the Tyc.o.o.n, and Ransacked

40 minutes later, Luke drove Jenny’s car out of the phone company’s parking lot.

As she touched up her makeup, Jenny asked anxiously, “Are you sure you can get to Stark Tower before noon?”

Luke stepped on the gas. “Trust me, I’m a pro driver.”

Jenny rolled her eyes.

Was being a pro driver something for a billionaire to be proud of? Which driver who worked for a rich person wasn’t a professional?

If Luke hadn’t said that he would get her there in time, Jenny wouldn’t have let him drive.

At 11:58am, Jenny opened the car door with a pale face. “Don’t wait for me today. Go play on your own. Ugh~”

Luke chuckled. “No problem, Miss CEO.”

Jenny rolled her eyes at him and closed the door.

At that moment, a car stopped behind Luke, and Pepper got out of the backseat.


Watching the two women exchange greetings, Luke smiled and slowly drove away.

His gaze subconsciously lingered on the rearview mirror, and he couldn’t help but compare the interactions between the two women with his meetings with Tony.

He had to admit that the tyc.o.o.n was a little arrogant, rude and cutting, but he was much better at talking up his business than the two women.

Suddenly, he saw a white man in his forties get out of the car at the restaurant entrance.

After the man threw the Lamborghini key to the doorman, he actually… hit on Pepper?

Although his behavior was still within normal range, Luke could see through him.

There was something too forward about his behavior which made Pepper a little uncomfortable.

…Should he tell Tony about this? However, it was easy to destroy a friends.h.i.+p over something like this.

He stopped the car and continued observing the entrance.

Thankfully, Jenny stepped back when the man greeted Pepper.

This overbearing female CEO had been traumatized after she was kidnapped by those drug dealers back then, and was very resistant to strangers getting too close.

Pepper felt a little awkward, but she still forced a smile, said a couple of things, and then quickly left with Jenny.

The middle-aged man smiled faintly and then also went into the restaurant.

Thinking quickly, Luke turned the wheel and drove the car into a parking lot not far away.

A moment later, an ordinary-looking young man walked into the restaurant.

Naturally, it was Luke in disguise.

For the tyc.o.o.n’s sake, he felt that he should help Tony eliminate this hidden danger.

Ahem! So, he really wasn’t here to watch the show. Safety first.

There might really be something wrong with that flashy middle-aged man!

Sitting in a corner of the restaurant, Luke ordered a bunch of dishes and played on his phone.

In fact, he was operating a drone to look for traces of the middle-aged man.

He soon discovered that the guy wasn’t eating with Pepper and Jenny, but with another woman.

Little Snail was already projecting the man’s information onto Luke’s lenses.

The man’s name was Aldrich Killian. He had a PhD in biology and had opened a biotech company called Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM), but that was all.

Luke looked up research papers and tech news, and confirmed that there really wasn’t anything special about AIM.

However, the woman who was having dinner with Killian also had a PhD in biology and was quite famous in the academic world.

This was very normal.

Luke had often had meals with his colleagues when he was a detective. It wasn’t unusual for two doctorate holders to have a meal together.

Secondly, Luke wasn’t surprised that Killian’s name was bright red.

That was inevitable for any scientist who did illegal research.

Let alone an unknown biotech company like AIM, even some famous pharmaceutical companies in America were bright red.

These doctors and researchers deliberately ignored the risks and sold painkillers and prescription drugs on the market. In the system, they were equivalent to big drug dealers.

As for the Food and Drug Administration officials who gave these drugs the green light, they would naturally take up positions at these companies after they retired and earn handsome salaries.

So, the system wouldn’t judge them innocent just because it was legal in America.

After all, America was a peaceful, lawful country. The pharmaceutical giants here were no less influential than arms or financial bigshots.

If Luke specially went looking, he could indeed make a few people disappear or go missing, but it was unrealistic to charge in and kill all of them.

That was the smart thing about capital groups.

They could use the law to legally sell illegal drugs, yet be known as famed philanthropists.

In comparison, the Colombian and Mexican drug dealers weren’t even fit to carry their shoes.

That being said, Luke waited for Jenny and Pepper to finish lunch and confirmed that they were fine before he left.

In any case, it wasn’t a waste of time since it gave him a chance to try a few of the dishes in this restaurant.

Also, this Killian person seemed a little interesting.

Luke wasn’t interested in investigating further. The names on his blacklist would keep him busy for another eight to ten years.

So… he sent Killian’s information to Tony.

The tyc.o.o.n was the victim here. Luke was a tactful person, and naturally wouldn’t meddle in other people’s business.

While Luke was on a leisurely vacation, the door of a cell biology lab at Grayburn University in New York was suddenly pushed open.

Soldiers rushed in and quickly occupied the lab.

The captain walked over to the middle-aged man who was staring at them in surprise. “Dr. Samuel Sterns, right?”

The middle-aged man nodded blankly.

The captain sneered and waved his hand. “Find the relevant items and pack them up.”

Hearing that, Dr. Sterns immediately stood up. “What are you doing? This is my lab.”

The captain pushed him back down. “No, Dr. Sterns. It belongs to us now.”

Thus, the soldiers started moving things out of the lab.

The most important things were the test data and reports, and the test tubes of blood.

In less than ten minutes, the lab was ransacked.

The captain gestured at the last two soldiers. “Go back. I’ll move the rest.”

The two soldiers left without saying anything.

As their footsteps faded, only the captain and Dr. Sterns were left in the lab. It was quiet once more.

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