Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1734: A Desperate Fight and Super Boss

Chapter 1734: A Desperate Fight and Super Boss

The moment the battle began, it entered an intense state of “mutual destruction.”

Tony, however, was unmoved.

In any case, the Bat Squad had only lost androids while the real team members didn’t even have a scratch on them.

Staring at where Killian had landed, Tony fired again.

Boom! A few more oil barrels exploded, kicking up a second fire.

As soon as the explosion happened, Luke suddenly kicked Tony away and used the momentum to retreat.

Boom! The deck exploded, and Killian broke out from where Tony had been.

Because of Luke’s response, Killian’s sneak attack from below failed.

But he wasn’t discouraged at all. He turned around and chased after Tony.

Bang! Zi! Zi! Zi!

Tony fired another plasma ball at Killian.

The orange light on Killian’s body turned bright white, and he raised his hand to shoot out white flames.


The white flames and the plasma ball were both destroyed.

Killian had already reached Tony by then, and he slashed down with a mocking expression.

A glowing white whip spun round from the side, and Tony was suddenly lifted up to avoid Killian’s attack.

Killian’s palm collided with the whip, and he jerked as he was paralyzed by the whip’s electric current.

Ivan, however, cursed and retreated.

The white light on the whip faded, but Killian had already cut off part of it.

Bang! Zi! Zi! Zi!

Tony didn’t panic at being pushed away by Ivan’s electromagnetic repulsion. He seized the opportunity to fire again.

Given the electric shock from the whip, Killian slowed down slightly, and the plasma ball brushed past him and hit his thigh.

His legs were immediately cut off, and he fell onto the deck.

Tony exulted and launched another plasma ball.

At the same time, fire burst out behind Killian, and he flew in an arc in the air at the tyc.o.o.n, who was trying to take him down.

Not good! He had been careless. Tony’s expression changed as he tried to adjust his stance and dodge. However, the burning white figure was already in front of him.

Bang! Thud! Boom!


Three different sounds rang out one after another.

Luke’s voice rang out not far below Tony as he drew his hand back and examined it carefully.

He had been the one to smack Killian on the back of the head.

Using a “chi” layer over his hand and his extreme speed, he successfully sent Killian flying, and even had the time to check the damage to his glove.

Extremis was truly terrifyingly lethal.

It was a good thing that only he and the tyc.o.o.n had come in person this time, or it would be hard to say how many people would be injured.

As Luke was thinking that, Killian charged out of the s.h.i.+p’s hold once more.

Not only had his legs regenerated, they also burst with flames as he charged at Luke.

Luke narrowed his eyes. Not only did the virus have swift regenerative properties, it could also be used as a propulsion system? As expected of someone who had achieved the third stage of Project Extremis.

Tony, who had been ready and waiting on the side, immediately fired again.

This time, Killian didn’t dodge. He raised his arms, and a huge white light beam swept out to tear through the plasma ball and sweep out at Luke.

Tony couldn’t help but cry out, “Watch out.”

Luke, however, simply said, “A child’s trick.”

The moment the word “child” left his mouth, he suddenly lunged forward and slapped down on the back of Killian’s head, causing the man to flip 180 degrees.

The sound of fists and feet hitting flesh rang out.

Countless punches and kicks left huge holes in Killian’s back.

Killian, however, didn’t wait to be killed. He continued to shoot white light from his hands, but it missed Luke by just a hair’s breadth each time.

Compared with Luke’s speed in the air, this guy was as clumsy as a pig struggling to fly.

Just like that, the two of them crashed onto the deck.

Five seconds later, Luke flew out with a swoosh and warned, “Retreat. The oil below is going to blow.”


A series of explosions rang out from inside the s.h.i.+p. Huge flames broke through the deck and raised parts of the hull.

Splinter’s crippled robot couldn’t escape in time and was overwhelmed by the flames. It quickly shorted out and went offline.

Frank and Ivan were far away, and were quicker to retreat.

Tony had already flown into the sky, and Mindy had run off a few kilometers with Ellis, and wasn’t affected.

A bright white figure charged out from under the deck. As if drawn out by a magnet, a huge fire cloud charged into the air.

Luke, whose cape was ragged and whose armor had melted and warped in many places, was the target of this monstrous blaze.

Luke, however, smiled with bright eyes. “You can do that?”

He hadn’t expected Killian to be this good.

But so what?

In any case, this was just a Level 1 clone. He would probably be able to recoup his losses after killing Killian and his subordinates.

It wasn’t easy to find an opponent who could fight a good battle.

Well, Blonsky didn’t count. His weaknesses were too obvious.

Killian, on the other hand, was an “elemental” boss who could fly.

Perhaps the only thing weak about him was his defensive capability, but he could regenerate quickly.

If this were a big city like New York, Luke wouldn’t dare fight Killian.

However, this was an empty dock, and Killian had sent the dock patrol away before doing anything. It was the perfect battlefield.

Excited, Luke turned around in the air and swooped down at Killian.

Turning Annihilation into a blade buffed with credit-enhanced Telekinesis, he had nothing to fear.

In the eyes of his scattered team members, he was like a small shooting star that glowed with a faint golden light as he shot down at an enormous fire dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the golden meteor disappeared inside the fire dragon, as if it had been completely swallowed up.

Killian was feeling differently inside the fire dragon.

As he charged forward, he saw the orange fire in front of him suddenly split open.

Then, the white flames he spat out were quickly cut apart by an invisible blade.

No matter how fast he spat out the white flames, he couldn’t beat back this brute force.

Like wood cut in half by an ax, the white flames were cut and broken up.

The golden light grew bigger and bigger until it filled his entire vision in less than a second.

Terrified, Killian roared and dodged to the side. At the same time, his arms flashed with white light and exploded with a loud bang.

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